30 Letters In 30 Days.

day 3 — your parents

Dear Parent(Mother),
Well you're great. We never really seem eye to eye on many things, but i know you love me. I know everyone says their mom is the best but i clearly think you are. Every time i fuck up you always try to stick up for me even if you shouldnt. You are amazing for still dealing with me after almost three years of me being in long-term placement. It must be hard having your daughter locked away. I dont think i could handle it like you do. But i thank you for being the best you can.

Dear Parent(Farther),
Even tho you are no longer with me on this shity earth. I guess i still want to thank you for the eight years you spent with me. I know you had your problems but i'd like to think you tried to get rid of them. I love you.