Status: As of OCT 2014 still working. *_^ I will continue to work on this until I have finished it. Sorry for making you all wait, but I refuse to write a fast chapter, not giving it the attention it deserves.

Her Mystic Bodyguard


You had been at Sesshomaru's castle for a week already, you had explored as much of it as you could, and you were surprised when you had stumbled across a large library fill of books and scrolls, after making that discovery you visited the library often, reading anything that was appealing to you. You also enjoyed how much space had been set aside outside for gardening, many plants and trees, little lakes dotted about it, it was amazing. That's where you where, outside enjoying the Cherry Blossom tress in bloom, their soft pinks and whites littering the ground and sky in a beautiful picture. You were seated on a wooden bench, wearing a white kimono with a pink obi in honor of the cherry blossoms. Like a vision you saw Sayomi walking to you, a gust had picked up and flew past her, showering her with petals and making her midnight black hair stream out from behind her, she looked utterly enchanting and again you wondered how she was a servant, and would've thought that any visiting nobility would have snatched her up for her beauty. She finally made it to you and she sat down next to you.

"Hello Sayomi."

"Good day ______. It's beautiful out here, isn't it?"

"Absolutely. I've rarely seen anything to rival it"

You two sat there in silence, watching the area around you. You shifted then turned to look at Sayomi, she did the same and her green eyes sparkled. You knew what you wanted to say, just not how to say it, and you ended up just staring at her, her tinkling laugh brought you back, and you laughed at yourself. Clearing your throat and staring at her again you finally opened your mouth to speak.

"Sayomi. You don't seem like you fit in here."

She was silent and she looked away, something distant in her eyes, she was following a lone blossom that was blowing and when it landed on the ground she looked back at you.

"I..........I was born to a respectable family, well off but I didn't............I didn't conform to how they thought a daughter should be. I was too smart for a girl, too pretty, too outspoken, they wanted to marry me to a very wealthy widower, but that's not what I wanted so I rebelled, I did everything possible to keep from marrying anybody, and my parents decided that since they couldn't marry me they'd do the second best thing, sell me. They were determined to get some kind of profit off me........."

Her voice changed and with horror you watched as her eyes brimmed with water, she blinked a few times and then a couple tears slid down her face.

"They took me to the slave market, they didn't care who bought me as long as they got their money, I got lucky because Lord Sesshomaru had purchased me, I was scared at first but not any more. It could've been worse, I had come so close to being bought by a brothel......"

She was full on crying now and without hesitation you grabbed her and let her cry on your shoulder, that explained why she didn't seem to fit as being a servant, what a horrible life, you thought yours was bad, but hers seemed worse in every way. After a few sniffles she drew back and wiped at her eyes.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't of burdened you with my woes.."

"Oh Sayomi I'm glad you told me, I want us to be friends and I want you to be comfortable around me."

She managed a weak smile and you smiled back.


The scream cut through the area and both Sayomi and you stared at the direction it came from, she turned her green eyes on you, they looked shocked and scared, you told her to stay there and then you left her, sprinting off in the direction. As you drew closer you heard voices, one was too soft and you couldn't make out anything the other though was audible.

"This is what you wanted!.....................Oh yes it is, you were warned and yet you approached me, half naked and practically begging....................if you weren't ready to handle this then you should've thought about that before coming to me......."

The words were sickening you and you willed your legs to go faster, finally you saw two figures, a young girl, her clothes torn, laying on the ground crying, and Sesshomaru straddling her while fondling what he could reach, he stopped and then his head snapped to where you were, his eyes were red and he looked so..........dangerous. The girl saw you as well and you mouthed her to go, she did, wriggling out from under Sesshomaru who was still transfixed on you. When the girl had a good lead you would make a break for it too, no sense in staying. Sesshomaru continued to drink you in and your heart was madly trying to escape your chest with it's furious beating. Sesshomaru took a step towards you and that's when you bolted, you saw your destination, the castle and you wanted to cry at how far away it was, your legs continued to pump, fueled by your fear. You couldn't hear anything except your breathing and you blood rushing, the castle was looming nearer and you thought you might make it.


You found yourself against a tree, your face pushed into the bark of it and Sesshomaru's mouth next to your ear.

"You should've let me have her, now it's you who have to take her place, always the hero but what does it get you?"

You started to cry, this wasn't how you wanted to lose your virginity. Sesshomaru's claws untied your obi and it fell to the ground, making your Kimono open up and giving Sesshomaru access to your chest, which he roughly fondled. You pleaded for Sesshomaru to stop but it was as if he hadn't heard, or cared, and he continued to explore your body, scratching your soft skin a few times with his sharp nails.

"Lord Sesshomaru?"

The claws froze and Sesshomaru's grip loosened on you, you turned and saw Rin standing there, looking thoroughly shocked. Sesshomaru looked from you to Rin then back to you before disappearing. You wanted to fall to the ground and cry but knew you couldn't because of Rin, instead you shakily bent down and picked up your obi, you smiled at Rin and tried to put your Kimono back to some order. After wiping your eyes you held out your hand and started walking towards Rin.

"Come on Rin, let's get back to the castle."

"Right ______-chan."

Her little hand went into yours and for the first time the two of you silently walked together. When you reached the castle you told Rin to go to her room and she wordlessly obeyed, meanwhile you went to your room and once inside you folded onto your bed, crying lightly, you were exhausted and you cried yourself to sleep.


Your eyes flashed open, Sayomi leaning over you, concern in her jade eyes.

"Are you alright? I waited there for you, but after a while I got concerned and went looking for you....."

You wanted to scream at her for doing that, but you silently thanked the gods for not letting Sesshomaru find her.

"What happened?"

"Sesshomaru, had a girl and well I had to stop it, she wasn't exactly willing."

"Are you okay?"

"Ohh yes I'm fine, I'm just fine."

Silence, you got up and stretched.

"So what is it you wanted?"

"Well I came to see if you were here and if you were alright, and then to let you know that dinner was ready."

"I don't feel like eating with the others."

"Understood, I'll bring you up some food."

You nodded and she left.You fell back on the bed, thinking about today, half way into your thoughts Sayomi came back, tray in hand, she set it down before you and left, but you grabbed her hand, she looked quizzically down at it.

"Please stay."

She nodded and you sat down, you shared your meal with Sayomi and the two of you talked for many hours, Sayomi was an incredible person, intelligent, kind, a sense of humor, but most of her personality didn't get to shine through because of her being a maid and having to be serious all the time, it was a shame. It was getting dark in the room and Sayomi got up and lit the lanterns, along with some candles so you two wouldn't be sitting in the dark.

"Sayomi is there anyone you miss?"

"Yes actually, my little niece Purili.............................. What about you, is there someone you miss?"

"There's really no one left for me to miss, my parents died when I was young, and the closet thing to them I had was Ryuki."

You two sat in silence, Sayomi looked up at you and was going to say something but she looked down and then got up, picking up the tray with her.

"I should go, this was fun."

And she left with no further words. You yawned and stretched back on the bed, you started to drift when you remembered the candles and quickly you extinguished them and drifted off to a peaceful sleep.


Two weeks passed, during that time you and Sayomi had became great friends and she was opening up to you more and more each day, which you were grateful for, she would always come in the morning, wake you, help you get dressed, do your hair, sometimes in the afternoon if she had time she would visit you and you two would chat, and most evenings she would come to your room and you two would continue talking, always having to light candles and the lanterns in the room.

You were seated in the library, a huge scroll in front of you. It detailed the journey's of a noble samurai, loyal to his lord, but when his lord began doing evil things the samurai had to choose between his lord or doing what was right, it was definitely an interesting story and you enjoyed reading it. Right now the samurai was being ordered to kill a man so that his lord could have the man's wife.

"Riyu!" The lord shouted at his bodyguard, the man who swore to obey his liege with his last breath, and yet it seemed he was disobeying.

"My lord I, I don't know if I can commit this act, it serves no purpose but to fulfil your desires."

The lord became outraged! How dare his property speak out against him. He stood up and spittle flew from his mouth.

"You will obey my orders, no matter what they may be! You are sworn to ME!"

"I swore to protect you but I never swore to carry out your malevolent orders! I already suffer with what I have done, unspeakable acts and here you ask to commit another? I cannot and I will not!"

"Then you die!"

"If that's...................."

"I hoped you'd be here."

You looked up from the scroll to see Sesshomaru standing in front of you. You gulped, you wanted nothing to do with him unless what was necessary, and even then it should be in a place with a few more people. You started to roll the scroll up.

"Please don't leave, I need to talk to you."

You merely nodded and stopped rolling it up, you looked up at him.

"About that night..........."

"What's done is done, you weren't able to do anything and for that I'm grateful."

"Your wrong I did do something, I tried so hard to stop myself, but I couldn't it's just so hard to when my demon urges manage to take over."

Even though he told you all this, an apology never once left his lips, and that's what you thought he should be here for. Silence, you got up to go, thinking him done you went to the door when his voice sounded in the room.

"I hate myself when I can't stop it. I'm this powerful youkai and yet I can't stop my barbaric side from raping innocent women. Some dying because of my weakness. I try so hard to distance myself at these times, and I get worried. And that night we talked, what you said about Rin and I................"

"I was wrong to say it, it was stupid............."

"And yet it was the truth, I worry about that everyday, because you are right, Rin will grow up to be a beautiful woman and if I......................if I ever did anything to her, if she ever caught me during heat, could I stop myself before doing something that I would regret?"

You were silent, you had no clue why Sesshomaru was confiding in you like this and it both scared and amazed you. This emotionless dog demon actually worried, and cared about those close to him, but he never had someone to tell it to. You didn't care about breaking him down anymore, because you were able to understand a slit of him, small but still meaningful.

"Why are you telling me this?"

"I don't know."

"Well it's okay to worry, in fact if you didn't, that's where you should be concerned."

For the first time Sesshomaru smiled, and at first you were scared because it was such a foreign expression for him, but then you found yourself smiling back.

"So what were you reading?"

"Ohh I was reading, 'Riyu's Honor: A Samurai's tale'."

"That's one of my favorite stories."

You must've had a funny expression on your face because Sesshomaru said,

"What did you think I couldn't read?"

"No, it's just that I didn't think you'd do it as a leisure activity."

"There's lots of things I do as a leisure activity."

You rolled your eyes.

"We better head back, I think dinner will be ready soon."

Sesshomaru agreed and you two proceeded to the dining hall where Rin and Jaken were already seated and waiting. Once there Sesshomaru's old facade came back and he was once again an expressionless being. Inward you sighed, he was so confusing, but you made a new goal for yourself, to learn and to understand this great demon lord, for he certainly wasn't what you had expected. The dinner was served and Rin excitedly chattered away, like usual and Jaken tried to shut her up but never succeeded and the dinner was a pleasant one.