Killing Jar

Killing Jar; 08

I curled up into her side after she sat down on the sofa after putting the movie in. I think it was Beetlejuice: she always seemed to watch this when I came round, she knew it was my favourite movie.

I grinned when I realized it was Beetlejuice, the image of the town popping up on the screen and I leaned further into her, burying my head in her lap as she toyed with my hair, twizzling it around her fingers.

I sighed into her lap, my fingers tracing circles on her outer thighs and running up and down. We watched the movie in silence, only speaking when we were quoting alone to Beetlejuice saying “ah, babs” and giggling at the way he pronounced it. No one can do it as well as Michael Keaton.

I sat up to rest my head in the crook of her neck, and Stef rested her head on top of mine, sighing contentedly into my hair and placing a small kiss on my hair line. I smiled to myself, she was perfect.

The movie started to finish and I sang along to Winona Ryder playing Lydia doing her dance to Jump In Line (Shake, Shake Senora). I don’t know why, but Winona Ryder looked hot in Beetlejuice, much better than she did in Edward Scissorhands. The blond hair didn’t do it for me, and the dark Gothic look she had in Beetlejuice made her all the more… hotter.

The movie finished and I sat up straight, stretching and yawning as Stef did the same, only laughing through her yawn and leaning over me: straddling me on the couch and pushing her lips into mine, begging for entrance which I granted her happily.

She pushed her tongue in and I sucked gently on her tongue as her hand moved up to the nape of my neck while her other rested on my thigh and mine moved up to tangle themselves in her hair. Our lips moved in sync and she sucked gently on my lip, causing me to moan softly onto her face. She grinned and moved her kisses down my jaw and to my neck, sucking on the spot below my ear; knowing perfectly well that it was my weak spot. I trembled slightly, suppressing a moan as she sucked harder, biting at the skin softly.

She pulled away and grinned down at me, kneeling in between my spread legs.

“Come on, bed time missy,” she giggled and reached her hand out as she stood up, helping me up off of the couch.

She gripped me around the knees and just below my shoulders and picked me up swiftly, carrying me up out of the room and up the stairs. It was a wonder she didn’t break her neck or anything, I wasn’t the lightest of people out there. No, I wasn’t obese, but I wasn’t stick thin either. I was thick, and I wasn’t too bothered about it. The slight bulge in my stomach obviously didn’t put Stef off of me, and she wasn’t stick thin herself. We were around the same body shape, only I had slightly bigger hips. Child bearing hips, my mum always said – it was a shame they were going to be wasted: I certainly did not want any children.

My open mouth connected with the side of Stef’s neck and I sucked gently, feeling her guttural moan echo through her larynx as she tumbled on top of me on the bed, forcing my lips back to hers rather than mine on her neck.

I grinned into the kiss as she rolled around on top of me, her hands running up and down my sides under my shirt and reaching around to unclasp my bra. She did with hardly any effort and let go of our lip lock so she could pull my shirt over my head and reveal my bra which was hanging off. I shook my arms out of it as she sat up straight to pull her own t-shirt over her head, leaving her in her jeans and dark blue bra. I wasn’t going to go any further than top naked, that was for tomorrow night that I would allow her to go that far.

Luckily, she sensed my unwilling-ness as she reached for my zipper and nodded her head gently, “tomorrow,” I whispered to her and she nodded her head, a smile on her face.

She unclasped her own bra and my hands instantly reached out to touch them, my cold hands on her flesh caused her nipples to harden and I sat up, knocking her backwards and causing me to roll on top of her so that I could take one into my mouth. I sucked gently as my other hand found her left breast and began massaging gently. She moaned into the air around us, her body quivering every now and then as my tongue flicked back and forth over her hardened nipple.

I trailed kisses along her chest, so I could take her other into my mouth, my left hand now reaching for her right breast and my fingers rolled around her now wettened nipple. I moved my mouth back up to hers, pushing my tongue inside her parted lips and ran them over her teeth before devouring in her taste. She tasted good, no longer like milky coffee.

Her hands found my own breasts and she massaged gently as I moaned almost soundlessly into her mouth.

She pulled away and brought me back up to the head of the bed, so we were no longer at the foot and pulled the covers over us; not bothering to take our jeans off first. I saw her reach down under the duvet to do what I guessed was undo her jeans and slide them off when she reached further down and kicked her legs around and my confused face turned into one of understanding.

She laughed at my expressions, “what? Did you think I was doing that?” and I nodded my head, slightly embarrassed that my assumptions were wrong. “I’d like to…” she giggled, “but it’d be a bit… I dunno, with you right next to me and all,” she sighed and pulled me into her body, placing a kiss on the top of my head.

I didn’t bother pull my jeans off, I usually slept in them at the weekend anyway – so it wasn’t any discomfort to me or anything. I nuzzled my face in her neck, kissing her gently and wrapping my arm over her waist and my leg in between hers.
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Sorry about the wait; I've been revising like mad
I have exams all of next week and the week after
so updates will be scattered for a while