Status: As of OCT 2014 still working. *_^ I will continue to work on this until I have finished it. Sorry for making you all wait, but I refuse to write a fast chapter, not giving it the attention it deserves.

Her Mystic Bodyguard

Twenty Five

"You're such an idiot!"

"Not now Inuyasha!"

Kagome shot back as she loosed an arrow at a nearby demon. You yourself ducked as a large clawed hand came whooshing by.
You rolled to the side and when you came up it was too fast for the demon to follow and you buried the blade of the red stained metal into it's neck.
You and Kagome had found Inuyasha and you thought the half demon should be grateful because when you came upon him he wasn't in the best of form.
There were too many demons, it seems Yoyokuza had kept a reserve, an especially high one filled with the vicious and adaptable shape shifters. Your and Kagome's
arrival couldn't have come at a better time. The dog demon looked a bit haggard, and though his tone said otherwise you could see in his face he was happy to see
Kagome. You continued to flow through your forms, slicing through demon after demon, sometimes getting an assist from the young priestess. Eventually
you had cleared away the large group around you, and then the survivors retreated fleeing into the distance. You wanted to wipe your brow
but the look of your sleeve kept you from doing so, it was covered in demon blood and parts and who knew what else. You re-sheathed your sword and looked over
and saw Kagome and Inuyasha in a chaste embrace, they didn't kiss but still you could feel the passion and love that was in their hold and it made you blush a bit.

"So Inuyasha can you get a hint of where he's at?"

You asked, looking off into the mountains. Inuyasha let go of Kagome and his ears twitched.

"Yeah, he's tried holing himself up. This batch of demons was his last resort, his last safeguard. The glutton is ours now."

You nodded and followed Inuyasha as he led the way to an entrance. There was a barrier but it was nothing when all three of you were pounding away at it. In no time
Inuyasha had rock broken and you guys entered the cave, dust still swirling around you.

"Stop right there!"

The trio stopped and you watched as the tall figure of Yoyokuza worked his way from the back of the tunnel. As he came closer that smell you had smelt on him before,
a smell of decay and death hit you and you wanted to throw up, it was so strong. Looking over you noticed Inuyasha had his kimono sleeve across his face, if the smell
was bad for you it had to be ten times worse for him.

"I'm glad you came out, with that smell I don't want to take extra time in killing you."

Inuyasha remarked as he withdrew his blade, but then a clawed hand was thrown up as the monster said stop again. You narrowed your eyes, this was getting to be too much
he needed to die right now.

"Look you were in trouble the day we found out you liked to snack on children, your time was up when I found out you were targeting Rin."

You told him as you took out your own blade, you wanted to drive it into whatever bit of heart was left, not caring if the smell would take forever to get out.
He needed to die. Now.

He still had his hood up and he took a step forward, letting the hood fall. When he did you were shocked, he was as ugly as you were expecting, but what you didn't
expect was the twisted faces of children all over his body and face. They were constantly morphing and changing but all the expressions were the same, ones of fear,
hurt, sadness. A twisted grin appeared on Yoyo's face, and you gritted your teeth. Next to you you heard Kagome give a little cry, and Inuyasha cried out, hatred
in his voice.

"If you kill me all the souls of these innocent children will go with me. If I get my final sacrifice then they will be sent free."

Your hand on the grip tightened, did it matter? Rin was your priority and you didn't know if he was lying. You decided on Rin and charged, Yoyokuza's grin faltered as he
saw you coming for him and his clawed hand came up in a defensive position, but it was useless. He was weak in this state, no match for you as you easily lopped off
his hand and then with the same quick movement struck the head from his disgusting body. The body crumpled to the floor and then a blinding blue light filled the
cavern as souls upon souls were being freed. You shielded your eyes, and although you couldn't see you could hear the sounds of happiness, could hear many of them
thanking you. Eventually it died down and you were able to retract your arm. When you did you saw the piercing gaze of Inuyasha. You looked away and walked out
of the cave.


Inuyasha had burnt the body, and Kagome had blessed the ashes, making sure everything was cleansed. While they did that you had went for a dip in the surrounding
lake, it was cold yet refreshing and you stayed in there until you couldn't feel your feet or hands anymore. Walking back you noticed that Kagome had built a fire
and her and Inuyasha were also a bit cleaner. You sat down and avoided Inuyasha's gaze.

"We did it."

Kagome said as she poked the fire.

"I'm glad you knew he was lying, you probably read that somewhere before we left."

You didn't say anything, instead choosing to stare at the way the fire licked at the air. You exclaimed that you were tired and laid down, shutting your eyes
but not being able to really sleep. You could hear them on the other side getting ready to do the same. It was quiet and you thought you might be able to sleep
when you heard Inuyasha, whispering to you.

"You didn't know he was lying. But you did know there was a chance that you could of trapped those souls, innocent souls with that monster in hell forever
and yet you still decided to do it."

For a while you were silent, then replied,

"You wouldn't?"

You heard Inuyasha huff at your answer but he went away, and you were left alone with your dark thoughts. What if he had been telling the truth? Would have still
done it? Was Rin really worth damning all those souls? You shuddered, you thought to yourself that you knew he was a despicable demon, that of course he was lying,
that no way that could be true. That somewhere in your gut you knew it would be alright.