Status: Sorry for the long wait everyone! Things have been crazy, working on updates now :)

Just One Step

Jack & Coke & Pizza

We had reached Virginia and everyone was running around busy getting ready for the performance the next day. I had already done my sound check, so I was just sitting in the bus in my pjs, waiting for everyone else to finish. I had pulled out m guitar and started to sing.

“This is the start of the end of my life
The questions I have will only be solved with time
But I won’t wait quietly I have quite a lot of things to do

Everybody’s growing up around me
But I ain’t got no patience so
Lets have another jack & coke
I’m at the center of a story
But I still got some time to grow
So crack another jack & coke

I try to act like a grownup
I find it doesn’t sit right
Even though I lost my pride
When I tried playing the piano
Not as good as I would like to be

Everybody’s growing up around me
But I ain’t got no patience so
Lets have another jack & coke
I’m at the center of a story
But I still got some time to grow
So crack another jack & coke”

I finished and I sat back on my bunk. I lay back and looked up at the ceiling. I know they said that James was going to cheat on me, but that didn’t mean I was going to break my promise. I took out my phone and dialed his number.

“Hello?” he said. He sounded completely wasted.

“Umm, Hey James,” I said. “You said to call,”

“Victoria?” he asked. I clenched my fists. No. I’m not going to let him do this to me not again.

“Ahh, no,” I said. “It’s…”

“Oh, it’s Amy right?” he interrupted.

“Again no,” I said, trying not to get upset.

“Wait, is this that hot blonde from last night?” he asked. I couldn’t believe him.

“No, actually, it’s Danielle,”

“Oh hey Danielle,” he said, like nothing had happened. “So what’s up?,” It was just because he was drunk that he couldn’t remember me I convinced myself.

“Nothing really,” I said. “We don’t really start tour until tomorrow,”

“Cool, well I got to go,” he said. “Bye babe,” and he hung up before I could say anything.

“Love you too,” I said to dead air. I knew he had hung up, but I didn’t care. I still loved him. But I thought I loved Niall too. I was so confused. Just then I heard the boys come in. I didn’t feel like talking to anyone right now, so I closed my eyes and pretended to be asleep.

They all came in, sounding like a heard of elephants.

“Hey!” Louis shouted. “Where’s Dani?”

“Dunno,” answered Harry.

“She was at sound check, but I didn’t see her after that,” Liam told them.

“She told me she was coming back here, so she must be somewhere,” Zayn said.

“Maybe she went out with Lilly,” Harry suggested.

“No,” Liam said. “She’s back at the venue,”

“Same with all the rest of the crew,” Zayn said. “So she can’t be with them,”

“Maybe she went back to the venue to find us,” Louis suggested.

“Nahh,” Zayn told him. “She looked pretty tired,”

“Shhhh guys,” I heard Niall’s voice right next to my head. “She’s asleep,”

“Okay,” Harry whispered, he sounded like he was standing over me too. “Aww, she’s cute when she sleeps,” I tried not to blush.

“Should we wake her?” Louis practically screamed. “Or let her sleep,” I stirred a little before opening my eyes. No one would have been able to sleep through that, so I was going to have to deal with the boys.

“Looks like you already did,” said Niall, pushing the hair out of my face.

“Yeah, I’m up,” I said, groggily.

“Come on then!” Louis shouted.

“What are we doing that you are in such a hurry?” I asked in a sleepy monotone.

“Food! I’m hungry,”

“How fancy?” I asked.

“Just pizza,” Zayn told me.

“Okay, well then just let me get dressed,” I slid out of the bunk, and pulled out some skinny jeans and my lo fidelity ‘we exist for the music,’ sweatshirt. I pulled off my tank top and slipped on the sweatshirt, and then I took off the shorts I had been wearing and switched them for the jeans. I put my hair up in a ponytail, and turned around to see all the guys starring at me.

“What?” I asked.

“Well, umm, you, uhh,” Liam stuttered. “Kind of, just sorta, like stripped in front of us,”

“Oh come on,” I said. “It’s not like you saw anything more then you would if I was wearing a bathing suit, and if we’re going to be on the same bus for twelve weeks then you guys better get used to being pretty close,”

“I don’t mind,” Harry said winking at me.

“Ew Harry, you are such a prev,” I said lightly smacking his arm. We both laughed.


We walked into the restaurant and were immediately greeted by One Direction fans. A few of them looked at me, confused, until one of them asked me if I was the girl who sang on the new single.

“Yeah,” I said. “That’s me,”

“OMG I love your voice so much, can I get a picture with you?” one of the girls asked. Soon I was signing napkins, taking pictures, and giving hugs to girls not much younger than myself. It was kind of weird, but fun at the same time. And it was a total confidence booster, knowing that at least someone liked my voice.

When we finally sat down I looked up at Niall and noticed he was grinning broadly.

“What?” I asked him.

“You’re cute with the fans,” he said.

“Oh shut up,” I said, he just smiled. The waitress came over and took our orders. She seamed to pay special attention to Niall. Whore.

Wait what? No. I didn’t like Niall. I was still getting over James, or getting back to together with her or something. I shouldn’t care if this girl flirted with him.

We all ate and joked around. Near the end of the meal, I excused myself to the bathroom. When I came back, everyone, save for Niall, had left.

“Where’d they all go?” I asked.

“I’m not exactly sure,” he said in his adorable accent.

“So what did you think of that girl?” I asked, wondering his opinion on the slutty waitress.

“What girl?” he asked, completely serious.

“The waitress who was throwing herself at you,” I told him.

“She was?” he asked.

“Obviously,” I said. “How could you not notice?”

“I was too busy looking at you,” he spoke quietly. I blushed.




I liked James, and I wasn’t just about to get my heartbroken by another boy.

But maybe Niall would be different.

In fact I know Niall would be different.

What is going on with me?
♠ ♠ ♠
A/N: So what do you guys think? Comment and let me know! I apologize as the chapter is a bit of a filler, I'm thinking of adding some drama in the next chapter or the one after. I promise. The lyrics are from Alex Day's new single, Jack & Coke, you should check it out. Also, I do have a new story up. It's called Erin William's Guide To Warped Tour. It's not 1D, but it's got a lot of other bands in it.

Thanks for reading!
