Status: As of OCT 2014 still working. *_^ I will continue to work on this until I have finished it. Sorry for making you all wait, but I refuse to write a fast chapter, not giving it the attention it deserves.

Her Mystic Bodyguard


With Sesshomaru

Sesshomaru was seated at his desk, trying not to think about _______, he seemed to be doing that a lot lately, but he always failed, but today he failed worst than ever, he had broken his own rules and kissed her, like an idiotic, greedy human he kissed her. Sesshomaru sighed, the girl was trouble.

Knock, knock.

Sesshomaru looked up at his door.

"Come in."

He replied levelly, going back to his paperwork.

"Lord Sesshomaru."

The tone in the person's voice had him looking up, Sayomi stood up there, fear and concern was threaded in her voice, and it showed in her sorrowful jade eyes.

"What is it Sayomi?"

"It's _______ my lord!"

Sayomi actually burst through with emotion, tears running down her porcelain face. Sesshomaru kept a stony face, but inside he was cursing.

"What about her Sayomi?"

"She's gone, her tanto is gone too, and some servants said they saw her leave into the forest! I'm worried about her."

Sesshomaru stood and grabbed his swords.

"Stay here."

Was all he said as he left and headed outside. Once outside he relied on his keen sense of smell to guide her to him, but as he sped through the forest, another scent came to him.


Sesshomaru said as the man appeared before him, laughing.

"Good day Sesshomaru! Lose something, hmmm?"

Kenshiro went back to laughing and Sesshomaru growled, his anger flaring. Snow started to fall.

"Where is she?"

Kenshiro looked at him and shrugged his shoulder.

"I suppose I left her somewhere, I can't be sure."

Kenshiro had a twisted smile on his face and Sesshomaru could feel his eyes changing colors, he calmed himself as the snow started to fall heavier.

"You really shouldn't bother with her Sesshomaru, she's quite the little bleeder you know!"

Sesshomaru's mouth turned into a snarl and he withdrew Tōkijin, Sesshomaru lunged and Kenshiro was too slow to react, Tōkijin buried itself deep into Kenshiro, slicing through. Sesshomaru withdrew the blade and flicked it, Kenshiro's blood flying off the steel and splattering across a tree. On the ground Kenshiro was still smiling. Sesshomaru sheathed his sword and looked down with disgust at him, as he departed he noticed those creatures coming out, and he thought it a fitting end for Kenshiro.

The ivory flakes were falling heavily now, and Sesshomaru became worried, it would be easy to lose ______'s scent if it was buried underneath all the snow. And not to mention the fact that it was getting darker. Sesshomaru picked up speed, then he saw the crimson standing out in all the pearly white. Sesshomaru quickly went to her side, her eyes were shut, her mouth half open, her lips blue and cold, her skin paler than usual. Around her red blood pooled, staining her mid-section, snow coated her hair and everywhere not touched by her once warm blood. Sesshomaru gently took her hand, feeling for her pulse, but he could detect nothing. He stood and withdrew Tenseiga, but the blade did nothing, and Sesshomaru could not see the demon pall bearers, his grip tightened around the handle of his sword, this couldn't be.......

Ahead of him a pool of silvery light filtered down, and stepping into the light appeared a woman, she was dressed in a luminous white robe, it was gauzy and hung about her body, her black hair was down and adonred with diamonds and other clear jewels. Sesshomaru pointed his sword at her.

"I'm here to save her..."

Her voice was etheral and Sesshomaru merely narrowed his eyes at her.

"I could not save her, I doubt you can."

"Please, she still lives, I can bring her back if you let me...."

Sesshomaru growled but stepped away, but he kept Tenseiga out. The woman stepped forward, but she actually seemed to float as she came to rest in front of ______'s body, on her knees. White hands shot out and she placed them over _______'s stomach. An opal like light gently shone done and rested on _______'s wound. Sesshomaru watched impassively, then he saw a pool of color return to ______'s cheeks, and he watched in wonderment as her chest began to move again, it was shallow but it still moved. The woman then stood and drew back to her original spot.

"How could you save her when I could not?....."

"Because her soul is not of this world's to take........"

The woman looked up sharply then looked back quickly to Sesshomaru.

"Take good care of her great demon lord, I could only save her once..."

Then she disappeared. Sesshomaru sheathed Tenseiga and carefully picked ______ up, he looked down at her and thought he noted a change in her appearance. He scowled and headed back towards the castle, _______ was still too weak, she would have to be watched carefully from now on.