Status: Okay this is a preview sort of...of a world filled with no best friends just people you call friends comment please if u like

Its my mistake, so don't say sorry

I'll give you a chance but this is your only one..don't screw it

Best Friends
people tend to use that word so many times.
people tend to not have a reason why....
Just like me I didn't have a reason but I just went along.....
Don't ever do that
This is an advice that I do recommend you to listen to because if you don't then at the end......... don't complain
I've warned you
I had a best friend I used to tell him everything....
Isn't that how every best friend relationship start
It does but if yours does too
Know that either your going to get hurt or your going to hurt your
Best Friend

My story
it's typical
I meet a cute boy, never realized what can happen
we became best friends
but I hurt him..
I'm not trying to say to hurt your best friend purposely
It was a mistake
A mistake that made me loose my only chance
I said I was sorry
It didn't work
You might think I am a horrible friend
and I must be
what did I do
I lied
He hates liars
should have thought that before

I kept a promise all this time with him....
you must be wondering what this promise is...
I promised him
you won't have to ever see me again
and that is the promise I am keeping
He doesn't know and maybe doesn't realize that
I'm sorry
And maybe by the time he realizes
It will be to late...

I remembered him saying
"I'll give you a chance but don't screw it"
and I did

Best Friends should stick together
Bull shit
Take my advice keep your friends
don't single one out to become your
best friend
you'll regret it

I tried fixing it
he told me to fuck off
that broke my heart

my heart is in pieces
after 6 months
it still is

I don't blame you
I just blame myself for taking that risk
For hurting you
For letting you go through shit you did not deserve
For being a horrible Best friend

If your best friend tells
I'll give you a chance but this is your only one..don't screw it

Your going to screw it no matter what...............