Status: Updated when possible.


Chapter 2.

I woke up to the next day to the cries of Harley through the monitor. I rubbed my eyes. It was 9am. I sighed and walked to her room.

“Hey now, what’s all this crying about.” I asked softly as I picked her up.
Her eyes were red. Nothing I seemed to do calmed her down. I changed her clothes and I changed her diaper. I gave her a fresh bottle. I sang to her.

Nothing. I was failing as a father. I couldn’t comfort my own daughter. How was I supposed to take care of her.

I only had one option left. I got her diaper bag ready and put her in her car seat. I was going to ask for help off Gerard. I didn’t know who else to turn to. Gerard was the only other person who had a kid. Bandit.

It ached my heart to hear Harlow cry. I felt as if I was leaving her down. I felt like I was an unfit father.

We reached Gerard’s house. It wasn’t that long of a drive. I got Harlow outta the car and turned towards the car. I reached the front door and was meet by Lynz. My mind screamed “Thank the lord.”

“Hey Lynz. Could you help me here, I’ve changed her and feed her and nothing. I don’t know what to do.” I pleaded.

“Sure, And no need for the puppy eyes Mr Iero. She is my goddaughter after all.” Lynz smiled. Now I knew why her and Amy were so close.

She took a crying Harlow from my hands. It pained me to see her so young and unknowing. She wouldn’t have a mother to go to when she grew up. She would have me of course, but what do I know about teenage girl stuff? I was snapped out of my daydream by Gerard.

“You alright there Frankie?” Gerard asked waving a hand in my face.

“Yeah…I was just thinking that’s all.” I said while swotting his hand from his face.

“What were you thinking about?” Gerard asked. His facial features changed from amusement to worry.

“Nothing, Could you take Harlow for a couple of hours. I just need some space to think.” I asked whispering.

“Yeah, Look we’ll take her for the night, Just relax and get your head together. It will be okay.” He replied

I looked at Gerard in the eye. He eyes full of sympathy.

“Thank you Gee.” I simply replied.

“No trouble Frankie. Anytime, I’ll always be here for you to talk.” He smiled.

“Thank you Gee.” I repeated myself.

“Now go. Clear you mind. I’ll take of her.” Gerard smiled.

I only smiled back.

I made my way out the door and told Harlow that her Mommy and Daddy love her.

I got in the car and drove around aimlessly. I parked outside the graveyard. I still didn’t have the strength to go in. So I sat there parked for a full hour before I decided to go to some bar.

That night Frank Anthony Iero got absolutely drunk.
That night Frank Anthony Iero made his back to the graveyard.

I sat there. My emotions going in each and every way.
I sat there and read her gravestone. Each time I read it made it sink in even more.

Amy Louise Iero.
Beloved mother, wife and friend.
November 2nd 1981- July 17th 2011.
Aged 29.

That night Frank Anthony Iero cried again.
That night Frank Anthony Iero fell asleep beside his wife’s grave.
♠ ♠ ♠
So yeah. I do apologize for this chapter. I don't like it that much. Thanks for the comments. Keep the coming. They give me motivation to write! :P