Attack of the M-Pregzilla

Blubbery Fat or a Beautiful Creation?

Michael walked into the bedroom to find Riley frantically throwing clothing into a heap on the ground.

"Riley? What's going on, baby?"

"They're horrible!" Riley screeched. 'They're horrible and they're ugly!"

Michael glanced at the clothes. "But... those are all your new outfits... you were so excited about them..."

"Not anymore, Michael! They're... they're fat clothes!"

Michael sighed. "They're not fat clothes..."

"They are too! They're fat clothes for fat people! Like me! You're married to a whale!" Riley shouted, sitting back on the bed as he started to cry. "You don't love me... you just think I'm ugly and fat..."

"No, Princess..." Michael sat on the edge of the bed and pulled his sobbing wife into his arms. "You're gorgeous. And you're not fat. This," he started, rubbing the small bulge that was Riley's stomach, "isn't fat. It's... It's love." He smiled warmly but Riley's tears only increased.

"L-love? It's... It's disgusting! It's blubbery fat and I hate it!"

"It's not fat, Riley... It's a baby... OUR baby... We made it together with love and passion and promises of forever..."

"I hate it," Riley repeated, his voice low and bitter.


"Baby, guess what?"

Riley looked up from his fashion magazine and smiled. "What is it?"

"I made you pasta," Michael told him, grinning.

"Oh... I'm not really that hungry tonight."

Michael's face fell. "But you love my pasta..."

"I know, love, and it's very sweet of you, but I just don't want food right now." Michael nodded and Riley held the magazine up, pointing to a picture. "Look at this model! Isn't she pretty?"

Michael leaned in to see the picture and frowned. "She looks like a skeleton."

"I know... she's so skinny," Riley said with an approving smile.

"She looks like she's about to keel over."

"I think she's beautiful..."

Michael's eyes narrowed. "Her ribs... they sort of look like yours did when you were anorexic..."

"You really think so? I don't think I ever looked quite THAT good..."

"That's not good, Riley..."

"Of course it's good. Look how thin she is... She's perfect."

"I thought I was perfect..." Michael mumbled, pouting.

"Of course you are, love," Riley responded, not paying the least bit of attention to what Michael was actually saying.

"Riley, you're not considering anorexia again, are you?"

"Oh no, of course not. I was thinking more of like... a little diet. To help me lose some of this weight I’ve put on, you know?"

"Riley, I already told you it isn't fat. It's a child... the living kind that needs food? You're feeding for two, honey, you can't just stop eating."

"But I want to look like her," Riley explained, staring longingly at the picture.

"I think she's hideous."

Riley tore his eyes away from the picture to give him an incredulous look. "You what?"

"She's hideous. Disgusting. Diseased. Sweetie, I would never want you to look like that. You're so beautiful..."

"But-" Riley interjected, looking down at his stomach.

"It's beautiful too. Our beautiful baby... And you want to kill it?"

Riley's eyes widened. "I didn't say anything about killing it..."

"Well you would be starving it."

Riley blinked and nodded slowly. After a moment of silence he asked, "Is that pasta still available?" Michael smiled and nodded. "Good, 'cause I'm starving."