Status: As of OCT 2014 still working. *_^ I will continue to work on this until I have finished it. Sorry for making you all wait, but I refuse to write a fast chapter, not giving it the attention it deserves.

Her Mystic Bodyguard


You had been traveling for a week, you were mostly silent and outrageously helpful, you did everything expected of a good servant, except give Sesshomaru his proper title or respect, you never said my lord, or any other honorary title, just Sesshomaru one night you thought you saw his lip pull down in a frown, then nothing, just that regular straight line.



You looked up Sesshomaru had his back to a tree, a fire was lit, Jaken was snoring on one side and Rin was curled with Ah-Un on the other, you were seated staring at the stars. Sesshomaru continued to stare, you could tell he was listening to something, after a minute he spoke.

"We'll reach my castle soon, we'll stay there for two to three weeks, you'll have your own room and there are a few rules you better follow. First never ever enter my room, unless it's a dire emergency, such as something to do with Rin, second your not to leave the grounds unless you speak to me first, thirdly I will expect you to show me the utmost respect when you stay within my walls."

"Understood, Sesshomaru."

You thought you heard a growl from his direction and you had to bite your lip from smiling.


You shot up at the sound, and Sesshomaru did the same. You picked up your katana and looked out in the darkness. You looked to Sesshomaru and saw him sprint off to the north, you grimaced and shot out to follow him, but with his demon powers he was already out of sight. After a good five minute run you stopped and tried to figure out which way he went, then you heard the scrape again and you followed where you perceived the sound to be. You saw a lumbering figure ahead of you and you ditched into a bush that had conveniently been there. You peeked out of the foliage and what you thought was the head whipped to look out you. You squinted your eyes, trying to figure out what it was, then a silver glow rained down and cast the figure in the magical light, you clapped your hand over your mouth to keep from gasping. 'Its' back was slightly hunched, it was wearing rags, holes in everything of the brown fabric, it's skin was tight and stretched over the bones, one half of it's face seemed melted and it's eyes were hollowed sockets, it's hands looked like skeletons, long digits with gnarled nails at the end, and in it's left hand it looked like it was holding a scythe, the curved metal end on the ground, and you knew that would make a scraping sound depending on what it was being dragged over. It continued to stare your way and your heart beat picked up, you had never seen a demon or human like this before, you heard a rasping sound and your eyes flew to the hand holding the scythe, it's fingers were tightening the girp on the wicked weapon. As silently as you could manage, you drew your katana and took a deep breath waiting for it to move. With a snarl it launched itself at you and you were barely able to roll your way out of danger. You got up and watched as it picked up it's scythe. Oh no you don't! You put your hand not holding the katana, at it's end and plunged your sword through the thing's arm, effectively hitting a tree and keeping the monster from picking up the weapon. It hissed in pain and then it's other arm shot out and picked you up by your neck, it's bony fingers squeezing. Then your eyes milked over and you knew a vision was coming on.

Rin was sleeping peacefully with Ah-Un and Jaken was still snoring, then Ah-Un's two heads came up and peered into the darkness, a wild look in it's eyes. Rin opened her chocolate orbs and rubbed them.

"What's wrong Ah-Un?"

Jaken stirred on the other side and groggily got up.

"What's going on Rin?"

"I don't know Master Jaken, but Lord Sesshomaru and ______ are gone."

Jaken's eyes got as big as saucers as he realized this too. He scuttled next to Rin, alert and focused. Rin let out a blood chilling scream as two of those things came out from the shadows and hastened upon the unprotected group. Ah-Un stood up but the two monsters quickly swung their sickles and Ah-Un's blood flew and covered Rin and Jaken. Jaken pushed Rin behind him and prepared for his staff magic but one of the monsters kicked him and smooshed him under it's foot, a crack was heard, Rin screamed again, a heartbreaking scream and then sobbed, clearly saying Sesshomaru's name, but he didn't come and the monster slowly lifted the scythe and with a professional stroke brought the blade down on Rin's young neck, crimson blood flew and covered the monster, her head rolling on the ground. A tongue came out and licked the blood smearing it's face........................

Your eyes focused again and you desperately struggled to get free, this thing was a distraction, a lure so the other two could get to the group. Your eyes watered as you tried to get free, Rin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You were able to swing a leg and it connected with the monster it shrieked and let you go, as you fell you grabbed your Katana and yanked hard, it came free and you brought it up to slice the creature's head, but it was just as quick and it had it's sickle to block you. This is taking too much time...... From the corner of you saw Sesshomaru, he was drawing his sword, when you weren't looking the monster took it's chance and swung it's scythe you were barely able to move and the blade cut along your chest, the cut starting at one shoulder and ending on the other.

"Go to Rin!!!! There are others shes in danger!!"

Sesshomaru nodded and like the wind he was gone. You turned your full attention to the thing, your blood leaking out. It hissed and rose the weapon again, it brought it down and swiftly you moved to the side and as the weapon fell down in it's arc you flung your Katana around and cut through the wooden handle, before you had time to recover it brought the pole around and knocked you in the head you fell, blood running from your temple, it shrieked again and brought the now pole down and brought it across your shoulder. your body spasmed with pain and you let out a cry, The thing seemed to rasp with victory and the pole came up again, you waited for another blow, but it never came, you slowly got up, on hands and knees, pain searing through your veins. You turned to look, the thing had the blade in it's hands and was licking your blood off. You wanted to barf but kept it down, and as stealthily as you could you got up, aimed your Katana and rammed the blade through it's hollowed eye socket. You gritted your teeth and dug deeper, it's shrieks loud and making your ears ring. It's clawed hand whacked you away and you were able to stay on your feet. It had a hand to it's eye, but the damn thing was still alive! That's when you noticed there was no blood on your blade. So how do I kill this thing? You got into your stance and was ready to blow again when it's head fell from it's shoulder, emitting a gas from the stump, it fell to it's bony knees and you could clearly see Sesshomaru's figure on the other side. Without a word you turned and headed to the camp. With each jarring step pain bolted through your body, but you didn't care, Rin was all that mattered.

You broke upon the camp and saw Rin crying. You sheathed your Katana and at the sound she looked up, her eyes red rimmed. She let out a shriek and ran to you, you fell to your knees and embraced her, she cried into your shoulder as you cried into her hair and kissed her all over her onyx colored hair.

" had died!!!"

"Ohhh shh, shh Rin it's alright I'm here, are you okay?"

"Yes, those things came but then so did Lord Sesshomaru."

You squeezed your eyes shut, you had managed to tell him in time. But why hadn't he caught wind of these things earlier? Rin pulled away and stared at your wound.

"Ohh _____-chan! Your hurt!"

"No, no Rin it's fine, trust me."

In truth it was, the line on your chest was nothing more than a scratch, the real pain was in your shoulders, it felt like that damned thing had broken them. Shakily you stood and Rin grabbed your hand. You looked about and saw Sesshomaru, he looked at you, and though no words left his lips, you could tell he was thanking you for telling him about Rin.

"Were leaving, there could be more of those things, Rin, Jaken, _____, get on Ah-Un we'll travel all night till we reach my castle."

You nodded, Rin got on, then you then Jaken. Sesshomaru was like a blur as he started off and Ah-Un growled and then launched himself into the air.


You reached the castle just as the sun's rays peeked over the mountains. Ah-Un landed, clearly tired, and Jaken fell off as he had been sleeping, Rin was too but you had her in your arms and silently you followed Sesshomaru. You followed him into the large castle, past curious looking servants, up some stairs and to a door. He slid it open.

"This is your room."

You nodded and handed him Rin, which he almost affectionately, at least in your eyes, cradled her in his arms and walked off. You were to weary and you entered the room and slid the door shut, There was a large bed, red silken comforter, red pillows and no doubt red sheets. The room was furnished with a gold chaise, a polished wood armoire, a small desk with a chair, a floor length mirror and two golden paper lanterns, hanging a good ten feet on either side of the bed. There was a door leading to a balcony, and there was another door to a bathroom, a clean toilet housed there along with a cub bard to keep personal items. You flopped down on the luxurious bed, the door slid open and you lazily stared at a maid, she came in and bowed in front of you.

"My lady, I am Sayomi........."

"Hello Sayomi I'm ______, Rin's bodyguard."

Sayomi looked up at you and blushed, you managed a grin.

"You thought I was with Sesshomaru?"

"My apologies..."

"Don't worry Sayomi, no offense taken, just don't say it again."

She smiled at you and got to her feet.

"Can I help you with anything?"

"Is there somewhere I can take a bath?"

"Why yes, here we have our own natural hot springs, one for the servants, one for guests and one for the lord and his close friends and family."

"Good, let me sleep to the afternoon then come wake me, I'd love a bath."

You rolled your shoulders in discomfort and in a flash Sayomi was there, sitting on the bed, her hands massaging your sore shoulders. At first it was painful, but the girl seemed to have a magic touch and you drifted to sleep as your pain lessened.

"Ma'am? Ma'am?"

Your body lightly rocked and you opened your eyes, Sayomi staring at you.

"Don't call me Ma'am, makes me feel old."

She nodded and you finally took in her appearance. Sayomi was a pretty girl, lustrous black waves that freely framed her face, past her shoulders and breasts in a silky and shiny show, her skin was breathtakingly white like the untouched snow, she had lips that looked like cherry blossoms, soft and a deep pink, she had an elegant facial structure, and the lightest of pink cheeks, and she had curiously green eyes, beautiful like a river or emerald, her being a maid seemed so out of place, usually maids didn't look like this, not so nobly beautiful. You got up and her green eyes followed you.

"Well rested?"

"Yes Sayomi. Tell me do you know where I can get a spare Kimono? Mine's dirty and needs a wash."

Her lips curved into a small smile and she gracefully walked to the armoire, opening it and displaying the many kimonos hanging there. You got up rather stiffly made your way to the wardrobe.

"Don't worry about that now though. First take your bath, I'll collect your Kimono and wash it for you, and I'll bring you a robe to change into after your done, then you can come back here and change."

You nodded and asked her to take you to the hot springs. It was a quick journey, one that led you outside and then into the springs, the area was huge, with bamboo walls obviously had been built around the natural springs, Sayomi told you she would be back with your robe and when she left you stripped down and slipped into the comfort of the Hot Springs. You were about to plunge your head in, when you remembered your hair ornament. You reached up and were dismayed when your fingers found nothing, it must've fallen out. You sighed, it was a beautiful thing, then commenced sinking down into the water. You swam around then settled in, back against one of the many rocks, letting the steam and water do it's magic.


Your eyes shot open and you waited for someone to surface, a head popped up to the left of you and you let out a little scream. The head slowly turned to face you and you recognized Sesshomaru, you could've sworn his eyes widened, even if only a tiny bit and he started to swim back to the entrance. You willed your heart to calm down and you opened your mouth.

"Wait, Sesshomaru!"

He stopped but didn't turn to look at you.

"Back there, when we were camping, why hadn't you noticed those things?"

There was silence, and you gave up on him answering.

"Because they didn't have a smell, I couldn't pick up anything. Not until they died did they release a scent, besides whatever they were they didn't have blood, that's why I think they were so keen on it."

"Yes but surely you should've been able to hear them or something.........."

"It's.....Just stay away from me for awhile."

Sesshomaru swam and got out, you turned away to not see him and were shocked at his last sentence, what could he mean by that? You sighed and sank lower, letting the water carry away your stress. You swam around and that's when you noticed your Kimono had been taken, and in it's place were two towels, a black silk robe and some soap. You grabbed the soap and thought you were going to die, ohh yes that little piece of luxury that you had been without was a blessing and you eagerly washed yourself with the sweet smelling soap, it was a small bar and you used it all. Feeling ultimately rejuvenated you got out, after making sure no one else was there and quickly dried off, wrapping your hair in a towel and then putting on the robe.

You walked back to your room, enjoying the gardens outside and when you made it back Sayomi was waiting for you, she had a jade comb in her lap. She smiled at you and you smiled back. You opened the wardrobe and withdrew a red kimono, it was a traditional one, and it had a yellow obi to accompany it, you entered into the bathroom, changed and requested Sayomi's help with tying the obi, she did a wonderful job and then asked you to sit so she could comb your hair. You obliged and let her pull the comb through your locks, enjoying what to you was pampering after all the traveling and battling. You closed your eyes, content on letting her comb and fashion your hair, when she was done you couldn't feel it on your shoulders and she took you to the mirror. Indeed she had piled it on your head in a fanning bun, your eyes looked down and she noticed something was amiss.

"What's wrong? Do you not like the style?"

"Ohh no, it's not that, it's just I had a hair ornament, but I lost it, and I know this will sound silly, but I was affectionate over it."

She smiled.

"Ohh don't worry, we have plenty of kanzashi's, just take your pick. Every woman should have one."

She opened a drawer beneath the cub bards and on it were many of the kanzashi's, some more elaborate than others, and some when single sticks and there were some ornamental combs as well, Sayomi bent over them and you watched her as she looked through them all. Finally she selectedthe kanzashi, it was red and had many little petals hanging from it, she stepped behind you and reached up to place it on the right side. Sayomi was a couple inches shorter than you, but she was still able to reach and she secured it, you stared into the mirror. You caught Sayomi's emerald eyes.

"There, you look beautiful. Now off to dinner, Rin has been chatting about you all day."

You smiled at the thought of Rin, then you remembered Sesshomaru.



"Do you know why Sesshomaru..........."

You struggled with had to word it, luckily Sayomi seemed to know what you were talking about.

"Lord Sesshomaru is a dog demon, and as a dog demon he goes into mating periods, we advise all women to stay away from him."

"He doesn't......?"

"He used to, but he tells us to stay away, unless that's what were looking for, sadly many girls have died, they were foolish, they longed for his touch, and that's what they got, but I guess mating with him was too much, or he was too rough."

You shuddered, no wonder he was acting funny in the springs, you considered yourself might lucky.

"Anyways come with me and I'll show you to the dining area"

You nodded, your kanzashi's petals swaying with your movement. You descended the stairs and entered the dining hall, Jaken was seated, trying to control Rin, when she saw you and ran to you Jaken sighed out of relief and you laughed. You swept Rin into your arms, and turned to thank Sayomi but she had left. You turned back to Rin, she was babbling and you just laughed and sat down, and placed Rin next to you. Servants entered and laid out the meal and you enjoyed the dinner without the presence of the powerful youkai.