Face Your Consequences

003; Played Out Song

Feeling a soft object hit his arm Jack jolted awake, opening his eyes he attempted to take in his blurry surroundings. “What the fuck.” He grunted out, using his arms to push himself up into a sitting position. Blinking a few times his vision cleared considerably. The light that came from the windows felt as though it was blinding him. Glancing around the room in search of Jade he saw her over on the other chair eating a bit of toast with a grin on her face. Glaring at her he picked up the pillow that had been thrown at him and tossing it back over in her direction. “You know attacking me while I am defenceless is not the nicest thing to do.” He said to Jade as he stood up, moving over in her direction quicker than he should have. Tripping over his own feet Jack fell onto the chair that the attacker was currently sitting in.

Looking at her with a sheepish smile he moved his hand up her thigh lightly, letting it linger on the top of her shorts for a few seconds while he thought of a plan. Except the planning had to wait because he felt his stomach rumble in complaint, he had not eaten anything in a day due to nerves of seeing Jade again. Moving his way up so he was sitting on the arm rest he leaned his face towards hers, quickly taking a large bite of the toast that was current dangling out of her mouth. Chewing happily away at the stolen food that was in his mouth, swallowing the food he looked down at the girl below him with a satisfied smile. “Is there more of that ready?” He asked her, knowing full well that she would be irritated at him for taking her food. That was one of the things that amused him the most. How cranky she was in the mornings had always been a good source of entertainment.

Getting nothing but a glare from her Jack felt a bit uneasy, he knew that the silent treatment always was given before she did something bad. “Oh come on, you know I was just messing with you...” He trailed off, a desperate look on his face as he ran through ideas on what to do to save himself from whatever kind of torture she was thinking up for him. Finally thinking of something he grinned before going to stand up but being stopped by a hand holding onto his wrist. Looking down he gulped, his eyes moving back up to Jades face. “I know what you’re going to do and I don’t think it will work.” He heard Jade say, a smirk on her face as she pulled him back down to her level. Sighing he moved so he was laying across the chair, his back against her legs. Looking up at her cautiously he moved his other hand, trailing it up her side and resting his hand on the back of her neck.

“I am sure you want to do something else to me other than that?” Wiggling his eyebrows he looked up at her with a puppy dog eye expression. That always seemed to work with her, no matter on how bad her mood was. It was almost as though she melted, which was always a good safety net for him. Hearing her curse he grinned as he felt her grip around his wrist. Standing up he turned around so his back was no longer facing Jade he held out his hand. “Come on I am hungry and you owe me.” He said to her as though he was serious, which he was anything but. But today was a day he that was going to enjoy. A day when he could hang out with the girl he loved was a brilliant day, in fact one of the best. Before he had left he had made a bet with her about who would be able to live a week without television.

It had been a stupid bet but they had made it when they were both drunk, and he was not one to go back on his words. “Oh come on I was joking, I’ll pay.” He offered, looking down at his still outstretched hand as if to tell her telepathically to take it. Rolling his eyes he leaned down, this time grabbing her hand and pulling her up. Dragging her out of the apartment he picked up his wallet that he had left on the counter, not even bothering to lock the door behind them. The building she lived in was safe; he had made sure of that when he had helped her pick out the place. Feeling her pull back against his arm Jack stopped turning around and facing her. “I am not even in proper clothes, I am wearing my pyjamas.” Unable to stop the laughter he felt bubbling up inside of him he covered his mouth with his hand; the look on her face was priceless.

Unfortunately it did not hide the amusement that showed in his eyes, causing her to hit him on the arm. Flinching without meaning to he let her hand drop from his, instantly regretting the reaction he had just done. He knew she would have just done it jokingly, and he had made out like it was something worse. Seeing the look of hurt on her face his stomach felt as though it dropped. “I am sorry; I didn’t mean to hit you last night...” She said quietly, moving towards him as he just stood there, looking down at her silently. Feeling the hand on his cheek he leaned his head against it. This means that she still cared about him. It wasn’t the biggest show of affection but it gave him hope. Hope for the future of them, of his happiness. Placing his hand over hers he moved it away from his face, entwining their fingers together.

“I know you didn’t.” As much as it pained him to say this he wanted her to be happy, and saying this he knew would make her happy. Forcing himself to smile he leaned down, brushing the hair off of her face with his free hand. Cupping her face in his hand he leaned down and kissing her softly on the lips before pulling away. As much as he wanted to kiss her more now was not the time, nor was he in the mood to do so. He was hurt, but he was going to attempt to hide it. Even though he knew it would show sooner or later. Moving so he was standing beside her he started to walk down the corridor again, swinging his hand that was holding hers in the air half heartedly. Letting his thoughts take over him as they made their way towards the cafe they frequently used to go to.
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I don't know I kind of feel as though I am dragging this out too much...
What is your opinion/s?