Status: Working Progress

Mission J

I could still feel the recoil of the gun shooting through my arm, the resonating echo in the tense air.
My hearing pulsed, wavering between sharp ringing and numbing drills.
I could only really hear my own heavy breathing and the dull palpitation of my heart as it throbbed in my chest---

And then followed the silence.

Slowly, my finger released the pressure it had on the trigger and lowered the gun. I stared, cold and unmoving, at the result of my perfect bullet.

---It wasn't supposed to end this way...

A Protection detail. That was all it was supposed to be. Play bodyguard for an overrated and arrogant actor, keep him safe from the half-crazed fangirls.

That was what the assignment request had said.

From the moment I landed in Seoul, string after string was being pulled out, the cover slowly starting to unravel. Something didn't feel right; for some reason, I can't help but think this was some how planned...

If only...
...If only...

Maybe if I knew better, I wouldn't be seeing that ugly color red.

Companion to Shotgun K.
Mission J © Manbear-n’-Me!

Layout by: the greatly talented wolfbane.