Cleanse Your Name

Only Escape Through Confession

She bowed her head, her hair covering her face as she sat in the chair facing the wall in front of her. Her eyes never once moved from their gaze on her hands. Scratches littered both of her hands but the girl didn't seem to take note of them.

The fire burned loudly from the right of her but she refused to look up from her hands. Heavy footsteps paced behind the chair she was sat. Each step sounded heavier than the last.

"Confess," the man spoke, stopping behind the chair for a minute just to look at the bowed figure of the girl before continuing with his pacing.

The girl pursed her lips but still didn't lift her head up. Not a single sound passed through her lips. "Confess," the man said again, this time stopping and standing directly behind the chair she was sat on.

Again the girl didn't let a single sound pass through her lips. This time it made the man reach forward and grasp her neck tightly, fingers pressing into the back of her neck. "Confess," he demanded.

"I have nothing to confess for," the girl finally spoke, her voice light and not giving a single hint as to just how much the pressure on her neck was hurting.

"Confess!" the man thundered, pushing hard which had the girl tumble from the chair and onto the floor in front of the fire. She stayed on her knees, breathing deeply. A book lay near by which the man kicked over to her knees. "Confess."

A broken laugh comes from the girl's lips but no other sound. In a flick of her wrist the girl flung the book into the fire. The pages crinkled and began to burn slowly.

"Take her away!" the man yelled, eyes burning with hatred. The two men who were standing by the door came over and grabbed the girl by an arm each before they began dragging her out from the room.

"I have nothing to confess," the girl murmured, a distant look in her eye and a smile on her face. The man's fist clenched but he turned to face the fire so that he didn't do anything he would regret. He would get her to confess. Whether that day be tomorrow or in two years time, he would get her to confess.

As would he get all the other girls sitting in the basement to confess. All they needed to do was confess and then they would be free to the world. But no, all they did was continue to hide their faces and bring about more misery for him.

In a twisted way, that was their confession.