Status: I'll be posting a new chapter hopefully every day!

Mockingjay Alternate Ending

The chair.

I did not grow up believing in miracles. After Prim showed up at my bedside, I decided I would never wish for another miracle in my life. And now this. Could this really be Cinna?

"I… this can't… what is this?" I ask, not really understanding my words. Cinna looks surprised, and a little worried. I realise that he thinks I must be crazy.

"Sorry, but I… don't understand." I had been sure he was dead. A smile starts to form on his face. My eyes tear up, and I lose control. I run to Cinna, and hug him with all of my strength, never intending to let go. His arms wrap around me with equal force as mine.

"Nice to see you love," he says, and his voice is hoarse. The doctors may have fixed him up with new skin, but there are parts of the body that can only be repaired naturally. "Now let's get you fixed up. I thought there would be more work to do, considering you almost got boiled alive, but the doctors seem to have done a good job."

I hear Cinna talking, but I don't register what he's saying. My heart is filled with bliss, my mind filled with disbelief.

Cinna and the others laugh.

"You've never been so happy to see me," Octavia says, feigning pain.

I release my arms from Cinna, but only to look at his face.

"Alright team, do your worst," I say, with newfound excitement. Up until now, there had been a seemingly permanent wall between me and any kind of positive feelings. I understand now that Cinna's death was the wall. I am now free to feel anything I want.

I sit in a chair for two hours while my team prepares me for the execution, and then Cinna comes out with a new and improved (if that's even possible) version of my fire suit. After putting it on, I am ready.

I walk through many halls, and I have lost my sense of direction long before I enter the stadium.

My mouth falls open. I have never seen this many people in my life, even before the first games. It seems that every living person in the Capitol has come to see me do the deed, as well as whoever could make it from the districts. I spot Gale, waiting for me with my bow and arrow. My heart is surprisingly calm, my hands surprisingly steady. I'm ready.

"Good luck, Catnip," says Gale, but my mind is concentrating solely on Snow's face. I feel slightly disappointed. I see no fear, no anguish, and no anger. Unbelievably, he still has a look of condescension on his face, but I don't care. I don't want to see anything on his face.

As I lift my bow, my only thought is, I want him dead.

I pull back. I'm ready to release. Snow face hasn't changed, and I could kill him any second I want to.

I want him dead. I want him dead. But I don't want to be the one to do it.

I lower my bow. I'm not a killer, and I don't want to be. I suddenly figure out why his look is still condescending. He is still controlling me. He knew this would happen eventually if he didn't get to me first, and he wants me to know that he has made me a killer.

I take a step back, and look at the crowd. I'm sorry, I whisper.

I look at Snow, and watch the sparks run through his chair, and his eyes go blank. It's over. He's over.