Status: As of OCT 2014 still working. *_^ I will continue to work on this until I have finished it. Sorry for making you all wait, but I refuse to write a fast chapter, not giving it the attention it deserves.

Her Mystic Bodyguard



"Yes Sayomi?"

"Lord Sesshomaru would like to see you, he's in his office."

You nodded your head at Sayomi and left your room, traveling down the paneled halls to Sesshomaru's private office. Once there you gave a knock and instantly Sesshomaru's emotionless voice answered.

"Come in."

You opened the door and shut it behind you, Sesshomaru was seated behind his desk, massive amounts of scrolls and other papers before him, he looked up at you, and for an instant you thought you saw a flash of softness in his golden eyes, though it was gone so quickly that you wondered if you had indeed seen anything at all. His ocher eyes were back to being stone and he stood, dwarfing you and the desk immensely, he always made you feel like a child when he stood, you were so short, you grumbled and looked away, when you looked up Sesshomaru stood there, and you gasped, he had moved so swiftly and silently. He stared down at you, and there seemed a twinkle of amusement in his eyes, though again you couldn't be sure. You cleared your throat.

"Sayomi told me that you wished to speak to me?"

"Yes, it seems that I'm having a demon infestation along my borders, I have to go clear it out, the numbers are so great that my own men can't handle it."

You nodded, but were troubled.

"But why are there so many? I've never heard of demons traveling together like that, not unless being commanded by someone......"

Sesshomaru said nothing as his gaze continued to burn you, you felt insignificant and instantly wished that you could depart.

"Yes, I know. I'm not sure what's caused this either, but either way I have to go take care of it, and you need to stay here with Rin, I'll be able to dispatch them quickly so I won't be gone long."

Your stomach churned as if it was filled with acid, something didn't feel right with you.

"Sesshomaru, I........I don't think you should go out there."

He regarded you with cool eyes.

"Why not?"

Now you felt like an idiot, what were you going to tell him, gee I don't think you should go because my stomach doesn't feel right about this? You shuffled your feet.


His voice was firm, but gentle at the same time, you blushed.

"I, well I don't feel right about it."

"Hmm well either way it can only be me who can do this, it'll be quick, of that I can assure you. I'll be back before you can worry."

Your stomach felt more acidic, and you felt extremely sick, surely your face would be blanched. But what could you do, Sesshomaru had his mind made up and you wouldn't be able to budge the great youkai.

"When will you be leaving?"

"Now. The sooner the better."

You said nothing as Sesshomaru moved past you, so close your arms touched, but then he was gone, and you were left to wait this out, feeling more wretched as the minutes passed. You decided that you were doing no good just staying there dumbly, so you made your way to where Rin would be, her room. But when you got there, all you saw was a maid, she looked at you as she straightened up Rin's room and smiled.

"Where is Rin?"

"Rin is outside with master Jaken, something about some flowers being in bloom early."

You nodded and departed, you feet going faster as you headed outside, once you did hit the fresh air you broke out into a run, glad of the short fronted kimono you were wearing, allowing your legs more freedom to run. You flew past startled servants, your heart racing as you sought Rin. Only when you saw her, sitting calmly in front of the small lake, did you stop and sigh a relief. You walked to where they were, and Rin quickly stood, running to you, laughing as she did so. You laughed too as you swung her up into your arms, spinning her about, you heard Jaken humph and you just laughed more. Finally you set Rin down and she made her way back, a little dizzily, to her spot. You sat next to her, and watched the calm lake.

"So Rin what brought you out here today?"

"The flowers! They came in bloom early this year, but......"

Rin looked down a little sadly.

"What is it Rin?"

You asked, encouraging her to continue.

"Well master Jaken said that it was too dangerous to go pick them, but I really wanted to get some for Lord Sesshomaru."

Jaken grumbled, but you just laughed.

"Well then Rin, now that I'm here, why don't we go?"

Rin's chocolate eyes lit up, and her mouth found her usual smile.

"Really? Do you mean that?"

"Of course I do, just let me get Ah-Un first, alright?"


Rin started to giggle and scream, while Jaken looked more irate. You found Ah-Un and set Rin on him while you headed off into the wooded area.

"So Rin, what do the flowers look like?"

"Well they're very tall, and some are red, purple and blue. There petals look like tiny bells and they have stout green stalks, they are so pretty, I really think Lord Sesshomaru will like them!"

You just nodded and continued to go further, as you went in you heard a scraping noise, and fear threatened to choke you, you berated yourself for not bringing a weapon, but now was not the time to lose control.

"Rin, I want you stay on Ah-un unless I tell you otherwise got it?"

Rin looked worriedly at you, but nodded.

"Ah-Un, I want you to fly off at any sight of danger, got it?"

Ah-Un nodded and Jaken instantly climbed up behind Rin.

"Now stay here, I'll be right back."

You departed, trying to become one with the landscape, you heard another scraping noise, and you swallowed hard, frightened. But there's no way that there are more of them! That's not possible, is it? You slowed down as you heard a sound that grated on your ears. You stopped behind a tree and peered around, as soon as you did, your heart stopped. It was that thing, as gruesome and as ugly as you remembered, and wryly you thought, as frightening. But what is it doing here? I thought we had killed them all......
You continued to watch, wishing desperately that you could understand their sharp language. One of them clicked their mouth, and their head swiveled your way. Your eyes opened in fear, and your heart stopped. It clicked louder this time, and two more heads looked your way. Now you had all three staring at you.

"Ah-Un! Take Rin to the castle hurry!"

You screamed the command at the top of your lungs, and when you saw Ah-Un's huge form breaking the tree tops, you began to run. The monsters made a sound, that you were sure was one of baleful anger, and this made you run faster. Trees whipped by blindly, all you knew was to run, but from the sides of the trees on of those things jumped in front of your path. It threw it's arms wide and you were going to fast to stop, so instead you sped up and before you collided you tucked yourself up and rolled in between his legs, a whoosh of air falling where the monster had tried to grab you. It wailed, and the roll under made you lose speed, you had to get up and continue running, it was too late, your momentum was lost, and the three of them had you trapped in a triangle like stance, there was a space in front of you, but you, and they did too, that they could close it off in a minute. You stopped moving, and looked around, there was no way you were going to make this, but you were glad that Rin would be safe, and hopefully Sesshomaru would get back soon. You eyed each of them, shuddering when you looked upon their hideous forms, you remembered back to last time, how the one had joyously licked your blood off his blade..............that's it! You had to plan this right, you only had one shot, if you messed up just once, it would be over. You let them continue to get closer, you made no move, then when the one to the right of you was a mere few feet away, you leapt, your hands grabbed the sickle he held, he was too caught off guard to tighten his grip, and going with that momentum you swung it up, separating the things head from it's body. The other two shrieked, you knew you couldn't beat the both of them, you had only killed that one by surprise and luck, but now you didn't have surprise on your side, just their disgusting obsession. Quickly you took the razor sharp blade and cut your leg, crimson blood streaming from the deep, instantly they focused on the blood, and you tried not to focus on the stinging pain. Slowly as if in a trance they came forward, you smeared the blade in your blood, then hoping that it would work, you hurtled the sickle like a spear, it soared and their eyes followed it.

You didn't waste time in running, like an idiot you chanced a look back, they looked at you, screamed then headed off towards the forest. You focused your attention back to getting to the castle, your leg burning. You weren't sure how long you had before they found it and licked the blade clean, you grimaced at the thought. Soon your leg started to go numb, and with dread you realized it was getting harder to move it. No, no, no, no, no, no! I don't have that far to go! But your leg didn't care, the next step your leg gave out, and you tumbled in the soft earth. You let out a wail of agony and defeat, after all that, just for this! To lose?!? You were seething as you breathing hardened, then you head clapping. You whipped your head around, and out of the shadows stepped a man with long black hair, away from his face, but streaming down his back, he had on a cream colored battle kimono, but no armor, and he would have been handsome, if his black eyes hadn't held a hint of cruelty and bleakness in them. You glared at him, and his mouth twisted into a menacing smile. He stopped clapping.

"Well played little one! You saw that you were outnumbered and couldn't win with strength, so you used brains, brain over brawn, I like it!"

His voice was cold velvet, with a trace of malice wove in it, it was a haunting voice and it made you shudder. The man stepped closer, you scooted back, but your leg protested at the movement and you stopped, gritting you teeth. The man continued to advance, and he knelt down so he could look at you, his eyes were too close and you felt like a wounded bird, waiting for the victorious cat to claim it's prize.

"Yes, someone who thinks. I could use someone like that.............."

"Keep dreaming!"

The man laughed and the sound was so bitter and distant, you wondered what happened that could have made him this way. He straightened and looked down at you, a smile tugging at his lips.

"Very well, I could leave you now, my minions will come back and finish their work, OR you can join me and I'll take you out of harm's way."

You growled, then it clicked, he had said, they were his minions.

"That's not possible."

The voice, a voice you never thought you would be glad of hearing, entered in the conversation, you craned your head around and saw Sesshomaru, standing so nonchalant that you grew worried. You saw a trace of remembrance in his gold eyes at the man, then the man spoke.

"Ah Sesshomaru, hm I would've thought those demons would have taken you longer."

"No longer than it will take me to kill you."

The man threw his head back and laughed, the sound chilled you again.

"So you do remember me!"

"Yes, but I thought you would be dead by now."

"Indeed, but it seems that fortune has finally smiled on me, I'm doing what I vowed I would do all those years ago."

Sesshomaru stayed silent and you thought your heart was the only sound being made, then the man looked at you, he looked all over your body and you got worried.

"Is this Rin? I thought she was younger, but then again.........."

Sesshomaru opened his mouth to remark, but you beat him to it.

"Yes I'm Rin! What's it to you?"

The man's eyes lit up a little, behind you you could feel Sesshomaru's cold glower on your back.

"It was a while ago that I had received those reports. Pretty little Rin, always following your demon master around, tell me what were you doing so far away from him?"

When you spoke you made your voice softer.

"I went out to pick some flowers as a surprise for my lord."

The man laughed again.

"Of course you did."

You caught the glimmer of cold steel, the man had revealed a tanto and he was staring coldly at you, you only had the chance to breathe and close your eyes as the man lunged, but instead of feeling of being stabbed, you were flying. You opened your eyes, and you collided with the ground, not too far from Sesshomaru, but you were behind him, and you realized he had threw you back, behind him. His sword was out, easily blocking the man's blade. Sesshomaru went to strike, but the man jeered and leapt back, sheathing his tanto as he did so.

"I'll be back for her!"

The man was leaving, but he focused you with his stare.

"I'll be back for you Rin!"

Then he was gone. Sesshomaru sheathed his sword, he stayed turned for a while, then he was beside you.

"Can you walk?"

You pushed up from the ground, as soon as you were on your feet your knees buckled and you would've fell if Sesshomaru hadn't of caught you and started to walk.

"Who was he?"

"I'll tell you later, once you've healed, Rin"