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Glow Flies

I wonder what love feels like. Thought the young dark haired boy, as he sat in the dark floor of his tiny room that only had one small window. His cheek no longer burned from the slap he received earlier and his tears had long, by then, dried. He once again tried to open the locked door, kicking at it. He kicked it hard, with all the force the young six year old had. Growing tired, he stopped kicking it and he started to bang his tiny fists against the door. In hearing this, came a loud kick to the door from the other side.

"Stop tha' fuckin' racket, ya disgustin' lil' monster." yelled his drunken mother. Scared by the sudden yell, the young boy jumped back and slammed his head roughly against the wall. Frustrated and in pain, fresh tears emerged from the corners of green eyes and warmly trailed down his face.

"Why don't you love me? Please love me, love me." Chanted the young boy in a low voice.

Soon the night came and it was completely dark, the boy was still locked in his room. He started to cry again because he was scared of the dark, his tears soon stopped when he saw a small light by his window, then there were 3,4,5...10. He crawled over to the window and saw that they were glow flies. He started giggling with how pretty they were.

The young boy's life continued on like this for the next fourteen years of his life, trapped behind closet doors most of the time, never learning how love felt like. He was being consumed by the dark...
♠ ♠ ♠
Note, the 'glow flies' are just Fireflies....

Yeah, I know this is really short but it has to be this way, I wasn't gonna put this one up but you needed some back story on Gerard's life...


~Pansy XØ