Status: As of OCT 2014 still working. *_^ I will continue to work on this until I have finished it. Sorry for making you all wait, but I refuse to write a fast chapter, not giving it the attention it deserves.

Her Mystic Bodyguard


You grumbled a bit as you stirred in the bed. Slowly you opened your eyes and your heart skipped a beat as you looked around. The red silk covers, the two lanterns hanging by either side of the bed. It wasn't possible was it? Could you of been dreaming all that had transpired? You went to sit up and a slight pain signaled in your thigh. You sighed a breath of relief; it hadn’t been a dream then. You threw the covers back and stood. The pain in your thigh wasn’t as bad as you thought it might be, but it was still tender and you took it slow as you made your way to the wardrobe. You heard the door behind you open and you didn’t look back.

“I’m fine, I don’t need any help thank you.”

“I’m glad you are okay. I can see that you are just as stubborn as usual.”

Huh that voice. You turned around to see a pair of beautiful jade eyes smiling at you.


She gave you a big smile and daintily made her way to you. Your mouth widened in a grin of happiness and you patiently waited for her to make her way to you. As soon as she got close enough she gave you a long embrace.

“I am so glad you are safe. I was worried that something had happened to you. Where have you been all this time?”

You sighed and pulled away, sitting on the bed you pulled her down to sit next to you.

“Well I left for some complicated reasons,”

Were they really that complicated? Sesshomaru was being a jerk, that was the reason. However Sesshomaru had been a jerk from the beginning so the real reason was that it bothered you that he was treating you like a jerk, you knew this was due to something and you blushed as you remembered the fevered kiss you two had shared…

“Anyways I departed and was able to find myself work as a bodyguard,”

You left out the details of the garish wardrobe and harem like cast.

“I was doing work when I caught suspicion of a demon who provided supernatural protection to men for the price of children. It just so happened that two of those children who were to be sacrificed were in my care so I took them some place and in doing so was tracked by two demons who attacked me, I was hit with a poison and I was saved by that odd pair…”

“You mean Inuyasha and Kagome?”

“Inuyasha? Isn’t that Sesshomaru’s half brother?”

Sayomi nodded her head and mmmed. You didn’t remember all the details quite well but you were positive that Sesshomaru and Inuyasha really weren’t fond of speaking to each other. You got up and moved to the wardrobe. The soft rustle of silk behind you let you know that Sayomi had gotten up after you. She placed herself in front of you and gracefully rummaged through the kimonos. You smiled, only someone like Sayomi could rummage gracefully. In an instant she had pulled free a simple white kimono with delicate cherry blossom detailing. She helped you put it on and then she fixed your hair up, securing it with a Kanzashi that had white and pink flowers that flowed down your right side. As she finished up you asked her why Inuyahsa and Kagome were here.

“Well I think they were bringing you back. Also they said something about a demon being after Rin.”

Your heart jumped.

“What? Some demon is after Rin?”

You didn’t wait for Sayomi to finish her preening and you stood up, admittedly the pain in your thigh gave a slight protest but you pushed it aside.

“Sayomi do you know if they are still here?”

She nodded her head.

“They are in the banquet room, discussing it with Sesshomaru.”

You waited no more and set out for the well remembered hall. You slid the door open to the room and 3 pairs of eyes turned to you, you dared not look into the cold set of gold ones. The girl known as Kagome smiled at you.

“Oh good, I see you are feeling better.”

“Yes thank you.”

You found your way to the table and managed to sit down without causing yourself too much pain. Kagome was to your right, Inuyasha to her’s and the passive Demon lord was to Inuyasha’s right, at the head of the table.

“I was told that you had information regarding Rin, something about some demon hunting her?”

It was at this moment that he spoke.

“If you remember Rin is no more your concern. Since you are well now you may leave, please do so without seeing Rin, I do not want her upset.”

Anger seethed in your gut. How dare he? You narrowed your eyes at the Youkai. You wanted to say something, something sharp and cutting, you wanted to wound this emotionless thing in some way, but nothing came to your lips. You could discern nothing in his eyes, and that was just how they made you feel, like nothing. You stood, still regarding him with anger. Without taking your eyes of Sesshomaru you said,

“Thank you Inuyasha and Kagome. I hope someday we meet again.”

If they replied you did not hear. You were too caught up in the emotion clotting your person. You left the room and your feet walked the path to a certain little girl’s room.

~With Sesshomaru~

Before the door even slid open to reveal her, Sesshomaru could smell her. The scent grew stronger as she emerged from behind the screen, wearing a white kimono that highlighted her in a simple way. His blood moved in a way that angered him and he had to look away momentarily to regain composure. She took a seat and he noticed that she favored her thigh where she had been wounded. Kagome greeted her and still he watched, the flowers from the Kansazhi swaying slightly as she settled, they emanated a slight tinkling sound as they touched each other. ________ inquired about the demon searching for Rin and he felt that this would be the time to stop any foolhardy thoughts on her part. He reminded her that Rin was no longer in her care and hinted that he would prefer it if she left as soon as possible, not just for Rin’s welfare but his own he noticed with annoyance. For the first time since entering the room her eyes met his. He almost sighed with some sort of aching in him, even the look in them was pure scathing hate they still held this light that he remembered……. Mentally he gritted his teeth, his anger was rising, she needed to leave now, here mere presence having only been here a short time was already having an effect on him. Gratefully she rose to go and he almost felt like stopping her, almost.