Status: Writing once again.


I gazed a gazeless stare

I laid on the floor as the dim music pumped in the background. It was a slow process but the colors of the room morphed together and changed. They formed rings and swirls then became the faces of people I knew and animals. I laughed to myself when my friend pulled me up. "Jamie doesn't this feel great" they giggled to their self. As hard as I tried I couldn't form a face. I wasn't scared. I was confused and calm.
I woke up sweaty with a killer headache. My vision was blurry for a few seconds until I realized where I was. I jumped back and hit my head into the wall.
"Are you ok?" a boy asked. He was gripping a towel around his waist. His dam black hair covered his ocean like eyes.
"Who are you?" I said running fingers through my hair. Several waves of pain pulsed through My head. I cursed under my breath.
"Skye are you ok? Its me Danny." The boy was now sitting next to me. I squinted my eyes then realized my situation from the night before.
"Oh my put some clothes on please. I'm fine it's just a headache. It's just making me all confused" I grabbed a pillow and covered my face. Danny let out a long sigh and ripped the pillow away from my face. He examined me and shook his head.
"You didn't even drink, love. Will you like some Advil?" He questioned getting up. He made his way over to his dresser and threw a bottle at me. The bottle hit me in the head and I groaned. I struggled with the lid before giving up.
"Help" I whined throwing myself back down on the bed. I watched him pick up the bottle and open it without a problem. I reached my hand out ad he put one in my hand. I popped the pill in my mouth and realized he was just staring at me. I stared back for a few seconds then realized he was still in only a towel. "Clothes please" I reminded him covering my eyes.
"Oh right." I felt the weight leave the bed and draws being open. I kept my eyes shielded. "You can look now" I opened my eyes and he only had a pair of old blue jeans on. I got up from the bed and look at his alarm clock.
"Fuck it's three. Where's Jane" I mumbled. I stood in front of the mirror where he was brushing his hair.
"She left" he said casually. I glared at him. He smirked at me.
"What the fuck. How am I getting home" without thinking I pulled the shirt off to change back into my dress. I wanted to get home as quick as possible. A whistle came from next to me and I looked up to the grinning boy. My eyes went wide. I quickly pulled the dress over my head and smacked his arm. "Don't be a perv Worsnop" I scolded him while turning bright red.
"It was lovely sight" he laughed putting an arm around me. I pushed it off and he pouted.
"Don't get any ideas boy" I yelled walking back to his bed to sit. "Now once agin how am I getting home?" I was growing impatient and now wanted to leave sooner due to recent events. He didn't answer and began buttoning up his plaid shirt. My head ache was beginning to fade but it still was causing an incredible pain. I groan and rubbed my forehead.
"You talk in your sleep" the words randomly left his mouth in a casual way. Danny was looking at me through the mirror with great concern. This wasn't the first time I've been told this. But I've never been scared by someone saying this before.
"What did I say?" I stuttered. He walked over and sat extremely close. He didn't make eye contact though. Danny looked at the ceiling. He was trying to gather words.
"Something about drugs. You also kept moving a lot" he still made no eye contact. This was strange for someone who wouldn't stop looking at me since the moment we met.
"Dreams are weird. I'm weird. Don't worry though I'm not on any" I examined his features. His head was tilted up and his breathing was slow. I could see him swallow. He look so calm. He turned to look at me. My eyes went down quickly and I felt the heat in my cheeks.
"God you're a cutie. Let me get you home so you can change the we can get a late lunch" he grabbed my hand and pulled me up and out the door with him. 'Don't figure me out Daniel Worsnop' I thought to myself.
Danny was a funny boy. I don't think I stopped laughing once that afternoon. We went to the beach after our lunch and ran around a bit. He kept making jokes and doing silly things. Our morning was behind us. I saw the music store worker while I was Danny. He gave me a look. The look was pure disappointment. Danny was in the middle of a story. When this happened. How could a boy talking about singing to stuffed animals in his youth be so bad. Sadness took over me when the thought of this not being the real him came to mind.
"I had a lot of fun today. You're fun girl , Skye" we were now laying on my bed listening to some David Bowie.
"You're an interesting boy Danny" I said before humming a long to the song. Danny had a piece of my hair in between his fingers. "I hope you wash your hands after all those girls Danny. I don't want no stds in my hair" I giggled. Danny didn't respond for a few seconds. You could tell he went into a deep thought.
"That was a really bad first impression. That isn't who I really am. It's just who I became" he sounded pained. I couldn't respond afraid of opening a door I was working on sealing. "I just want you to know this the real me. Don't forget that. No matter what happens the man you met today is Daniel Worsnop. I get lost sometimes in this sad excuse of a life style. I just don't want you to end up hating me or getting to hurt by actions" he was soft and gentle with his word. I felt the sincerity in them.
"Danny be safe please" I said. It seemed so random but I knew by his words it meant I was going to be seeing the other side of Danny again. I like this Danny a lot. He's the type of friend that I need but I don't need his partying life. The CD ended and we were in silence. The weight shifted in the bed. "Don't leave" I whispered. Not felling his peresence anymore.
"I'm not" he was not hovering over me staring into my eyes. He looked peaceful again just like this morning. "Skye you need to open. Don't close yourself to me" you could see concern on his face.
"Don't worry hone." I laughed. Danny looked serious now. Almost angry.
"This isn't a joke Skye. Who are you?"
"I'm Skye. An eighteen year old girl who just arrived in California. I finished high school two months ago and I have no clear path right now. I lost myself but I'm finding myself again" what am I even saying? This is too much for me to be saying but I can not stop it. Danny smiled and closed this gap between us. His weight was now on to of me as he met my lips. It was a soft kiss filled with an emotion. I couldn't tell what it was. It felt welcoming and friendly. But I think he felt bad. Daniel Worsnop felt bad for Skye Bailey and he was using this kiss to figure her out. I am fucked.
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Who would've thought. After two years it would continue again. I just found this again last night and thought I'd give it another go. The first few chapters are horrid. I apologize for that. Cheers to a new chapter!