Status: As of OCT 2014 still working. *_^ I will continue to work on this until I have finished it. Sorry for making you all wait, but I refuse to write a fast chapter, not giving it the attention it deserves.

Her Mystic Bodyguard


It was getting late as Sesshomaru stood on his balcony, a full round moon peering down onto his lands. It had been a nearly a week since _____ had been wounded, had almost died. And I could not save her. Sesshomaru fingered the hilt of Tenseiga. Why had Tenseiga not worked? It didn't even pulse, and I wasn't able to see the demon soul bearers either... Sesshomaru sighed and rested his hands on the smooth curve of the railing. Why did that bother him so, her dying shouldn't mean anything more to him than if another of his servants died, and why did he feel.....gratitude? Towards the woman who saved her? His grip tightened around the balustrade.

"My Lord?"

Sesshomaru slowly turned his head to peer at the servant.

"What is it?"

The woman flinched at the tone of his voice.

"It's ____, my lord, she has woke."

The woman's voice trembled as she told him, but he hardly noticed as he told her thank you and briskly walked towards her rooms.

With You


You awoke with hardly any pain, and that surprised you, you remembered Kenshiro firmly digging his blade into your, all your blood spilling onto the ground, and....snow. You tried to move your hand to your stomach, but your limb didn't want to respond, none of you body did.

"You've been sleeping for nearly a week."

You knew the voice belonged to Sayomi.


"Lord Sesshomaru brought you back to the castle, and you've been sleeping ever since, it's probably hard to move anything, just give it a while."

You relaxed as she said and your mind drifted back to what happened, you had thought of Sesshomaru, practically called out for him, you probably would of if you hadn't felt so.......empty and hollow.

"Leave us Sayomi."

Your eyes darted to where the deeper voice came from and you quivered, Sayomi bent closer to you and whispered how glad she was that you were alive, then she departed. You were slowly regaining the use of your limbs, as you struggled to move you could hear Sesshomaru cross the room, and you idly wondered if he could hear your thunderous heart. You began to sit up, you rested on the end of your bed, you could see Sesshomaru now, well his back anyways.


"How could you be so foolish?"

The iciness in his voice made you cringe, your voice quavered as you tried to defend yourself, but Sesshomaru cut you off angrily, spinning around and pinning you with his gaze. It made you gasp and you fell backwards slightly. Sesshomaru rarely showed any emotion.

"Especially after I expressly forbade you to do so!"

"Sesshomaru I'm-"

"Your what? Sorry? Tell me how would you be apologizing if you were dead!"

You felt like you were backed into a corner, and doing the only thing you knew how you yelled back at him, remembering your last meeting.

"And so what if I was? What does it matter to you!"

Instantly you could feel Sesshomaru cool down, as if stung by your words. He looked away and closed his eyes, walking back towards the door. He stopped and you stood.

"Hn you don't matter, I just don't like my servants disobeying me."

His impassive voice was back and you stared incredulously at the youkai, mad and slighlty disappointed. Sesshomaru started to walk again and going with the heat of the moment you took your slipper off and threw it at his back, yelling,


The soft shoe hit him dead center and he stopped, you gulped, realizing what you had just done, and said. Several long breaths later and Sesshomaru finally spoke.

"Do you think I care about you in such an intimate way _____?"

The question made your cheeks blaze.


"_____ you are my property, nothing more. Just like when we were visiting up North, you belong to me, I take pride in my things, just consider yourself lucky that I think your worthy enough to keep around."

The statement had you gaping like a fish.

"But, but Sesshomaru we-"

"To think anything else is between us is vanity, and madness."

You were too stunned to speak and Sesshomaru quickly left. You fell back onto the bed, wondering if what had happened last time was just a dream........or a mistake?


As confused as you were there was one thing you couldn't deny, the shared friendship between you both, Sesshomaru had actually shared with you, smiled at you, acted like he heart, around you, but not anymore. He ignored you most of the time, not that that wasn't new, in public Sesshomaru was openly cold towards you, but in private he relaxed. But now he showed you nothing, a curt nod here, an order there, but that was it, he cut him self off from you, if he saw you in the library he would leave, or in the gardens, and the whole damn thing infuriated you to no end. Had Sesshomaru been that repulsed at kissing you? Or maybe he was ashamed because he degraded himself by kissing a human. Stupid demon lord.

You sighed heavily, staring out across the pond, you would leave, but then you would also be leaving Rin, and you weren't able to do any such thing.

"Lady ____?"

You turned your head to see one of the many women servants.


"Lord Sesshomaru would like to see you in his office."

Your heart skipped a beat.

"Sesshomaru would like to see me?"

The girl nodded her head and you stood.


She nodded again and you began to walk towards his office. Maybe he wants to apologize? You actually laughed at the idea, why were you being so hopeful. As you got closer you began to worry, what if......what if he wanted you to leave? Your heart beat heavily at the notion, He wouldn't send me away would he? Surely not for that.... Your mouth got dry as you knocked.


You took a deep breath and opened the door, crossing the threshold and staring at Sesshomaru seated behind his desk.

"I was told you wanted to see me?"

Nothing showed in his eyes, they were the some golden stone as always, his voice just as emotionless.

"I have affairs outside of my lands and your to stay with Rin. The grounds will be safe until I return."

Your fear vanished and you fought the urge to wipe your forehead.

"How long will that be?"

"I'm not sure, a month at the most."

A month?!

You cleared your throat.

"Of course."

You turned to leave and as you did you heard a sound as if wood was being ripped. You looked over your shoulder and you saw that Sesshomaru had just clawed along the side of his desk. Your eyebrow rose as you studied the deep gash in the wood.

"Was there something else you needed?"

His voice made you jump and you hastily shook your head, retreating out the door and shutting it.


Possibly a whole month to myself, I should feel excited, or more happy, but I don't. You sighed, fingering the silken edge of your kimono. What does it matter anyways? It's not like I see him all the time around here, why should this be any different?

"Here's the dinner _____."

You looked up at Sayomi who just entered the room. You smiled at her, at least you wouldn't be all alone, you had Rin, and you had Sayomi. You went to sit with at the table next to her and you two began to eat, but you weren't very hungry, and instead you satisfied yourself with talking to her.

"Sayomi is there any men in your life?"

Sayomi quickly colored and looked away, her green eyes darkening. You laughed a little.

"Sorry Sayomi, is that too personal?"

"No, it's just..."

Sayomi looked back at you.

"It's nothing, and no I do not."

"Why not? Your very beautiful Sayomi, no one has said anything to you?"

"Well yes, I have men approach me, but I am not interested."

That makes sense, after the whole ordeal with her family she probably has men and marriage cast in a negative light, poor girl, she's far too pretty to spend her days alone.

Sayomi placed her chopsticks down and pushed her plate away.

"Sayomi is there something wrong?"

Sayomi looked at you and you puzzled at her expression.


You were cut off as her lips found yours, your eyes fastened open, seeing hers shut as she continued to kiss you. Soft hands came up and held your face. You were too shocked to react, and finally Sayomi removed her lips from yours. Her cheeks were red and she looked away.


"I am not interested in men because I am interested in you."

A few beats passed where no one talked, then Sayomi stood and began to leave, her head bowed. Your mind was working too slow for you to focus or think clearly. Sayomi left you alone, trying to clear out the fog in your mind.