Status: As of OCT 2014 still working. *_^ I will continue to work on this until I have finished it. Sorry for making you all wait, but I refuse to write a fast chapter, not giving it the attention it deserves.

Her Mystic Bodyguard



~*~With Sesshomaru~*~

After handing Rin off to Inuyasha and Kagome he made his way deeper into the forest, towards her scent, and
with a frown towards the increasing smell of her blood. She came into sight, already on the ground and he exclaimed
'foolishness'. Would she never learn? He saw the demon, it's visage still held some of _________'s features. It snarled at
him and charged, he pulled Tokijin from it's sheath and then replaced it, the demon disappearing in a howl of agony.

"Heh. Not even worth my time."

Sesshomaru stared down at __________. He placed a hand on Tenseiga, but he knew if she died he wouldn't be able to
revive her, visions of her covered in blood and snow came to his mind. He brought himself closer to her, her chest still
rose slightly. He wiped away some of the blood on her face. Damn her! Damn her for being human! He cursed to
the heavens and then in a quiter tone remarked,

"Damn everything. I understand now."

~*~ With You~*~

It was so easy for him, with one stroke, the same stroke used to remove his blade, he had dispatched that demon.
Sesshomaru was so powerful, you knew that, but somehow it didn't seem fair. You tried to keep your eyes open but
it was too much effort. You were surprised when you felt him near you, and had you the energy you would have
blushed as he wiped away some of the blood. He started cursing, and then he stated that he understood. Huh?
Understood what? What is he talking about?
You could no longer feel the hard ground beneath your back, instead
your body felt warmth, and hair was tickling your face. Is he holding me?!? You managed to open your eyes a bit
and an almost silent 'oh' escaped from your lips. His face was so close, his eyes were closed but then they started to

"Your so frail and weak, but even then your stronger than most humans. Tenseiga cannot save you but you can hold on
even just a little longer........"


"Rin would be devastated if you died."

"I'll try to hold on....... For Rin."

He looked at you and you smiled before going unconscious.