Status: ACTIVE :D

The Undead

Imagine one day you wake up, and the entire world has changed. That everyone, exept a few, are all diseased, hungry for your flesh. They aren't people anymore, so what are they? The Undead are coming for you. Theres no way to escape this.

So i decided to write this because at the moment, I'm really into zombie books. (if you havent read Charlie Higsons book the Enemy/the Dead/The fear then you really need to. best.books.ever). I wanted it to be a fanfic, because I'm getting bored of my other stories, and this one seemed to catch a lot of peoples attention on facebook :')
this story includes members from: My Chemical Romance, Black Veil Brides, Fall out Boy, Paramore, Muse, The Used and a few more.
Umm yeah.
frerard(no sex, but there is frerard and Pete/Mikey)
  1. Introduction
  2. Chapter 1.
    Gerards POV
  3. Chapter 2.
    Mikeys POV
  4. Chapter 3.
    Mikeys POV
  5. Chapter 4
    Pete's POV
  6. Chapter 5.
    Franks POV
  7. Chapter 6
    Ashley's POV