Killing Jar

Killing Jar; 06

I rushed over to where Henry and Amy stood and grinned at them, “wish me luck,” I begged and they laughed and hugged me.

“You don’t need it,” Amy reassured me and Henry just laughed harder.

I was freaking out, and I didn’t know why. I had been naked in front of her before, we had showered together and everything, but never before had she… touched me, nor have I touched her in that way. I was nervous.

“You’ll have a blast,” Henry told me and I scowled at him.

“Thanks,” I mumbled.

The busses started their engines for the people who got on them and I watched as almost half of the playground started filing onto their busses, ready to go home.

“Well, I’m gonna go,” I told Amy and Henry, hugged them both and left the school, waiting for 6 o’clock to roll around so I could go and see Stef.

I power walked the way home, wanting to give myself time to shower and then possibly go out to the shopping centre to get some new underwear. So much for revising… I don’t know why, but I felt the need to buy some newer and more… well, sexy underwear for tomorrow night. I wanted Stef to think that I was ready for this just as much as I felt ready.

I pushed open the front door with a turn of the lock, knowing my mum was still at work, and ran straight for the shower. I scrubbed all of the dirt off of my body and hair, turned the water off and got out of the shower, wrapping one towel around my hair and one around my body before walking out into the hall and towards my room.

I leant over slightly, towel drying my hair slightly first before finding my hair dryer to finish the job for me and then finding some clothes to wear. I ended up in some grey jeans, skinny at the thigh but loosened out at the bottoms, a black short sleeve top and my pair of Doc Martins on my feet.

I found my eyeliner and drew a thick line under each eyelid, before finding my blue pencil and almost colouring in my top eyelid. I grabbed my money and keys, hurrying down the stairs so I could go and buy a new bra with probably matching underwear.

I walked slowly to the bus stop, not wanting to over excite myself and work up a slight sweat, that would be… unpleasant. Though I doubt Stef would mind too much, she’s not the kind of person to judge on sweat…

I reached the bus stop and sat down, waiting for the next one to come along and take me to the shopping centre, and it did almost as soon as I sat down.


I walked into La Senza, walking over to the side and scanning through the different pieces of under wears. I trailed over to the ‘sexy’ section and noticed a peach coloured lacy bra, remembering how much Stef loved her peaches. I grinned and looked around for my size before looking below it and finding the mating underpants for it. It was a thong… but I guess that would do. I mean, I’ve worn thongs before – no, they’re not the most comfortable of things in the world, but why would Stef complain about me being in a lacy thong? Well… I hope she wouldn’t.

I grabbed my size, not even wanting to try it on and embarrass myself further, and I made my way over to the cashier, placing it down on the table for it to be scanned.

The lady looked at me and smiled, “hoping to please your boyfriend then?” she giggled and I shook my head as she rung up the bra and thong.

“No, my girlfriend,” I replied, feeling quite smug at how her facial expression instantly dropped.

“Oh… I’m sorry. That’s cool, though. My sister’s a lesbian,” she nodded and pressed a few keys on her computer while I nodded my head. “That’s 30 pounds then.”

I handed over the money while mumbling a “cool” and waited for my receipt to go in the bag so I could leave.

“There you go,” she finally said, putting the underwear and receipt into the yellow bag and handing it over, allowing me to walk off and get the bus back home to wait for six o’clock to roll around.

I checked my watch as I made my way towards the bus stop, taking in note that it was already 5 o’clock and Stef would be home in half an hour.

I grinned; I was really excited… yet incredibly nervous at the same time. What if it all goes horribly wrong? Like… I’m not good enough or something, what if Stef sees how much of a baby I am and decides she doesn’t like me like that anymore.

I mentally slapped myself and walked onto the bus, taking a seat at the back and waiting for the journey to end.
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I'm away for a week!
Going to Berlin and then going skiing!
So I won't be able to update until 15/16th ish...