Status: Updated when possible.



I quietly sat there in my house looking at my name written in her hand writing. The last thing my dear Amy will have given to me. I sighed and looked at my name.

Frank Iero.

It arrived after Amy died. Something I never wanted to happen. I carefully opened the letter and closed my eyes and took a deep breath before I began to read.

My dearest Frank, my one and only Frankie

If you’re reading this, it means I’m finally gone. I’m going to miss you and I will always remember you. I suck at writing goodbye letters, but this one has been the hardest. I hate the fact that we lost contact after I went to college and My Chemical Romance became big.

I’m extremely proud of you though. My Chemical Romance are amazing and you guys have helped and inspired a lot of kids with your music and you never see it.

You Frankie are one unique human being. And I mean that in a good way too. You are like no one I’ve ever come across. Please don’t shed any tears over me, Live your life. I’m glad I got to spend the last two years with you. Take care of our daughter Frankie.
Our sweet little Harlow. Our baby girl.

Please don’t give up on music Frankie. I’m here in the hospital now listening to Famous Last Words. Ironic isn’t it. You’ve gone home to give Harlow a bath and change her clothes. Please remind her of me Frankie, remind her that I love her every night, and I’ll be looking down from the brightest star in the sky. Give her my letter on her 16th birthday, she’ll be old enough to understand then.

I love you Frank Iero. I always will. I’ll never stop.

Forever your guardian angel.

Amy. x

I sighed as I heard a small cry coming from the monitor in Harlow’s room. I got up leaving Amy’s letter on the couch.
Our sweet little Harlow. She was the perfect mixture of Amy and myself. She had Amy’s big brown eyes. My black hair. Her mother’s nose. And the famous Iero smile.

I picked her up from her cot. She was so small, she needs her mother, she needs Amy. I need Amy. We both do.

“Sssh, Harley, its okay” I cooed to her. She smiled. Playing with my nose ring. I smiled down to her. This was the last thing of Amy that I had. I had to protect her. I couldn’t let anything happen to her.

I sat in the rocking chair and I sang Harlow to sleep. It was about 8:30pm when I did. I put her back in her bed. I kissed her forehead.

“Mommy and Daddy love you angel” I whispered as I closed the door.

I walked down the hallway to our room. I got changed into the batman pyjamas that she recently bought me. How she found them in a an adult size still amazes me.

I got into our bed. Her side was neat. Untouched since the day she collapsed and went to hospital.

I lay there and I think about the times she will miss. Our daughters first steps. Our daughters first words. Our daughters graduation. Our daughters wedding.
Our wedding anniversary’s.
Every October 31st. My Birthday. One more year since I married my true love.

I tried to fight back the tears. I couldn’t do it anymore.

That night Frank Anthony Iero became weak and cried himself to sleep.
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This is my first My Chemical Romance fan fiction. So comments are gratefully appreciated. I don't know where I'm going with this. Let me know If I should continue it or not. :)