Status: As of OCT 2014 still working. *_^ I will continue to work on this until I have finished it. Sorry for making you all wait, but I refuse to write a fast chapter, not giving it the attention it deserves.

Her Mystic Bodyguard


As you made your way through the old castle many thoughts swirled through your mind. First and foremost was the threat to Rin, this demon had learned of Rin's life being saved through the magic of Tenseiga and now he thought she was the ultimate sacrifice, the one child who would bring him everlasting life and spare him from ever being defeated, a nice shortcut past the one million. You kept your head down as you walked, deep in thought, servants danced by you as another thought crept into your mind. Sesshomaru had saved me. And what was it he had said? That he understood? You tried to think of things that he understood, but none of them would make any sense.


You looked up at your name and saw Rin's tiny figure standing in front of you, she had a big smile and you smiled back, bending down as she rushed towards you. You encompassed her in hug and she squeezed back, she pulled back and presented you with a scroll of paper.

"Now what is this?"

You asked as you took it from her outstretched hand. Somehow Rin had managed to get a hold of paint and she had done a portrait, standing on a field of green were you, dressed in your Kimono that you had bought at the festival next to you was Rin holding her pin wheel, next to her was a tall man with long white hair and his unmistakable white fur covering. Off to the side of Sesshomaru was Jaken, wearing an expression of happiness, one you had never seen on the imp. Standing off to your side was Ah-Un, the heads happily grazing at the painted grass. You gave her a big smile and thanked her.

"Now Rin where did you get the paint, and this scroll to paint this beautiful scene for me?"

"The paint was easy, when Master Sesshomaru learned I like to paint he had lots ordered for me, as for the paper well Master Sesshomaru ordered lots of that too, just not enough so I had to borrow this one from Master Jaken."

Your eyebrows shot up and you turned the scroll over, noticing the writing on the other side, then you heard a yelp as Jaken appeared around the corner.

"Rin!!!!! Why you little-"

He was shrieking as he did his best to run to Rin, who hid behind you as you stood up. Jaken stopped in front of you and you smiled down at him.

"Jaken, how can I help you? Rin was just showing me the lovely picture she had painted for me with the paper you so considerately loaned her."

"Loaned! Why I did no such thing!"

He sputtered, as he continued to do so you spoke out.

"That was very kind of you Jaken, I'm sure Sesshomaru will also think so."

Jaken stopped muttering and looked down, thinking about what you said. With a lowered voice he replied,

"Yes I suppose Lord Sesshomaru would....oh but it was a most important scroll.."

"Come Rin, lets go."

Rin took your hand and you left Jaken talking to himself.


You had dropped Rin off in her room, telling her you needed some time to think about things and that you would see her at Dinner. As you wound your way to your room you stopped a servant and asked her to find Kagome and bring her to your room. Once in your room you hung the painting from Rin on your wall, next to your sword stand. Turning around you noticed Kagome standing in the doorway and you motioned her inside.

"How are you feeling?"

"Much better, your healing prowess is well deserved Priestess."

Kagome blushed and said it was nothing then asked what you wanted to see her about.

"Well I was reading about our problem Yoyokuza, did you know that if he eats one million children he will become invincible?"

Kagome's face showed great concern at this new revelation.

"I think that he is thinking if he steals Rin's soul he can bypass all of this, an easier route to his problem."

"That's horrible, I wonder how many he has consumed already. With the restriction of him only being able to take children from parents who willingly give them up, I should think it is not many."

"Regardless I will not let him take Rin, I would die first and then he would have to get past Sesshomaru, something I think he knows he cannot do, which is why he sent his disgusting shape-shifter."

"Inuyasha is out searching for news of Yoyokuza now, but maybe we won't have to worry about him. You are right, he know's how strong Sesshomaru is and he would never brave a direct try for Rin here at the castle."

"Yes but he is still a problem, eating children.... He needs to be killed."

Kagome nodded.


Days passed away with no word from Inuyasha, then one evening when the castle was quiet and many in their beds a tap came at your screen. You opened it and one of the messenger lads was standing there.

"Sesshomaru bids you to meet him in his study."

Your heart lunged into your throat and you merely nodded to the boy. You ran your fingers through your hair and slid into your sandals, your pulse not once letting up. You made your way to the room he seemed to spend more time in than his own bedroom. You gave a knock at the door and your heart stopped racing as the door opened to reveal Kagome, Inuyasha and Sesshomaru, with his back to the group, standing behind his desk. You went inside and oddly felt disappointed. You nodded towards Inuyasha and then Sesshomaru spoke.

"My brother has found where this despicable creature is holing up,-"

You were not the only one who noticed his word for Inuyasha, he said brother and both Inuyahsa and Kagome looked stunned, but neither spoke and you thought it was a good thing his back was turned so he could not see their faces.

"Over the years he has built up quite the army, more of those shapeshifters and the things that had attacked you when Inuyasha and Kagome first came. Inuyasha and I will be going to eradicate the pests, obliterate their every trace from the soil. You are to stay here with Kagome and keep Rin safe, just in case."

He kept his back turned, his cascade of white hair ripping with orange and red flickers from the torches burning on the wall.

"Of course."

You said no more and left, wishing him and Inuyasha a safe journey.