Status: As of OCT 2014 still working. *_^ I will continue to work on this until I have finished it. Sorry for making you all wait, but I refuse to write a fast chapter, not giving it the attention it deserves.

Her Mystic Bodyguard


Your eyes widened, would Sesshomaru actually whip you? You waited, your back stinging with pain.



The whip assaulted your flesh again, criss crossing over the previous cuts.


Tears began to spring from your eyes as the new whips barraged you.


You began to wail with pain and blood dribbled from your mouth. It's metallic taste on your tongue.


You must've looked something pitiful, because snot soon joined the fray, leaking from your nose.


Your knees wobbled again and blood trickled freely down your back, and you felt it run down your legs.


You grunted, your misery was doubled and tears and snot and blood still ran down your face, your vision became blurry from the tears and pain.


You wailed again, you could hear some of the crowd's disapproving gasps and murmurs.


Your knees did buckle this time and the only thing keeping you up was the fact that your hands were tied to the post. You could feel each individual cut, how it throbbed with pain and you continued to wail with torment.


Your back was a bloody mess, it shone crimson and you could feel the wetness of it all over your backside.


You screamed bloody mary and then your vision went black and you shut your eyes, tasting salt, blood and snot.

***Third Person P.O.V***

Sesshomaru dropped the whip and the Northern Lord had a slimy smile on his face as he saw her body, her whole back side blood stained. The lord called for his servants to untie her but a throng of people surrounded her unconscious body. A man stepped forward.

"She goes no where you want. This girl is right, your son was a rapist, he raped my wife!"

The lord quickly became angered.

"How dare you spout such lies! Do you wish to be whipped as well?"

"He's not lying! My little Myuki was raped by your perverted son too!"

"And my daughter!"

"My niece!"

"My best friend!"

Soon many voices joined in the rally and the lord's face paled. The man had a smirk on his face,

"So are you going to whip all of us?"

"What does it matter? Even if that filth is the truth then you let your heroine be beaten for nothing, you stood up a little too late!"

The man shook his head and turned around, the guards did nothing, because some of them actually agreed with the mob. The man went to the center of the circle and wrapped the girl's battered body in his cloak and he carried her away, to heal in his home. But he was stopped by the demon lord.

"This girl is mine, she belongs to me."

"No human life is your property mi'lord, and I think this girl will agree with me after that."

The youkai looked down at this mortal, nothing showed on his face and he simply held out his arms.

"I will only tell you this once more, hand her over if you value your life."

"Why is she so important? Leave this poor girl alone!"

"Don't be a fool, she isn't important to me."

"Then why?"

When the demon said nothing the man sighed, but handed the girl's limp body to him. Quickly the dog demon vanished.

***With Sesshomaru***

Sesshomaru went to _____'s room, and carefully laid her down on her stomach. His hands were covered in her blood and he frowned, he called for a maid and told her to bring lots of water, towels, herbs, and bandages. She left and Sesshomaru stared at her body, amazed that her weak female body had withstood that carnage. The maid returned and laid the items down then left. Sesshomaru sighed and peeled the cloak off her body. He dipped a towel in the water and wrung it out, then he started to wash her back. He wasn't gentle and that showed on her face. He finished washing her back, it was red-sore, the gash's looked nasty and most were deep, when they healed she would have scars, that much was certain. Sesshomaru laid the towel down and rubbed the poultice into her wounds, smearing it over the cuts, it was a good thing that she was out cold, but when she woke up she was going to be in another world of pain. Sesshomaru grabbed the bandages and wrapped her body up. He stared at his claws again, and quickly washed off her filth, he got up and left the room, he found the maid and told her to watch the girl and that if anything changed, if she thought she was slipping, to immediately come find him. After that he set off to find Rin, he needed to make sure she didn't find see ______ in that state, he didn't feel like explaining why she was like that.

Sesshomaru was sleeping in his rooms when the maid knocked called his name through the doors.


"I thought you would like to know that she is awake my lord."

"Fine, is that all?"

"Uhh yes."


Sesshomaru sighed and put his sword back down, she wasn't dead and he could sleep.

***Your P.O.V***

You awoke and pain invaded your body. You whimpered and you heard the door slide open a maid knelled down and looked at you.

"Would you like something for your pain?"

You stopped focusing on the pain and realized you had been cleaned and bandaged, but who ever did it didn't bother to clean your face, dried blood and snot stuck to your face and you felt crusted blood on your thighs and lower body.

"I'd like some water and a towel and yes something for the pain too."

The maid nodded and scuttled off, she came back and dipped the towel in the water, she knew why and she cleansed your face and thighs, and then she mixed some powder in sake and gave it to you.

"You'll be sound asleep in no time, I couldn't find anything for the pain, but in the morning I'll have something for you."

You drank it and your vision swam, she wasn't kidding.


You heard birds chirping and you lazily opened your eyes, you were still on your stomach and being in that position for so long you felt sore. You brought your right arm up but that was a mistake, it moved the skin on your back and you screamed. The door to your room immediately flung open and the maid came in.

"Ohh your awake! Alright here eat this!"

You grabbed a plant from her and started munching, it slid down your dry throat and you waited for the pain to numb, miraculously it did and you told the maid to help you up. She looked at you.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes damn it! I can't stand being in that position any longer! Now help me."

She nodded her head and helped you up.

"We need to change those bandages....."

"Later, right now take me to Sesshomaru's rooms."

The maid gasped and you gave her that look that said, 'if you don't take me there now, I don't care how much pain I'll be in I'll beat you', she helped you along and the two of you struggled to his damn room.

When you got there the door slide open and the dog lord stared down at the sight. Your lip curled back and you were pissed at the how pathetic the situation most look to him.

"I quit being Rin's bodyguard. I love that kid, but I can't stand you."

Sesshomaru stared dispassionately at you.

"You can't."

"The hell I can't! I won't stand this!"

The maid winced as you actually screamed at the demon lord, she cowered, waiting for Sesshomaru to strike you guys down after your senseless words.

"You have no where to go, trust me your worst off out there. *His nose twitched* And you better get those bandages changed, you reek"

With that he slid the door shut and you screamed. Bastard! Of course you shouted it in your head, you didn't dare scream it as his arrogant face, the maid opened her mouth and you growled.

"Yes back to my room and change my damn bandages."

The two of you shuffled back and you seethed with anger.


You stayed at the castle until you were able to travel, and even then your back was still sore, the skin had started to mend but it left ugly welts, at least in your opinion and you told Sesshomaru you would need a new kimono, he didn't reply and instead dropped a bag of coins in your hand. You stalked off to find a kimono shop and as you left the castle Rin caught up to you.



"Where have you been?

"I've been uhh, taking care of some other things."

"Ohh, ____-chan what happened to your kimono?"

"It was old, so I'm off to get a new one!"

"Can I come?"

"I don't see why not."


You two preceded and found the kimono shop fairly quickly, you walked into the medium sized hut and a tall waifish woman appeared.

"Good day, who will be receiving a lovely kimono today? You or your child, or both?"

"Ohh I'll be needing one."

You didn't mention that Rin wasn't yours, you felt like the kid was, or at least like she was your little sister, you loved her like that.

"Very well, come with me and we'll get some measurements and then we'll try out kimonos."

The woman glided to Rin and produced some candy for her, Rin squealed with delight and took the candy and sat down, you knew that would keep her settled. The woman quickly took your size and then stepped back.

"So what's this kimono for? A festival, around the home, ceremony?"

"I just need an everyday kimono, something that can withstand traveling and something that allows me freedom to fight."

An elegant brow arched and she merely nodded.

"Wait here."

She left and ten minutes came back with a many different kimonos, she help up the first one, it was acid green with obnoxious blue hues and before she could get it on you pushed it away.

"It's durable......."

"It's hideous."

She nodded her head and held up another, it was purple and had black vines, but the end of it barely covered your ass.

"You not serious are you?"

"It allows for quite a bit of movement."

"I'm not a prostitute!"

You took it off and she produced another, it was brown and so huge.

"You can wander for a long time in this..."


You left eye twitched, what the hell was wrong with this woman?

"Ahh well then maybe this."

She refused to let you see it and instead put it on you first, as she put it on you noticed the colors and the flow of the fabric you turned to a mirror and was astounded it was perfect! The sleeves hung loosely but they moved with your arms, and if you practiced you would in time be able to fight without the sleeves interfering, the kimono was just high enough, coming mid thigh, and it came with an obi that had two long ends that flowed behind you when tied. As for the color it was perfect, a creamy light sky blue, with dips of silver in all the right places, the obi was a darker blue and had gold detailing, it's ends started out the dark color and then the color got lighter, fading all the way to the ends that were white.

"I'll take it!"

The woman smiled and held up a finger, she turned around, rummaging in a box then turned to face you again, she had a hair ornament in her hand, it was a simple flower with one string that traveled down quite a bit, the flower was a lilac purple and had a white bud inside, from that bud the ornaments attached to the string were a dusty rose pink.

"That's alright, I don't need that finery."

"No, no, please I want you to have it, free of charge."


The womans features lit up as she placed the accessory in your hair, from the corner of your eye you could see it's attachments dangling.

"It fits you."

You smiled at her and went to work putting on your sandals. You paid the lady and stepped out into the outer part of the shop where Rin was licking her fingers, she turned her brown eyes to you and they opened wide.

"Ohhh _____-chan! You look so beautiful!"

"Thanks Rin come on."

You smooshed the bag that held the gold into as tight a ball as you could and then you placed it in your cleavage, it was yours now, Sesshomaru didn't ask for the change, and besides you wouldn't of gave it to him anyways, the bastard. As you stepped into the streets the town seemed unusually active, the dirt path running through town was filled with activity and many merchants had their wares out, it must be a sale day. Rin of course was excited and she began to run to a stall, you caught her by the back of her checkered kimono.


"It's all right, we'll have a look around but hold my hand, and don't run off, got it?"

Her eyes sparkled and she grabbed your hand, leading you to the stall. As you approached you saw the merchant had items out, the items in questions were rounded and polished sticks with a paper like arms attached around it, and they moved in a circle when the wind blew, creating an eye catching pattern.

"So pretty......."

Rin's eyes stared wondrously at them and you asked the man how much for one.

"It's a fabulous day! You know what I'll give that darling one for free!"

He plucked one down and handed it to her with a grandfatherly smile.

"Ohh thank you!"

"No problem dear child, my wife makes these, pin wheels we call them, enjoy it."

You smiled and thanked the man as Rin led you to another stall, laughing. You two spent most of the afternoon there, marveling at how festive the town was even though it wasn't a festival day. You bought lunch, browsed around some more and then decided it would be best to head back, before you did you bough Rin a necklace, it was a simple thing of beads and string but Rin treasured it and thanked you as you left. Rin still held your hand as you two traveled back to your camp site.

"Did you see that funny man ______-chan? He was........."

You half listened to Rin as she jumbled on about the day then another voice cut through the clearing, this one cold.

"Rin go with Jaken."

"Yes Lord Sesshomaru."

Her hand left yours as she went to stand next to Jaken, the pair walked off, you looked to Sesshomaru who stared down at you.

"Where were you two?"

"I went to get my kimono........"

"You weren't supposed to take Rin."

"Why not? Isn't she my charge? Isn't she........."

"Never take Rin without telling me, this is a warning, don't do it again."

He turned on his heel and walked away from you. You felt like pulling your hair out, what the hell was wrong with this guy?


You let out angrily, Sesshomaru stopped but didn't turn around.

"Your so condescending! I can't take it What did I ever do to you? You could show me a little respect!"

As soon as the words flew from your lips you regretted them Sesshomaru slowly turned back to you, his eyes now holding an emotion in them, though not one you wanted to see turned on you.

"Respect? Your nothing but a woman, and a human one at that, your not worthy of any respect, you have two uses in this world only, to pleasure men and conceive, nothing more. Your weak, a hindrance and always need saving, nothing you do is respectable."

"Your wrong........your wrong........your wrong!!!"

It started as a whisper then it got louder as you yelled at him.

"Am I? Who saved you from Naraku? Who bought those clothes you wear now?......"

"Ohh yes you saved me from Naraku, but I saved Rin, you OWED me, as for the clothes, if you hadn't whipped me I wouldn't need new ones, again, you OWED me! I don't need you Sesshomaru!"

" Your pathetic, those demons you fought were all mediocre and I could've killed them with a swat of my hand, yet they almost killed you, your hopeless and you will always need someone, it's just your way."

"Just my way? Just my way, or the way of human women? Tell me Sesshomaru what happens when Rin gets older?"

You thought you saw something flicker in his eyes but it was so brief you couldn't be sure. The youkai remained silent as he stared at you. Had you finally hit a nerve, or at least a touchy issue?

"She won't stay like that for ever, she's already eight, what happens when she becomes a woman? A beautiful young woman with wants and needs, tell me Sesshomaru how do you plan on taking care of that? You seem to despise humans so when Rin finally matures will you throw her out? Will you take your pleasure from her as that is the only thing she can give you and will you cast her aside? Is that what your doing? Priming her up for that night you take her innocence?................"

Sesshomaru was so quick as he closed the distance between you two, you were off the ground, your feet dangling uselessly beneath you, Sesshomaru's claws digging into your neck as he squeezed, you had your hands on his forearms trying to loosen yourself, but it was pointless and you stared into his eyes, they were narrowed and no longer their golden brilliance but a blood red and you were beyond scared.


You clawed at his arm and tried to say his name but it was pointless and he squeezed. Your head got lighter and you the edges of your eyes went black, this was it this is how you were gonna die.............


You hit the cold ground and sucked in air, Sesshomaru was still standing above you and you continued to breath in as much air as possible. Okay so that was a bad note to hit, got it,

"Never assume to think such a thing again."

"Why if it's..........." the truth you finished in your head, you massaged your neck, you weren't going to go through that again. You shakily got to your feet, your vision swimming for a brief second, when it focused Sesshomaru had his back turned towards you again. Yeah 'cause this isn't awkward.

"I'm sorry, I had no right to say that, how stupid of me."

"Hn, it's just your nature."

Damn it! I just apologized to this guy and he shot it back in my face! Jeez what'll take to satisfy this demon lord? Hhh well two can play this game.

You walked until you were in front of him, he just looked ahead and you dropped to your knees and bowed your head.

"Your right Sesshomaru, forgive my idiotic nature."

Sesshomaru's head came down as he stared at you prone in front of him, if he was bewildered he didn't show it, and when you said that sentence you made sure you didn't say 'my lord' you were going to be adamant about that aspect, you would show him every thing of a subservient servant, except that, you wondered if it would irk him, and if it did how long would it take to show? You heard the sound of gravel and dirt shifting, but you kept your head down and you felt Sesshomaru walk past you. You waited until his sound was distant and you smirked as you got up, oblivious to the fact that Sesshomaru had stared at you while you were bent over and bowed down. Your new goal was to break the mighty youkai, or crack him at least.