Last of the Wilds


Amy Rose Clément sat at the bar and looked aimlessly into the bottom of her glass of rum. She shook the glass a little and the liquid slowly moved around in the stained glass as Amy Rose's reflection became distorted. She sighed quietly and chugged back the last of her beverage. “Another please Reggie!” she shouted to the bar man. The fat bar man nodded and went to fetch Amy Rose her order. Just then a loud gun shot went off right outside the bar and a second later the front door to the old bar was flung open, nearly taken off its hinges as the figure of a tall man emerged in the entrance to the bar. He was not a handsome man by any means, he had long scraggly dark hair, a longish dark beard that covered half his face. His black Pirate Captains hat sat proudly on his head as he entered in what seemed to be slow motion. He had a large scar just over the corner of his right eyebrow and his dark eyes immediately began glancing the bar for any familiar faces.

Once Amy Rose had copped who the intruder was she quickly jumped up from her seat and tried to hide her hat behind her back. As the man scanned the room, the other customers in the bar looked at the man in awe, each wondering who he was looking for. A few pointed to themselves as the man looked at them but the pirate captain took no interest in any of them. Amy Rose quietly tried to make her way to the back door, praying that the man wouldn't notice her. Reggie, the bar man, placed the drink of rum down at Amy Rose's empty seat and banged the table hard with his fist. “Oi, Misses! Yer drink, and I'll be wanting that money too!” Reggie snapped. Amy Rose's heart thumped faster and she tilted her head in Reggie's direction and attempted to cancel the order without being caught.

“Clément, stop right there Missy! It be you I'm after,” she heard the man croak. She stopped and forced herself to turn around and face the man. Her long golden blond hair bounced as she twirled around. The man stood in the middle of the floor, as the spectators kept eye contact in fear they might miss something interesting happen. “Davies, didn't expect to see you here, not around this time of year,” she managed to choke out. Davies smirked and raised an eyebrow, “nah you wouldn't think so, but you see I came looking for a certain somebody, after a certain last time we met and I knew exactly where that somebody would be, hiding away from me where you?” he chuckled as he walked over closer to her. She gulped loudly as the man towered over her and she shook her head a few times and bit her lip. “Course not, course not!” she laughed nervously slowly backing up. “I best be off, it was good seeing you Davies,” she was interrupted by the Davies, grabbing hold of her arm and dragging her over to and empty table in the corner of the bar. “Nothing to see here, get back to minding yer own business” he growled baring his yellow and black stained teeth at the other pirates who immediately looked away and began chatting loudly again.

Davies quickly turned his attention back to the pretty Clément and smirked. “Our last meeting wasn't so pleasant was it Clément? Don't worry, don't worry I haven't come here to repay you the favor of what you did to me, no, not that!” Davies whispered. Amy Rose's face relaxed and she sighed a breath of relief before Davies continued. “No, what I have come here for is much worse,” Davies explained, “You may have been so merciful as to allow me to die for what I have done to you in the past, but me, I want you to be alive for what I'm gonna make you do Clément, I'm gonna make you wish you killed me while you had the chance,” Davies snorted as he leaned in closer towards Amy Rose who's jaw had dropped with Davies news. Amy Rose froze for a minute before replying, “Look Phil, I know we've had our differences in the past but we go back a long time, you know I wouldn't have left you there if I had a choice?” she asked rhetorically. Davies just sniggered, “that's why yer going to help me, I'll explain all when we get to The Carmichael.” Davies stood up and took Clément's small hand in his and placed it to his lips, he gave it a small peck before releasing it and signaling for her to lead the way. “What about The Banshee?” Amy Rose protested. Davies just gave her a quick wink before stating “yer sailing for me now girlie!”
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Hey everyone, haven't been on this in ages! Really want to continue this story so you know the drill, comment and subscribe if you like it and I'll keep writing it!

Thanks again :) xx