Status: As of OCT 2014 still working. *_^ I will continue to work on this until I have finished it. Sorry for making you all wait, but I refuse to write a fast chapter, not giving it the attention it deserves.

Her Mystic Bodyguard

Twenty -Three


Sesshomaru stayed kneeling in front of you, moonlight poured over the floors and fell harshly across his back, glaringly illuminating his shock of white hair.
You didn't know what to say, he had just kissed you, had just admitted to loving you and you were beyond stunned. Everything was quiet, so still as if the world
was also anxious to hear your response, to see what you would do.

You closed your eyes and slid down onto your knees.

"I am weaker for I too have hid my true feelings, but perhaps together we can find strength."

He said nothing as he wrapped you in his arms and held you until the rays of the moon retreated back into the night.


"____-chan wake up!"

You opened your eyes and Rin filled your visions, your mind was hazy but you could of sworn something important had happened last night.

"Good morning Rin! Have you brought me breakfast in bed?"

Rin looked a bit taken aback and said no, then she asked if you wanted her to. With a laugh you swung her into your arms and started to tickle her. You
relented your tickle torture and stood, walking to your wardrobe.

"I like that one!"

Rin proclaimed as she pointed to a white kimono that had bursts of red flowers everywhere, it was lovely to be sure, but it also reminded you of fresh spilled
blood and you pushed it aside to grab and blue and silver checkered kimono with a white obi that had long ties. Fifteen minutes later, and after some help from
Rin you were dressed and ready to start the day when a knock came at the wall by your screen. It slid open and Sesshomaru towered in the frame.

"Lord Sesshomaru!"

"Go find Jaken Rin, he was complaining about something you did. Again."

Rin giggled and left the room, when she did Sesshomaru slid the screen shut and you narrowed your eyes a bit at his behavior. There's something... He came
closer and you felt a rush of heat in your abdomen, in seconds he was mere inches from your face and the heat that had started in your belly threatened to
consume you. You sighed a moan even before his lips touched yours, but when they did if felt like something shattered in your mind as last night's encounter
flooded in, it was shocking in both the fact of what had transpired and that the memory was returning to you, Sesshomaru sensed something and pulled away, supporting
you as you realized you had fainted a bit.

"Is something wrong?"

"I.....last night..."

You were struggling to retain it and the strain was wearing you down. Sesshomaru laid you gently down on the bed and you looked into his ocher eyes, you could see
worry in them.


"Our one...."

You managed that but then everything went black.

--*With Sesshomaru*--

It had been days since _______ had fell into the deep sleep she was in, it concerned him and he also felt guilty, as if maybe revealing his feeling had
caused this catatonic state she was in. Kagome had offered to stay behind and tend to her while Inuyasha followed a lead on the demon who was after Rin.
Sesshomaru wanted to go, but he felt that maybe that was whoever was behind this wanted him to leave, so he stayed. Forget the fact that he also walked by ______'s
rooms every morning, afternoon and night, maybe more.

At the moment he was outside and the stars were beginning to break through. He had accepted his feelings for ______, realizing that trying to hide it, to deny
it cost him more. He was beginning to understand his father, and his brother. He still felt embarrassment, but the lingering resentment and hate was waning.
No, he was starting to feel true strength and power in something he never thought possible. He clenched his hands into fists but then sighed and let go, a
skinny slip of the moon was barely visible as he turned his back and walked towards his castle.

--*With You*--

Please do not carry your love for the dog demon!

Forsake what is in your heart now to save it later on!

He does not love you enough for the pain sure to come!

Your head was swimming with these thoughts, a creamy white place with beautiful rainbows bouncing around and an ethereal voice shouting things at you,
all with the same theme. As time went by the voice grew quiet and finally vanished. It filled your mind and you screamed, hoping it would just go away. Your senses
came rushing back in a wave of unforgiving lights, noises, touch and smells. You turned to the side and dry heaved, you sucked in air as everything around you


You turned and saw Kagome by your bed, she looked fatigued and very worried.

"What happened?"

"I don't know, none of us do. You were asleep for days, nothing we did could revive you and I was becoming scared because no food or water would stay down."

What is happening to me?

"You're awake."

Both yours and Kagome's head turned at the voice of Sesshomaru. Kagome nodded to you, squeezed your hand and left.

You swallowed but there was hardly any moisture in your mouth and the action made you choke. When your fit had subsided you saw Sesshomaru hold a glass with water and
touched it to your cracked lips. You gratefully took it and gulped it down, the coolness of the water refreshing to your dried throat and empty stomach. You felt
Sesshomaru's hand over yours and immediately drew it back, Sesshomaru's mouth opened for a second before he turned away. You yourself was somewhat shocked by your
reaction but there was a nagging feeling. That voice filled your head again and you shook it away, placing your hand on Sesshomaru's shoulder. Your heart beat
wildly as you waited for his reaction. Moments later his hand came up to cover yours and you silently sighed with relief.

"Are you alright now?"

"I'm not sure, but I feel better."

You wanted to close the space between you two but your body was too weakened, and your stomach let out it's protest.

"I'll have Sayomi bring you something from the kitchens."

You thought you heard amusement in his voice but couldn't see his face to see if it showed in his eyes. He squeezed your hand before leaving.

"I am glad you are well."