Status: Writing once again.



Who was Jamie? Jamie was a daddy’s girl. Always did what she was told. She got good grades in school and had all the friends she could need. Jamie took a risk.That risk destroyed her life. Jamie became the person she never thought she would be. Jamie ruined her life. Fuck Jamie! She doesn’t exist anymore. Jamie was destroyed the day I brought my plane ticket. I’m Skye now. I will never do the things Jamie did. My life won’t be destroyed like hers. I will do everything to keep it pefect. I looked in the mirror. I see a girl with newly dyed black hair. You could still smell the dye lingering in my ‘parents’ bathroom. I quietly closed the bathroom door. I grabbed my one and only bag before walked out of my room for the last time or should i say Jamie’s. I went out the door and looked at the house one more time before I walked to the bus stop. At the bus stop I took my phone and jumped on it several times till it was completely destroyed. Then I threw it in the grabage can near by. The bus stopped a few minutes later and I got on. From there to the airport. I am now someone who built up enough courage to leave this town. My old life floated away as the last house of that small Jersey town faded away. Never will I step foot in this hell again.
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Sorry for mistakes and shit like that. You should subscribe though and give me lovely comment on what you think (even though nothing has happened yet).