Status: Active. Updated whenever I have time :)

You're Not Alone, We'll Brave This Storm

Chapter 2


I reached my hand out of my covers to quickly turn off the alarm. I didn’t want to wake up my father if he was still here. It wouldn’t end well.

Groaning, I got up to get ready for the hell that is called school.

I quickly got dressed and silently peeked my head into my father’s room. He wasn’t there so I went downstairs to check if he was down there. He was lounging around on the sofa, drinking a bottle of Jack.

I slipped into the kitchen without him seeing to grab some breakfast. I grabbed a muffin and an apple. I quickly ate them over the sink and grabbed my backpack and skateboard.
I tried to slip out the front door unnoticed by my father but he unfortunately saw me.

“Bitch!” he called, “Get over here, now!”

‘Shit!’ I cursed silently while slowly making my way towards my father.

“Where the fuck are you going, you whore?” he harshly asked while getting up from the couch.

“To school,” I answered quietly, trying not to piss him of so I wont get hit.

“Speak louder!” he yelled while punching me in the gut.

I bent over slightly, wheezing a bit, until my father yanked me up.

“To school,” I spoke slightly louder.

My father was satisfied with that and harshly dragged me to the door. He shoved me out of the house and slammed the door in my face.

I grabbed my backpack and got on my skateboard. I pulled my hood up and rode the short distance to school.

As I neared the parking lot, I noticed a crowd of kids surrounding a car. I caught a glimpse of the car and thought that someone must have gotten a new car, as I had never seen it.

I walked up the steps and into the front door as I walked to my locker. I put my skateboard in there and grabbed what I needed for class.

I was heading to the music room to see Ms. Williams, the art teacher, and Ms. Grey, the music teacher, or as I call them, Kaylee and Blake (respectively).

As I passed the office to get to the music room, I noticed kids trying to see in through the windows. Too bad they were tinted so you couldn’t see inside, only out. I would know as I’ve been in there enough times. I rolled my eyes.

I quickly walked past them and into the music room. When I got inside, I saw Kaylee and Blake talking and laughing at Blake’s desk. I walked over and sat own in the other chair.

“What’s going on out there?” I asked, pointing in the general direction of the office.

“You didn’t hear?” Blake asked.

“There are new students,” Kaylee answered.

“So? They’re just some new kids, I don’t see the big deal.” I said.

“I don’t know. I really don’t care either but I guess they’re something, because everyone wants to see them,” said Blake.

“I don’t know much about them either but I did hear on my way here that four of them were guys and one is a girl.” Katie said.

“That explains it.” Blake chuckled.

Just then the bell rang. Kaylee and I got up because we had to head to our classes.

“Bye Blake!” Kaylee and I chorused.

We walked outside and had to go our separate ways. Kaylee pulled me into a hug and ran off in the direction the art room while I walked to my English class.

I stopped in front of the door and took a deep breath. I opened the door and walked inside. Luckily, nobody had noticed me so I silently walked to my seat in the back corner. I put in my headphones and turned on Lips of Deceit by Avenged Sevenfold.

A few minutes later, the teacher, Mrs. Bateman, walked in the room. Following her was five people I had never seen before. I guessed they were the new students and turned my head to look out of the window.

I faintly heard Mrs. Bateman introducing them but my music was cranked up to loudly to hear her. I was pulled out of my music when I heard her call my name though.

“Skye! Raise your hand!” Mrs. Bateman loudly demanded.

I raised my hand but didn’t know why until I saw the new kids walking towards me. I noticed that they were all dressed in black with black, straightened hair and had piercings and tattoos.

I quickly looked down with my hood covering my face.

‘This will be interesting…’ I thought to myself as they sat down around me.
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Merry Christmas! I hope this is good enough :) I tried to put some good dialogue in there but tell me if you like it or not. I was also wondering if I should put some Andy POV in there. I don't know whether I would be good at it but I'll try if you guys say so.

Thanks Lexiee Taylor for commenting and anyone who subscribed

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