Status: As of OCT 2014 still working. *_^ I will continue to work on this until I have finished it. Sorry for making you all wait, but I refuse to write a fast chapter, not giving it the attention it deserves.

Her Mystic Bodyguard

Twenty Four

It had been about a week since that episode. Sesshomaru only tolerated you to being
around or in the Castle, relatively close in case you should collapse again. You were a bit
agitated, but in all honestly you knew he was right. It took that week for you to regain strength
and stability. Rin helped immensely as did Kagome. Of course Sesshomaru was never far off either, though
he managed to keep himself away during the day, visiting you at night, making sure you were safe, and
comfortable and getting better. Sometimes he would come by with a book and read to you, especially
on nights where you found it hard to sleep.

Slowly but surely you were back to being better, and one morning you donned a fighting outfit,
one that was made of loose pants, tapered and fit around the ankle, with a top that was practical for
both movement and the heat. You were practicing forms with your katana, your opponent a skilled
veteran of Sesshomaru's army. He was tough, with a black topknot that was slightly graying, he might
seem old but his movement's and strength betrayed his look. He was fast and fought with a large, curved
sword, he might be fast himself, impressively reflexes blocking or dodging your moves, but the
weapon created extra heft and it took him longer to strikes than you. In this fight you had started out
thinking you could deftly move in, strike fast and win, but he was tougher than you thought, and when one
thrust had almost cost you being cleft in two, you decided to switch tactics. You danced around him,
dodging and making strikes when he left himself open, causing him to move more and you hoped eventually
tire out. Your katana had been crafted by one of the finest, if not the best, blade smith in Japan and it
was exceptionally light, hardly tiring you out as you dodged your opponents blocky attempts. You
continued to watch, sweat was beginning to show and you knew any moment could be yours. You saw him
inhale deeply, an almost certain sign that he was about to try something that was going to tax his
strength, you waited as he made his move which came in the form of him tipping his blade point down, only
to draw it back up in an arc that would give the move power and speed. Unfortunately for him you knew
this and had been waiting, as soon as he changed the direction of the blade you rolled under him, the
sword making a heavy stick in the grass. You popped right back up, handle to his stomach, had you
really been fighting for life and death it would be buried deep in his gut. You looked into his
astonished eyes, a look you rarely saw and then he started laughing. He dropped his weapon and you
watched with amusement as his face flushed redder from his merriment.

"Well done m'lady! I would be honored to have you fighting by my side!"

You bowed deeply, your skills were improving and it was all thanks to this master of combat. He finally
calmed down and returned the bow, adding,

"Your way with that blade is remarkable considering how little time you've spent honing yourself.
However that blade is lighting than a leaf and I think you are too weak, we need to spend more time
on actual physical strength, that will be your core and could save you when it comes down to it."

You nodded your head and went over more training with your new mentor as the sun began to move overhead
to the center of the azul sky.


A large glass of fruit water was placed in front of you and you practically drained it in one gulp. Your
day had been extensive with training rhetoric, but you were happy and content. Before too long your
food was brought to you and you wondered if you were a spoiled warrior? Before you had too much time
to think about it Kagome joined you.

"Still now word from Inuyasha?"

"No, none. And now I'm really becoming worried. Something is not right and I need to go look for him."

You could see the worry in her face, and it made you feel bad and like you should at least be offering
your support if nothing else.

"We can leave tomorrow."

Kagome made a sound as she looked at you, shocked by your statement. She lunged for you and gave you
a giant hug. You hugged her back.

"Are you sure?"

"Of course, you're going to need someone who can help you, and the last thing you need is to be going
alone. Besides your right, something is wrong and we need to get to the bottom of it, because I'm
positive that nasty demon is behind all of this and I want to seem him removed permanently."

You finished your meal as you thought about what you would say to Sesshomaru.


Evening fell in a sweet time, outside the skies were starting to turn violet and purple, the area
by the sun a warm golden glow. There was a slight breeze and all together it comforted you as you made
your way to Sesshomaru's quarters. You knocked on the door and waited until he answered, when he did you
slid open his door and shut it. He was in front of his low table, working on a scroll it seemed. He
looked up from it, the bangs of his hair obscuring his eyes partially.

"What is it?"

You thought his tone was rather abrasive, especially considering all the recent time you had spent
together but you shrugged it off and inhaled deeply.

"I am leaving with Kagome in the morning. Inuyasha is still not back and she is worried. I have lent
her my services and protection and will accompany her on her quest to find him."

Sesshomaru almost snorted and you narrowed your eyes, waiting for the youkai to speak.

"You? Hnnh I don't like it and you're not going. Besides your job is here protecting Rin."

Underneath your skin your blood was practically boiling, how dare he talk to you in such a manner,
on one hand you were enraged and on the other you felt saddened, not sure why he would talk to you in
such a rude, rough manner, as if the two of you had never kissed at all, as if you had never proclaimed
your feelings for one another.

"I will be going. I should think Rin is well guarded here, she has you for protection
or are you not strong enough?"

You could see Sesshomaru slightly tense at your barb, but then it washed away. He looked back at his
scroll and picked up his brush, as if you weren't there anymore. You wanted to scream at him, yell idiot
and other names, but you kept yourself in check, he would get a rise out of you.

"Goodbye Sesshomaru."

Was all you said as you turned on your heel and left, serenely. You left him with that farewell to ponder,
was it final or formality. You secretly hoped it hurt him and left him worried of your intentions.
You knew that was in poor taste but you couldn't be bothered, with a demon like him there were no
rules, no guidelines, or 'right ways' of going about things. You headed to your room to pack for the
upcoming trip.