Attack of the M-Pregzilla

Insane Accusations

Riley sauntered over to where Michael was relaxing on the couch and plopped himself down in Michael’s lap. Michael wrapped his arms around his lover and smiled.

“Hi baby.”

“Hi Mikey.” Riley hugged him tightly. “You know what I was thinking about today?”


“Baby names.”

“Our baby doesn’t have one of those yet,” Michael stated, causing Riley to giggle.

“I know. We need to think of one.”

“What did you have in mind?”

“Why do I have to come up with one? Why can’t you ever do anything, Michael?”

Michael chose to ignore the harsh tone in Riley’s voice. “Well I’ve been thinking about one, actually…”

“Really?” Riley exclaimed happily. “What is it?”

“Emmalee. Spelled like Emma Lee.”

Riley smiled lovingly. “Oh Mikey… it’s perfect… Isn’t it, Emmalee?” He directed the question towards his stomach and Michael smiled. “What about a middle name?”

“Oh… I haven’t thought about that yet.”

Riley rolled his eyes. “Well she HAS to have a middle name.”

“She’ll get one eventually, I just haven’t thought of one yet.”

“Why not? You don’t think about our baby? Well how lucky you are to have that luxury… I don’t since she’s GROWING INSIDE OF ME.”

“Honey, it’s no big deal, I just haven’t-”

“Middle name. NOW.”

“Okay, okay, just calm down.” Michael bit his lip and thought hard. “Uhh… Ann? After Mom? That’s nice, isn’t it? Emmalee Ann Yuestess?”

Riley stared at him. “You want to name our baby… After Mom? Why not after me?”

“Do… you want to name her after you?”

“Well you could have at least considered it! Why did you immediately think of Mom?”

“I don’t know, I think she’d like it if-”

“You’re cheating on me with her, aren’t you?”

“… WHAT?!”

“You are!” Riley cried. He stood up and hurried upstairs. Michael sat there for a few seconds, shocked at the idea, before running after him. He reached him just as Riley was bursting through their parent’s bedroom door.

Ann looked up from a book she was reading. “Hi boys.” She smiled warmly at them. Riley stormed in and started yelling, leaving Michael with nothing to do but watch in horror.

“You’re having an affair with him, aren’t you?”

“What’re you talking about, sweetie?” Ann’s expression turned to one of worry as Michael groaned and buried his face in his hands.

“You and Michael! You’re cheating on Dad with my husband, you… you BITCH!”

Ann looked taken aback. “I’m… what?”

“How long has this been going on behind my back? Are you two sleeping together?” He turned around to face Michael. “Are you in love with her?!”

Michael looked up from his hands. “Riley, this is crazy…”


“Why’s he doing this?” Ann questioned, completely bewildered.

“I wanted to make the baby’s middle name your name.”

She smiled. “Oh, that’s so sweet…”

Riley screamed frustration and anger and prepared to launch himself at Ann. “NO!” Michael cried out, jumping forward to hold Riley back.

“Get off of me! I’m going to tear her to pieces… No one touches MY Michael!”

“Riley, I’m NOT cheating on you!”

Riley blinked and stopped fighting. “You’re not?”

“No… Of course not, Princess. Me and Mom? What goes on in that pretty little head of yours?”

“I don’t know… I just got jealous, I guess.”

“Well Emmalee Riley Yuestess doesn’t sound right. Did you want to make our baby girl’s middle name James like yours?” Riley shook his head. “I didn’t think so. I thought it might be nice to name her after her grandmother.”

Riley nodded. “Yeah… And it sounds good…”

Michael smiled and kissed him. “So you know I’m not cheating on you?” Riley returned the smile and nodded again before crawling onto the bed and snuggling up to Ann.

“I love you, Mommy.” She stroked his hair gently.

“I love you too, honey.”