Killing Jar

Killing Jar; 09

I woke up, curled in Stef’s side and she grinned down at me. She must have already been awake and watching me sleep, and she pushed her lips gently to my forehead.

“What do you want to do today?” she asked and I shrugged my shoulders as best as I could, yawning slightly and bringing my hands up between our bodies to rub my eyes of the sleep that had fallen there in my slumber.

“Dunno,” I sighed and closed my eyes again, pushing my face further into her chest.

She giggled and held me closer into her body, wrapping her leg over my waist and rolling on top of me.

“It’s our anniversary today,” she smiled and pecked my lips quickly.

I grinned up at her, “I know.”

“Indeed, you do,” she giggled and I pushed my lips against hers, not really wanting to open my mouth us due to morning breath and I struggled beneath her, trying to get out of her grasp. “Leaving so soon?” she pouted once I stood up and I flashed a grin at her, nodding my head.

“Need to brush my teeth,” I sung as I made my way to the bathroom. There was already a spare toothbrush in there for me, I always forgot mine every time I went to people’s houses and Stef decided that it would be better for her to just buy me one, rather than me always borrowing hers.

I pasted the toothpaste onto the brush and started to brush my teeth, spitting the toothpaste out every now and then and running the brush head under the water.

Stef came in after me and picked up her own toothbrush, copying the actions I had just done and brushing her teeth, grinning at me with her frothy mouth. I laughed and spat out my toothbrush, cupping my hands together to gain some water from the tap and washing my mouth out. I found her flannel, ran the corner under the tap and rubbed the toothpaste from my eyes before running the rest of the flannel under the water to wash my face.

“You’re so weird,” Stef commented and I looked up at her, my face soaking.

“Why?” I asked, knowing that I was weird, but not fully knowing why she was telling me this now.

“You only put a little bit of water on the flannel to wash around your mouth, and then you go and soak it straight after: why don’t you do it at the same time?” she laughed and my mouth formed an ‘o’ shape.

“Dunno,” I replied and went back to washing the sleep and smudged eyeliner from around my eyes, turning her purple flannel black.


She was taking me out for dinner tonight, to some fancy restaurant in London. I grinned up at her as I held her hand on the train, leaning my head on her shoulder after and she placed a kiss on my hair before going back to looking forwards. The smile was still on my lips, and my body was shaking slightly with excitement.

I wasn’t fully sure why I was excited, sure, tonight I was going to finally ‘do it’ with Stef, but it’s not that big of a deal, is it? It’s nothing to get excited about. Oh, fuck it. It’s huge; I was finally going to let Stef get that bit more intimate with me, as I would with her. It was huge, and I was excited.

I chuckled slightly to myself, I was such a… pansy. It’s not like me to be so girly and feminine, I’m usually the more manly one out of the two of us. The solid one, the rock hard one. And here I was, letting myself get excited about having sex for the first time. I was hilarious.

“What’s funny?” Stef asked and I shook my head, sitting up so I could look at her.

I turned my body so I could put my legs over her lap and she raised her hands so she could place them on top of my calves.

“Nothing,” I grinned and she raised her eyebrows suspiciously, but nodded anyway.

“Okay…” she mumbled and looked out of the window.

I followed her gaze, watching the scenery pass by. One of the things I hated about above ground trains was their ability to make you feel so lost. Everything looks like the country side, when really you’re in the middle of a town. It makes you feel like you’re in the completely wrong place and so you start to worry. But I was used to going up to London now, and I knew exactly where I was and that I really wasn’t lost.

The rest of the journey was in a comfortable silence, apart from when we laughed slightly at the people who got on the train at different stations. Fat old men, who had little hair, but managed to be grey none-the-less. Heavily pregnant teenagers who looked like they were having a hard time pushing their buggy that was already occupied by a screaming toddler. It was just… amusing, really.

We reached Waterloo and stood up to get off of the train and make our way through the main hall and out of the exit into London. Stef led me past the London eye and over the bridge before dragging me around a bit. I lost track of where we were heading and stopped paying attention to where she was taking me, just running along side her body as she took big strides. Damn her longer legs, she could take longer steps while I had to jog to keep up.

She pulled me into a small, dimly lit restaurant and we waited patiently at the door for a waiter.

“Erm, I have a table booked for two under the name Green,” Stef asked and he nodded his head, leading us over to a small table in one of the corners.

The waiter placed two menus in front of us, and then left us to decide what we wanted to order.
♠ ♠ ♠
Eugh, I had a two hour math test today!
But I managed to finish in half that time : /
so fingers crossed I did alright in it...

I have English and History tomorrow
I'll do fine in them, I'm good at those subjects : )