Sequel: The Boy Next Door
Status: Completed

Miranda's Men

The Game


When I awoke the next Sunday morning, I stretched in my bed underneath my white comforter. I gently sat up, and saw something with a note sitting in front of my closed door. It looked like had been slid from underneath. I got up and walked over. It was a pair of tickets, with a note that said, “Enjoy – Dave.” I smiled as I picked up the tickets, which were in section 119. I tried to think back to when we had arrived home, but some of it was a blur. We played NHL ’12 until 4 in the morning, and I continued to beat him, even tipsy. We laughed and poked fun at each other, reaching over to smash the buttons on each other’s controllers to try to mess each other up. I fell asleep on the couch, and Dave must have brought me to my bed and tucked me in. I was still wearing my bandage dress, and my makeup was smeared across my face. I scurried up to my full-length mirror, trying to fix my hair and wiping the excess makeup away with a cleansing cloth. I quickly changed into a sweater and athletic shorts, stole a glance in the mirror, and opened my door.

Hoping to thank Dave for the tickets, despite the fact that I looked like a mess, I walked into the kitchen. Miranda was alone, sitting on a stool at the marble counter drinking coffee and typing away on her laptop. Her rectangular, black-framed glasses were perched on her nose, and her raven hair was tied up in a messy bun.

“Where’s Dave?” I asked, glancing at the clock. 11:40.
She continued to stare at her computer screen. “He didn’t stay over. He had practice at 10.”
“Oh. Well he gave me tickets to tonight’s game, he wanted the two of us to go.”
She looked up from her computer at me, her face unchanging. “Oh, I can’t go,” she replied, looking back at her computer screen and continuing to type.
I frowned. “Why not?”
“Sean’s in town. My family wanted to take us out for dinner,” she replied quickly, playing with the frames on her face. “Why don’t you ask Taylor or Kendra or something?” she asked monotonously.

I stood there, watching her type away. She didn’t sound upset to be missing Dave’s game. She just seemed...distant. She sipped her coffee, and finally looked up at me, waiting for me to say something, or move an inch from where I was rooted. I finally turned back to my room, grabbed my phone, and texted Kendra.

* * *

We were three rows from the glass. Kendra were sitting in our seats, wearing our Senators jerseys and waiting for the warm-up to begin.
“I broke up with Andrew last night,” Kendra blurted, her large, green eyes glowing through her glasses.
“Really? Why?” I asked worriedly.
“We got in a fight last night after he picked me up, saying that I take him for granted and care more about my friends than I did about him. He was like a woman, he commanded attention all the time. I want to be with a guy that isn’t so high maintenance, you know? Is that so much to ask?”
I shook my head. “No, not at all. You're so laid back, you need a guy whose just as laid back as you are. Forget about Andrew, and let’s enjoy the game!”

Kendra flashed a smile that glowed whiter than her fair skin, and a giddy smile came over my face as the warm-up began and the players jolted onto the ice. We were sitting in the corner across from the bench, in the home ice zone of the Ottawa Senators. I watch as many familiar Senators faces blew by me, like Jason Spezza, Chris Phillips, and Daniel Alfredsson. When Dave rounded the corner and skated past me, he sent me a subtle smile that shot a spark of energy through my spine. Pucks were flying towards the net at the back-up goaltender Alex Auld, players were stretching, and some took their place in front of us in the corner, including Dave. He turned slightly, and as we locked eyes, he looked to the player standing next to him, whose jersey said ‘Zibanejad’ on the back. Dave’s curled his arm toward his body, and subtly stuck out the index finger of his glove to Zibanejad. He was Mika. Dave turned his back to me and tore off, taking a pass from Chris Neil.

I felt my heartbeat in my throat as I looked at Mika. He was the same height and size as Dave, but his back was still to me. I could see straight dark hair out the back of his helmet that hit just above the bottom of his neck. Before I could get a good look at him, he peeled off, following Dave. I looked at Kendra, who was excitedly watching the players whiz by us. “This is so cool, I can’t imagine what the game will be like!” she exclaimed.

I gave her a smile, my heart continuing to pound. Normally I’d be in Kendra’s shoes, excited for a fast-paced night of entertainment. However, I couldn’t wait for the game to be over. I wanted to get my meeting with Mika over with, to reassure Dave that we wouldn’t be a ‘cute couple’. It was hard to say I wouldn’t like Mika, considering I still hadn’t met him, but I couldn’t imagine feeling more strongly for him than I did for Dave.

* * *

The game started a half hour later, and the boys were on fire. They had scored 2 goals in the first, as Ryan Miller, the Sabres’ goalie, was not on his game. After taking an early lead, they tumbled to 2-2 in the second, then closed it out with a 4-2 lead. Craig Anderson, our goalie, had an amazing game, and Daniel Alfredsson scored two goals.

After the game, just after 11 PM,I Dave had Kendra and I escorted through the corridors under Scotiabank Place. As we approached the Senators dressing room, we saw Dave and Mika round a corner, heading towards us. Dave was wearing a black trench coat, with the same baby blue oxford he had on when he met Miranda, only it was neat, and a tie was tied around it. As they approached, I got a better look at Mika. He was...young. His eyes were avoiding me, but I could see how dark they were. His hair was disheveled, and he also wore a trench coat over his suit. He was cute, but next to Dave, he looked like just another face. It was just like me and Miranda. Maybe Mika and I were destined to be together.

Dave smiled at me. “Hi ladies.” As he greeted us, the ushers turned around and headed back towards the stands.
“Hey guys, congrats on the win!” Kendra chimed excitedly.
“Thanks,” Dave replied, combing his fingers through his brown locks. I tried to urge my heart to stop beating so fast. “I’d like to introduce you guys to Mika. Mika, this is Kendra, and Leslie.”
He finally looked into my eyes for the first time. They were so dark, I couldn’t tell where pupil ended and iris began. “Nice to meet you,” he said quietly, in a not-a-boy-but-not-yet-a-man voice. He smiled gently, and I smiled back at him.

“I tried texting Miranda today, but she didn’t answer me. I guess she couldn’t come tonight?”
“Yeah, she had to go to dinner with her family.” He nodded, looking down at the ground, clearly disappointed. Meanwhile, Mika was smiling at me shyly, then looked away when I caught his gaze. I felt like we were fourteen year olds, dodging glances from across the classroom.
“I was going to take Miranda out, but she’s still not answering my texts, so would you ladies like to join us for some drinks?” Dave asked. I looked up into his blue eyes, that almost looked like they had a hint of grey in them. He had the strangest look on his face, and I couldn’t quite place it. It almost looked like a mixture of anger and relief, which I wouldn't have ever imagined going together in one look.

Kendra looked at me giddily, shrugging her shoulders. “I’m down. It’s up to Leslie,” she said, her hair bobbing with every movement. I didn't know how to answer. I couldn't tell if it was out of courtesy, or if he really wanted me to go. By the look on his face, and the thought of spending the night with him again, I certainly didn't want to give him the wrong answer. I looked at Mika, who still remained motionless and silent. I didn’t know what to make of him, and whether it would take a number of pints to squeak more than a couple words out of him, I figured I should try. As I looked at Dave again, who was patiently waiting on my response. I figured I should trust his judgment, and I that I should give Mika a fair shot. “Sure, I’m in.”

Any hint of hostility on Dave's face was instantly wiped from his face, and that signature carefree smile of his spread across his face. “Perfect.”