Status: Active

Dark Secrets


Amanda throw open the door to my house, it groaned its protest. "So guess what I brought?"

I hung up my keys next to the black microwave," What?"

She stuck her hand in her bag, feeling for whatever she had brought. Finally she pulled out a movie. " The Devil Inside Me. It's suppose to be really scary."

I rolled my eyes but took the DVD to scan the back of it. It was about a woman who was trying to find out what happened to her mother. Her mom had killed people for no reason and she wanted to find out why along with what made her do it. " Wow, it does sound pretty good."

She snatched it out of my hand and ran to the living room," I'll put the movie in, you pop some popcorn!"

I shook my head, glad I had such a silly best friend. I opened one of the white cabinets and jumped back. Lily was sitting in the bigger of our cabinets, holding her knees to her chest and crying. "He knows, he knows. You have to get out of here."

I reached out to her," He knows what?"

She embraced her knees closer to her," He knows that I've been talking to you and he's mad."

I asked frantically," Why would he be mad that you are talking to me?"

She started to answer me when a loud bang from upstairs came. " I have to go. He's waiting."

I tried to grab at her," No, Lily. You don't have to go. You can go into the light and find a better place."

She replied," I can't. He says the Light doesn't want me, I'm to dirty." Then she disappeared, leaving me breathless.

Amanda shouted to me from the other room," Hey, do you have the popcorn going yet?"

I quickly shoved my hand to where the popcorn was and stuck it in the microwave. "Yeah, it's in!" About five or six minutes later, we were lying on the black leather sofa. Isabella's mother was obviously possessed but Amanda argued that she could just be delusional.

Amanda huffed," I'm telling you, Ava! That woman isn't possessed."

I pointed to one of the scenes we were watching," Then how is she doing all that crazy mess. Who can walk on walls?"

Amanda rolled her eyes at me but didn't offer up anymore information to be disputed. Instead, we stayed quiet as the movie met it's end. By the time it was actually over, we had already agreed it was a crappy scary movie.

We grabbed our blankets from the room and headed upstairs to my room. Amanda peeked her head over the top of the railing," Whoa, what happened up here?"

I gently pushed upside her and then gasped. Someone had wrecked my entire room when it had just been clean a little over twenty minutes ago. Now my bed sheets hung from the ceiling fan, my clothes were scattered across the floor and my desk was tipped upside down. "What the heck?"

Amanda glanced uneasily around the room," Maybe your mom came home early from the club?"

I picked up one of my shirts," Nah, we would have heard her busting in." I walked over to the window and pulled one of the curtains back," Her car isn't here."

Amanda tilted her head," Then what happened to your room?"

I shivered,: I don't know."


Amanda's form twisted in her sleep while I quietly stepped out of bed, trying to not wake her up. Amanda doesn't know about my abilities and I definitely wanted to keep it that way. I walked down the stairs, carefully watching the steps. Something was going on in, and I needed to find out what.

A feeling of fury was erupting from the kitchen, it coated the air. I peeked my head around the corner of the kitchen doorway and stopped dead in my tracks. A man who I had seen in a vision long ago," The mother is completely under my control now. By the end of the week, I should be able to kill the spirit seeker. The witch isn't gonna be helping any spirits ever."

I silently gasped in horror but didn't make any other movements. He continued," We can't have her crossing over any of my servant now can we?"

Someone answered," No, master." The person seemed like a gentle but very scared spirit. He or she was confused and didn't know what exactly to do.

A loud crash sounded from the evil-filled room," I refuse to let a measly little girl take away everything I have gained power from."

The other spirit whimpered," Of course, master."

I tried to lean a little closer to hear but suddenly a soft wind came from my mom's room. I glanced to the kitchen but followed the nicer breeze, the friendly spirit so to speak. I lightly went after where the wind had come from. I touched the dark wooded doorway to Mom's room.

Lily sat beside my mother, holding her hand. "You have to leave. He will kill you."

I whispered back as I fall gently on the bed," How? He won't let us."

She just stroked the back of my mom's hand," He has to sleep during the day or it takes his power away. The light spirits find him if he does his evil deeds during the time in which light rules." She stared into my eyes, sorrow and pity feeling them to the brim.

I nodded but her head snapped up," Go, he's coming. Go through the secret room, the one in your mother's closet. It leads to your room." She appeared next to me and pointed to mom's closet. " Go, if he finds you, he will kill you."

I heard some heavy footsteps and quickly clambered into the closet. I shut the doors and watched through the little slits. The man who was Lily's father ran into the room and yelled at Lily," What are you doing? You know you aren't allow near the vessel!"

He glared down at her tiny frame and she started screaming, loudly. "No, no. Please don't I promise to listen from now on."

Her eyes met mine and they pleaded for me to go. I turned and ducked under some clothes, just kind of knowing the way. A small doorway was behind the curtain of clothing and slipped into it. A stairway lead up so I followed it, anyway to get away from him. His aura was getting so intoxicating, causing me to get dizzy.

Lily stood at the top of the stairs with some light," Come on! He'll be up to check on you soon." Lily's presence eased the dizziness, so I was able to get up to where Lily was.

I braced myself against the wall," Where do I get out?"

Lily pushed against the other wall, causing it to open into my closet. We did the whole step in and the wall turns thing. I stumbled over to my bed," Is he coming yet?"

She nodded," He'll be here soon. He's busy whispering in your mother's ear right now. Securing his control over her I think."

I grabbed my head," How can I stop him?'

She floated next to me," You have to ask one of the light spirits." She watched me with her sad eyes, saying sorry that she couldn't save me. Footfalls alarmed us that I needed to pretend to be asleep.

I quickly lied down and pulled the covers up, turning on my side. I felt the evil looming over me, studying me as if he was assessing how to kill me. I shivered in my 'sleep' and he made a satisfied grunt.

Amanda started sleep talking in her sleep," Go away, you do not belong here. You're time here is over for we intend to set the souls free."

The evil shrank back and Amanda sat straight up," Leave everyone that resides in this house be. You are not allowed in this room any more or any where were the light touches."

He screamed and suddenly the evil was gone. Not from the house, just not in the room. I could feel his anger but every time he tried to enter my room he was burned.

Amanda suddenly woke up," Whoa, that was weird." She glanced around and looked down at me before falling back down. Her eyes were closed and her breathing was even. It was if she had never spoke, her energy was different then just five seconds ago.
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What do you guys think? I took awhile getting this chapter out but I wanted this to happen. You might think this is rushed but this isn't just about her house.. This is about her life as seeing spirits and helping them cross over.