Status: As of OCT 2014 still working. *_^ I will continue to work on this until I have finished it. Sorry for making you all wait, but I refuse to write a fast chapter, not giving it the attention it deserves.

Her Mystic Bodyguard

Twenty Two

You were more than angry at having been left behind, you wanted to help destroy the thing that was a threat to Rin and all children but you were able to hide your frustration well, two days had passed and still no word or sign from either Sesshomaru or Inuyasha. Today found you staring out a window, hoping to see a tall figure with white hair...

"Your mind is elsewhere."

Kagome's voice brought you out of your daydream.

"Huh? I was just thinking."

"I know but I can see by the way that you are staring that you wish to be there with them."
"Don't you?"

"I want nothing more than to be by Inuyasha's side, but I also understand that this is an important journey for the two of them, and I also understand that someone needs to be here to protect Rin should anything happen."

You took in a deep breath and saw what Kagome was saying, she was right but that didn't mean you had to like it. Outside a slight breeze whispered through the air, stirring up the grass and making the wind ornaments chime or gong or clack together depending on their materials. It was quite lovely, and relaxing and......itchy. Something did not feel right but you pushed the thought away.

"You don't think they should have been back by now?"

"You care about Sesshomaru, you're worried about him!"

You froze at Kagome's remark, a cup of tea halfway to your mouth.

"Wrong, I just hope everything is okay because if it's not then what do I do? Take Rin? Do I have that right? Do I..."

"Whoa, okay, okay, I totally get it."

She said this to you with a huge smile and a wink. You narrowed your eyes at her but didn't get to say anything back for Kagome had hopped to her feet and was running past you. You stood and turned around, watching as Kagome practically tackled Inuyasha who spun her around. You walked a bit further out but couldn't spy Sesshomaru. Finally the red clad dog demon made it to where you were standing.

"How did it go?"

"Not well. Somehow the damned monster managed to slip past us, we wiped out his digusting horde but he got away."

"You'll get him Inuyasha."

Kagome said as she placed a hand on his shoulder. You bit your lip and wondered if you should ask where the his older brother was when Kagome thankfully did it for you.

"Sesshomaru stayed behind, said he had something that he wanted to trail."


The day had turned into evening and still with no sign of the great youkai, you were a bit worried and the fact that you were worried about him worried you. It was becoming more and more hard to deny the feelings that were working to shine though, you knew they had been there, but very deeply suppressed and for good reason. You slid you kimono off, only in a silken shift that you still deemed too hot to be wearing in this weather, but practicality over comfort won out during these times. Rays of the moon lay over you like cool pieces of ribbon and you felt yourself beginning to doze when you noticed a shadow darkening the wall, from where you balcony doors were. I should really start closing those at night, but how I do love the moon and night air..You started to reach for your short kimono that was by your side when you noticed how tall this shadow was, and even though a shadow, how regal it's bearing.


You all but whispered the name and yet he must have heard you for he took another step in, as if invited. You turned and met his eyes, eyes that were focused and intent on you, your mouth opened a bit, stunned by the look he was giving you.

"Is everything alright? Is Rin hurt?"

You immediately jumped to your feet, knowing this must be the reason for him coming into your room, something had to of happened! You walked up to him, about to ask him what was going on when he pulled you into him.

Time stopped. Your body pulsed with the frenzy that was your beating heart, blood flowed faster and sharper through your veins, heightening your senses. Moon white strands of hair were pulled over his kimono, it looked soft and supple and you had to resist the urge to twine your fingers through it. You breathed in and smelt fresh air, something piney and surprisingly you thought you caught a hint of jasmine. Your whole body was electrified by his touch and you could hear his own heart, and breathing. You whispered his name again, this time as more of a question. In response his hand wove into the hair behind your head and pulled it ever so gently back. You were completely useless in this moment, his amber eyes seemed a bit hazy and you felt your knees give a little shake.

His head dipped down lower to yours and in that moment you just let go of everything. His kiss was focused, yet soft. It stole your breath and nothing else existed in that moment but you and him. The hand behind you neck brought you in, deepening the kiss, and his other one pressed your body more firmly to his. The pit of your stomach grew with a sensation of fire and molten pleasure, this kiss felt so good, so right and you were tempted to moan as you brought your hands up to cradle the sides of his face.

Then he let you go, you felt as if you had been dumped into a tub of ice water. Your senses of your surroundings came rushing back and you breathed more deeply than ever before, you felt shocked, and strangely empty. You brought your eyes to stare at Sesshomaru, looking for an answer.

"I am weak as my father was. Being the great demon lord means nothing when a human can do what you have done to me. For too long I have tried to silence the thoughts of you, to bury the mountain of emotions that threatened to consume me. My lips burn to taste you, my body aches to join yours."

He sank onto to his knees in front of you and softly said,

"I am weak, for my heart yearns to beat in time with yours."