Attack of the M-Pregzilla

Quite the Luck

“Mikey, she’s crying again…”

Michael groaned. “I know, I’ll get her.” He winced as he saw the clock that told him it was nearly three in the morning. He pushed himself out of bed and made his way through the dark to Emmalee’s room.

“Daddy’s here, Emmy Wemmy,” he told her as he lifted her out of her crib. “No more tears, baby girl…”

Riley wandered in after him, standing leaning against the wall and watching as Michael rocked the screaming child back to sleep. He set her back down after she had safely returned to her dreams and Riley walked over to stand by him.

“She’s adorable when she sleeps…”

“She’s adorable all the time, it’s just hard to focus on that when she’s screaming.”

Riley giggled and wrapped his arms around his husband. “She does cry a lot… But you should just be thankful, really.”

“Why’s that?”

“You’re damn lucky I never got any mood swings.”