Status: As of OCT 2014 still working. *_^ I will continue to work on this until I have finished it. Sorry for making you all wait, but I refuse to write a fast chapter, not giving it the attention it deserves.

Her Mystic Bodyguard


With Sesshomaru

Sesshomaru was seated with his back against a tree, a little fire going to keep Jaken warm as he snored the night away. Sesshomaru stared up towards the heavens and shut his eyes. This business trip had been extremely providential in one regard, his 'heat' was coming back into swing and he would be around no one during that time. Especially her. Sesshomaru nearly grimaced, in heat nearly almost any woman could arouse him into a frenzy, but ____ could do that even when he wasn't. Considering the last time I saw her, I had to claw my desk to keep from touching her. Sesshomaru stood, anger beginning to seep into his bones. I am not some weak human, nor my half ling brother, OR my Father. Sesshomaru sensed the woods, locating a nest of demons. He had some frustration he needed to vent.

With You

You sighed as you put your head against the wall, you were seated against the wall in Rin's room as she played with all the toys that her precious demon lord had gotten for her. Hn he probably just sent out servants to buy them, he probably has no idea what she has, what's her favorite or anything. You felt consoled in that thought, then your eyes spied the Pin Wheel you had gor Rin, it seemed to be shelved in a place of honor and your heart swelled.


You said as you looked down to see Rin sitting on your lap, her head against your chest as she snuggled close to you. Without hesitation you wrapped your arms around her.

"What is it Rin?"

"I miss Lord Sesshomaru."

You laughed quietly to yourself.

"Come now Rin, surely he's left you before like this."

"No not this long, and even if he was gone for just a day I would miss him, I miss him all the time."

"Well he'll be home soon enough."

Sesshomaru has only been gone for two weeks, so he should be back in another two, not a terribly long time to wait. Underneath you Rin yawned.

"____-chan please tell me a story."

You smiled.

"Okay Rin, I'll tell you a story. A long time ago near a river lived a beautiful young maiden........"


You shut the door to Rin's bedroom silently as you left. After you had finished telling your story Rin was fast asleep, just like you suspected she would be. So you put her in bed, tucking her up and giving her 'Ono', a white dog stuffed animal. You smiled at her peacefully sleeping form then left. You decided to head to your room, and once there you sank onto your bed. You eyed your room wearily, since that night Sayomi had never returned, and you hadn't seen her since. In truth you missed talking to her, and yes her affections were shocking, but that didn't lead away from the fact that she had still been a great companion. I should at least try and find her. As you stood you remembered a meeting with a priestess you had not too long ago......

"Can I help you?"

You stared at the tall woman with red hair.

"Yes are the priestess E'in?"

"I am."

"I need to speak with you about something."

The woman nodded her head and moved towards a hut, you followed and sat inside across from her.

"What is it child?"

You felt irked that she called you child, this woman wasn't that old. But you brushed it aside.

"I....I have this....a ummmm-"

"Are you gifted?"

You fidgeted, you weren't used to telling people that you could see futures, almost every time had been met with scorn, and hate, no body liked a freak and you avoided telling them.

"It's nothing to be ashamed of, you have a unique ability and you should be proud."

Your eyes found hers and a new sensation came to you, she was right, you shouldn't feel ashamed of it.

"So what is it?"

You blushed as you realized you had stayed quiet.

"Well when I touch someone I can see their future's, or at least what their future will be like, but lately it hasn't worked. Trust me there was a lot of contact and still nothing, why is that?"

The priestess tilted her head to the side.

"Touch me."


"Touch me."

A little hesitant you reached out, making contact with her hand. Instantly your body went rigid, your eyes foaming over as you saw a new vision.

The priestess was kneeling on a hill overlooking the sea, a bouquet of flowers held sternly in her white hands. Her eyes were red and puffy, she had been weeping, and she drew her forearm across her eyes once more as she laid the flowers down in front of a marker. The priestess then stood, facing towards the rolling sea. She seemed to steady herself, then she took one step forward, then another, then another, then one last one as she fell off the cliff, red hair whipping up past her as her she turned to stare at the hill. Her body was greatly swallowed by the sea, she never surfaced.............

You quickly snatched your hand back, the vision very unwelcome and frightening considering it had been so long since you had one.

"Hmm you don't have to tell me what you saw, but it is evident you saw something. But you said that lately you haven't been able to."

You swallowed and nodded your head.

"Well what's different since then?"

"I...I....there is only one thing. I've been living with a demon in his castle."

The priestess nodded.

"Mmm so it seems that when you are there your powers are supressed, yes?"

You thought about it and she was right.

"Yes, but why is that?"

E'in shrugged her shoulders.

"I cannot truly say, perhaps it is just blessed grounds there."

You stood.

"Thank you priestess."

"Any time child."

You headed for the door, and as you did you paused before leaving, saying,

"It's not worth it priestess."

E'in's eyes widened, then she flushed, turning her face away.

You shook your head, hoping that E'in hadn't already taken the leap. You felt somber now, and half, not whole just half. You began to walk back to your room, abandoning the idea of finding Sayomi, you suddenly felt drained and in need of a nap, much like your little ward. ' "I miss Lord Sesshomaru." ' Damn it me too Rin, me too. You stalked up the stairs towards your room, entering it and greatly falling onto the bed, becoming wonderfully oblivious to all.

He hates you because you make him weak, because you make him so horridly like the humans he despises, and yet he craves you, yearns for you, wants to have you back in his confidence, back in his trust, back with him. But his pride will keep him from admitting such sentiments, he will build a wall and effectively block you out. It will not be worth the pain you will endure, your life is not planned for this, your life lies elsewhere, you will only find disappointment and a broken heart at the end of your quest, do not break his wall......

You jolted up from your nap, your head reeling, a thin layer of perspiration on your skin. He craves you...........back with him.....his pride....Do not break his wall.... The words tumbled through your mind, that dream, all you could remember was white, and little rainbows flying around you, like moonbeams..... This is crazy! You stood, a bit dizzily and wobbled to your balcony, entreating upon the night air, glad of it's pure air filling your lungs and healing you. You felt better now, more aware and with a sinking heart you finally realized the stark truth. With the moon above as your witness you knew you loved Sesshomaru. You looked up at it's silvery design, and it looked back, almost leering, as if to say, 'I told you so.'