Attack of the M-Pregzilla

Together Forever

Michael wrapped his arms around Riley’s waist from behind. Riley had been standing at the top of the stairs, just looking down at them.

“Whatcha doin’, baby?”

“I’m getting ready to throw myself down the stairs,” Riley told him without any emotion in his voice.

Michael blinked. “… Why?”

“I don’t want the baby anymore.”

“What are you talking about, Riley?”

“I was watching TV and a movie about a pregnant woman came on. The father acted all supportive, but he ran out on them after the baby was born. I’m not letting you leave me, Michael. A baby isn’t worth that.”

“Sweetheart, I won’t leave you… I love you, remember?” Michael heard Riley sniffle and realized he was crying.

“He told her he loved her… He said they’d be together forever… but then he just… l-left.”

“Princess, what have I told you about watching lifetime?”

“I like that channel, okay?” Riley snapped and Michael sighed.

“It’s just a movie, love… It won’t happen with us. I promise.”

Riley nodded and sniffled again, allowing Michael to lead him to their bedroom.


Michael groaned as he slowly awoke.

“Shh… Go back to sleep, Mikey.”

“Riley?” Michael mumbled, his eyes still closed.

“Yes, sweetheart… now go back to sleep.”

Michael nodded and relaxed, but his eyes shot open as he heard the click of handcuffs. He realized that his hands were behind his back and he was sitting up. It took him a second to notice that he was in a closet.

“Riley… what the fuck’s goin’ on?” he asked tiredly.

“I can’t have you leaving, Mikey. This way you’ll have to stay with me forever.”

“You’re locking me in a closet?” Michael inquired incredulously.

“I know it seems strange now, but it’s the only way… And I can be with you all day, every day.” He picked up a roll of duct tape and Michael’s eyes widened even more.

“What’s that for?”

Riley smiled sympathetically. “Well I just can’t trust you to stay quiet. Don’t worry, I’ll take it off to feed you if you promise not to scream.”

Michael tried to respond but his voice was muffled by the tape that was being placed over his mouth. Riley kissed his forehead and smiled.

“Don’t worry, Mikey. You’re safe here. I’ll take care of you.” Michael tried desperately to reason with him but his words were inaudible through the thick tape.

His muffled cries didn’t stop until a few minutes after Riley had closed the door to the closet, leaving him alone in the dark.


Ann hit the switch to start the ceiling fan that hadn’t been used in years. Cakes of dust immediately began to fly off and onto the floor. She hurried out, coughing, and went to find a vacuum. She opened the closet and shrieked when she was met by a pair of eyes staring up at her.

“M-… Michael?!” He tried to say “Hey Mom” but she couldn’t understand him. “What are you doing in here?” He gave her an expectant look and she nodded. “Sorry.”

She kneeled down and slowly pulled the duct tape off, causing nothing but pain for Michael. “Riley locked me in here. He thinks I’m gonna leave him when Emmalee’s born,” he explained.

She looked at his hands. “Where are the keys?”

“Riley has them.”

She untied the ropes that bound his feet. “Where did he get all this?”

“Uhh… We kinda… Um… We use them sometimes…”

She nodded in understand and helped Michael to his feet. “I think he’s napping on the couch.”

She led the way downstairs and Michael stood out of sight while she kneeled down to nudge Riley awake. He yawned and opened his eyes.

“Hi Mommy.” He smiled and stretched.

“Hey Riley… where’s Michael?”

“Huh? He’s at work,” Riley answered nervously. “Where else would he be?”

“Okay, here’s a better question. Where are the keys to the handcuffs you put him in?”

Riley’s eyes widened. “H-how do you know about the handcuffs?”

“How long did you expect to keep him in there, Riley?”

“Forever! He’ll never leave me because I’ll never give you the key!”

Michael spotted it on the table and picked it up, struggling a bit to unlock them. Riley heard them drop to the floor and whipped around to see him. He stood, sporting a terrified expression as his hands flew to his mouth.

“No… no… you let him out… Now he’s going to leave me!” Riley cried, sobbing. Michael rushed over and held him close.

“I won’t leave you, Riley… You can still have me forever without locking me up like an animal.”

“A-animals have cages. You were just in a closet.” Riley sniffled as Michael laughed.

“Do you believe me?” Riley nodded. “And will you stop watching lifetime?”

“No. I love you.”

“I love you too, Princess.”