Don't Go In The Woods...

Don't Go In The Woods... 1

DECEMBER 12, 2011
7:55 P.M.

“Come on, guys. Don’t be a bunch of pussies.”

Six ordered us, bushing unruly plants out of the way. We decided to just take the tri-pod in a case on my back while I carried the camera in my hand. To guide our way back to our campsite, Alex sprayed our tracks with glow-in-the-dark spray paint. That genius idea was courtesy of Chace.

Serah still couldn’t get warm in her charcoal gray, fur-lined jacket. I could just feel her eyes on me, beckoning me to wrap my arms tightly around her waist, pulling her into me. Her teeth still chattered as she weakly frowned as I gave her the cold shoulder. Literally, it was freezing. Maraine was right behind Six, debating on whether or not to grab his hand for comfort. Of course, Chace tried to be as close to the front as he could, leaving his brother behind with Serah and me. “You guys can go first.” Alex offered.

“Aw, sweetie.” Serah gushed. “Do you want me to hold your hand?”

Tightening my jaw, I pulled the strap of the tri-pod case up higher on my shoulder. Uneasily smirking, Alex nodded. Serah didn’t seem to think anything of it, but I glared warningly at him.

“Why are we doing this anyway?” Rain questioned, swatting the air in front of her for flying insects.

“Quit your bitching, Rain.” Six shot, still leading the pack. She let out a sound of disgust. For two people who hated each other so much, they sure did make out a lot. The whole walk into the cluster of trees, I did a good job of not holding Serah’s hand tightly, even if it was just to tow her along protectively. Alex was behind her, holding on gingerly to her other hand.

“We better get a reward for this.” Serah chirped. The rest of us nodded, agreeing with her.

“When we get there, each of you lovely ladies can share a smooch with Six.”

Chace laughed while the girls acted grossed out. Alex trailed behind silently, surveying the eerie surroundings.

“You scared, Alex?” I asked, trying to ignore the fact that he was holding my ex-girlfriend’s hand. Looking up at me, he shook his head slowly. “I’m pretty sure there’s nothing here. But if there is, you’ll be the first to know.” I tormented, making him stop in his tracks.

“Skyler!” Serah hissed, tugging Alex along by his wrist.

Six cackled at the front of the line. “He’s gonna get you, Alex.”

“Oh don’t even start, Six.” Rain probably rolled her eyes. Ducking under a low branch, Six chuckled darkly to himself.

“Don’t deny the fact that he’s here, Maraine.”

“Shut up, Six. It’s not real.”

“Dude, there’s tons of proof.”

“ Doesn’t mean—”

“—Guys!” Abruptly ending our bickering was Serah’s shouting. The six of us stood silently in the middle of the woods for a moment, passing gazes from one to the other.
“Did you hear that?” She breathed.
“I didn’t hear anything.” Rain loudly whispered.


The sound of rustling leaves was faint, but it still made us shake in our skate brand shoes. Our breathing was shaky, except for Six’s of course. Was that Chace’s breath I heard become unbalanced? Suddenly, I felt his hand wrap around my wrist. Immediately, I shook him off, surprised by the feeling of another guy’s hand in mine. A gasp escaped Rain’s pink, kissable lips when the sound of branches snapping echoed through the thin air.

“He’s real.” Both her breathing and voice were uneasy. Why wouldn’t she grab my hand? It was basically screaming for her palm.

“It could be anything.” Was I scared? No, Skyler Bailey doesn’t get scared.

“Skyler, I’m scared.” Serah whimpered into my unoccupied shoulder. Glaring down at her, I rolled my shoulders, pushing her off. Frightened by the sound of footsteps, I absent-mindedly clutched Chace’s wrist. Rain herself even intertwined her fingers with Chace’s.

“Let’s get out of here.” She suggested, ready to go back to where we came from.
“I think we should guys, I’m getting pretty freaked out.” We all turned skeptically towards Chace.

“I thought you were named Shark because of your fearlessness?” I questioned, too frozen in place to crack a smile.

“Oh shut up, Bailey.” I placed a kiss on Rain’s soft, pale cheek, letting her know she was safe with me. Suddenly from the rustle of leaves covering the ground, a burst of laughter erupted into the air.

“What the hell?” Rain pulled her hand away from Chace, ready to ball it into a fist, and send it straight into Six’s arm. Taking out her cell phone, she shined the light out in front of her. “Six!?”

“You should’ve seen your faces!” Six exited from the trees, laughing at his own cruel joke.
“That wasn’t funny. I thought I was going to die.” I added, releasing Maraine after pecking her on the lips.

“Only if you answer this question wrong.” He teased, snickering and shoving Rain around.

“Fuck you, Six!” Showing him my middle finger, I joined in on the fun of attacking him. Soon, Chace and Serah entered the brawl. Serah whacked him with her gray knit beret while Chace punched his arm. Alex stood a few feet away, staring off.

“Alex, what the hell is wrong with you?” His brother spat, but he just kept a focused stare on the distance. “Alex! Dude, I’m talking to you!” Looking up at the twins, I rushed to bring the camera to my face and record.

Serah bit her in lip in fear, and I didn't welcome her with open arms.
“Are you stupid?” Rain hissed, slapping Chace in the back of the head. “Keep your voice down. Who the hell knows who and what is around here.”

“It’ll probably just be Six, trying to scare us. Classic.” Rolling his eyes, Chace looked back at his twin, who continued to stare into the darkness. “Alex.”

“Hm.” His response was barely audible.

“Let’s go.”


My tongue traced my lips. Something just didn’t feel right.
“What did you get into our special brownies or something?” Chace popped up his hood as a harsh wind blew by.

As he walked back into the group, Alex kept his eyes on the darkness behind him, second-guessing his every move. “No.” Alex responded to his brother’s question. “I thought I saw something.”

Latching onto my arm, I felt Rain tremble from more than just the frigid temperatures. “Rain, chill out.” Tenderly, I stroked from her arm, all the way down to her fingers. After years of knowing her, I figured out all her perks and glitches. Her breathing subsided, just as I had hoped. Serah held on to her best friends hand tightly.

“Let’s keep going.” From ten feet away, Six ordered us in an annoyed fashion. “I would like to get some good shots before midnight.” Sighing at his bossiness, I adjusted the tri-pod on my back, brought the camera down to my side, and jogged to catch up with him.