Status: Writing once again.


18 and life to go

Ben yelled at Jane for making him sound like a bad person. Jane yelled at Ben for being a bad person and stay away from me and this other shit. Andy yelled just to take Jane's side. Oh and well of course I just stood there and blankly stared like a complete idiot. 
" You fucking flirted with my best friend and always sneaking around with him! Why wouldnt I think you were cheating!"
" I wasn't! Either way you don't cheat back."
" I thought you two were over this shit!" 
" Well she's a bitch and brought it up again!"
" I'm protecting my friend!" 
" from what?!"
I covered my ears and grabbed Jane's arm.
" bye Andy bye Ben!" I yelled over Jane's screams pleaing to be let go. I dragged her alll the way to her car and didn't stop no matter how hard I was smacked me with her free hand. 
" open it!" I demanded when we got the car. She muttered the word bitch and yanked herself out of my grip. I went on the other side and got in. 
"Ugh! I don't get it! I don't get how one boy can be such a dick."
" Jane, Ben can't be that bad."
" He is a cheating scumbag. He makes you feel amazing the shoots you down. Skye he is like having the devil for a boyfriend?!"
" HA! Him the devil! Let's go back a few months and switch places I bet having Ben is like playing with a kitten compared to Troy"
" Sorry skye the boy just gets me mad."  Jane began pulling out the lot and onto to the road. I looked back at the empty venue to only see Andy walking to his car and no Asking Alexandria. I looked in the other direction once the venue was out of view. The moon reflected on the ocean water and it looked so pretty. I stared at it the whole time.
" Night Janeifer" I said once we got home.
" janeifer?" she said leaning back to peak out her door.
" Sexy right?"
" Eww night loser"
His eyes were blood shot and the room reeked of Alcohol in every corner. In one hand a half finished ciggarette and in the other 
a half finished bottle. Personally I looked disgusting like some cheap five dollar hooker or something. I had bright white-blonde messy hair and I was wearing shorts and a tank top. 
" Jamie darling. Come here" he said. I knew as Skye what was going to happen so I begged myself to stay back. But this me was helpless. At this point in my life I would rather live on the streets with a friendly hobo. My bruised legs began to move towards the young man bekoning me. 
"yes Troy?" I said in my soft quiet voice. His large hand gripped my face.
" I can't fucking understand why you don't do shit right!" he said through his teeth. I could smell his drunk breath.
" I'm sorry. I'm just scared to be out there by myself." I felt weak as tears began staining my cheeks.
" grow the fuck up Jamie! Mommy isn't going to be there to hold your hAnd forever."
" Troy! I'm only fifteen! I can't do this what if I get caught! What if I-" at that moment he smacked me so hard my face had instantly began to bruise.
" now get out there and sell" he threw a bag of small bags of pills. Then I was alone on the street crying waiting for the right strange.
" Skye!" I heard someone screaming through my crying.
"Skye!" I always thought it was a pretty name.
" Skye!" my eyes shot open and brown ones were infront of me.
"AHHHHHHHHH" I screamed throwing a pillow at the stranger.
" Skye!" the Person screamed holding my arm. It was Justin.
" Eww! Why are you watching me sleep! You better not be some edward cullen freak who likes to watch girls sleep! For all I know stephine myer could of left out the part where edward molested no emotions bitch while she slept!"
" I wasn't watching you! I was waiting for you to get up and then I heard you cry! I'm sorry I was worried."
"crying? What?" I felt my face which was damp. 
" see?" he said," I'm not a creepy Edward Cullen freak."
" sorry" I muttered throwing back the covers.
" so anyway now that you're up do you want to goto work with me? If not then I have to drop you off at the plaza with Jane and sandra to shop."
" dear god no! No shopping." I scrunched my face up in disgust.
" great get ready I shall make you a lovely meal of microwavable hotpocket."
" tankies!" I smiled and got dressed. I wore ripped up tights with shorts and a black and white tank top. I grabbed my boots and ran to the bathroom brushing my teeth. Then to the kitchen where Justin was holding a hotpocket.
" gimme!"
" careful it's h-"
I stuck out my tounge and waved my hand back and forth to cool down my my mouth as I walked down the driveway to his car.
" So we have a half hour  until we get there so let's get to know eachother." he said.
" okie you first" I said with a mouth full of hot pocket.
" okay. I'm 19 and I was adopted. My birth parents were teens when they gave me up. I like cats a lot. I'm a skateboarder I play bass and guitar.I surf.  My favorite video games are the sonic ones. My favorite movie is sponge bob the movie. My favorite bands are fall out boy, panic! At the disco and slip knot."
" Slip Knot totally doesn't stick out from the other bands" I laughed.
" what can I say I like my heavy and my clean."
" same." I said.
" Hey! Your turn darling!" he reminded me. 
" okay, okay. I'm 18 and was born in jersey. My parents weren't supporting and life out there wasn't for me so I moved out here. I used to play bass. I like coloring. I miss my cat Kiki that I had since i was six. I am also an extreme cat lover. I skate board but I prefer  long boarding. My favorite video games are the kingdom heart games and my favorite movie is don't be afraid of the darK. Also I have a slight accent....Oh! And my favorite bands are panic! At the disco, Slip Knot, Skid Row, The Maine, Motionless in white, woe is me, hmmm mostly anything on the rock side."
" what do you say with accent?"
" hmmmm..... Oohh! I bought some shoes at the mall."
"pfft... Ahhahahhah" 
" what the fuck is so funny about that."
" you sound so funny. Oh my god. Hai guise I bawt some shoes at the maulll today."
" oh hush."
"Its cute though. Very unique."
" Hey atleast I'm not like Jane and how she says legs,eggs, and jeggings."
" oh my fucking god. Stop thinking about it makes me want to pee."
" hey Justin! Make me some eags. I have to put some jeagings on my leags."
We laughed and made fun of things we did. Honestly Justin was probably one of the funniest people I ever met.
" Okay enough we're here
♠ ♠ ♠
Meh sorry for errors. This was posted a while ago but for some reason it never uploaded. Sorry for no updates life has been hell. Anyway I promise this will get better c:. Comments help.