Status: Active;;

Let's Make This Night a Classic


For the pass month I have been getting up at 7 am to be ready for school. I didn’t care about my looks or anything else about me. I was a tad bit over weight but I wasn’t trying to impress anyone. I had my friend and having one friend was the only thing I wanted or needed. I didn’t need a bunch of friend and I surely didn’t need a boyfriend. I heard a honk outside, telling me that Jaye was here. I grabbed my books and walked out to the car, an old slug bug. I hopped into the car and she was playing some kind of music.
“Did you get your history done?” Jaye asked.
“Of course I got it done. History is my favorite subject. Why? Did you?” I asked. Jaye shook her head. I gasp. It was the first time she didn’t get a subject done.
“Why? What’s wrong?” I asked reaching over and feeling her forehead.
“Nothing. I just….it just slip my mind.” She said. I shook my head but laughed. It was funny because I always forget to do my math. I hated math. I just don’t get it.
“Hey, I don’t like History just like you don’t like math. Piss off.” She laughed. I rolled my eyes.
“It also doesn’t help when your neighbor is up at all hours in the morning throwing a freaking party.” She said.
“What? Those Dawson’s throwing a party.” I asked.
“More like their son since they are out on a business thing or whatever my parents said.” She said.
“Rian and his stupid friends.” I said as I got of the car just to be pushed into the door.
“I don’t think that’s very nice, Galloway.” Alex Gaskarth said as he walked pasted me. I rolled my eyes. I hate that kid.
“Yeah and you suck, Gaskarth.” I mumbled. Jaye laughed as she grabbed my arm and pulled inside the building. We went separate ways to our lockers. I hate the fact that my last name was Galloway and my locker just had to be by Alex’s. I walked over, trying to get by without them noticing I was there. It didn’t happen. As soon as I opened my locker Rian was leaning against the other locker while Alex was leaning on his.
“What’s up, Galloway?” Rian asked. I rolled my eyes and continued to pull and put things from my locker.
“You aren’t going to say anything now because Rian and his ‘stupid friends’ are here.” Alex said.
“Go away.” I said slamming my locker door shut and turned around but they grabbed my arms and pushed me into my locker.
“Alex.” I heard someone shout. Alex let go of my arm and soon Rian did too. I looked at Rian and he just glared at me.
“This isn’t over with, Galloway.” He said.
“Whatever you say, Dawson Creek.” I said then ran off. I ran into my first class which was Science. I didn’t have Rian or Alex in that class but I did have Jack Barakat. Though he wasn’t as mean as the other two. I’m not even sure why Alex is mean to me and not Jaye. I honestly don’t. I sat down next to Jack because that was my signed seat. Jack wasn’t there yet. About two minutes before the bell Jack runs through the door.
“You got lucky, Barakat.” Our teacher said.
“No, I wish though. It’s been…” Jack started.
“Go sit down.” Mr. Jackson said pointing toward me. Jack walked over to his seat and sat down.
“I heard you called Rian a name.” Jack whispered.
“What would that name be?” I asked.
“Dawson Creek.” Jack laughed.
“Yeah.” I said.
“I loved it. Rian is so pissed.” Jack said. I just shrugged. I wasn’t trying to be mean to Jack but I just didn’t feel like getting into trouble with Mr. Jackson because the guy was a big douche bag. The rest of the day went by pretty fast and I did my best to avoid my locker because I did not want to deal with those idiots. So when the last bell rang, I met Jaye at her locker, then I got her keys, and then she went to my locker for me. Sometimes I never know when to keep my mouth shut and it can get me into trouble. I usually never like this at school though. I walked out to Jaye’s car but cursed myself when I saw Rian, Alex, Alex’s bitch for the week, and Jack leaning against her car. I walked over and tried to get inside the car.
“You have a problem with us, Galloway?” Rian asked. I shook my head but Alex’s bitch pushed me.
“Then why are you being such a fucking moron.” Alex said. I shrugged. She shoved me again, almost making me fall.
“Go away.” I said. She shoved me harder and I lost my balance and fell.
“Hey guys, leave her alone.” I heard Jack say. He walked up to me and held his hand out. I slapped it away and got up myself. I stood up and looked that girl in face.
“You’re just his flavor of the week, darling. You’ll be done with by Friday.” I said then go into the car just as Jaye walked up to the car. We drove off and Jaye just laughed.
“I cannot believe you just said that to her.” She said. I laughed.
“Neither can I.” I said. She dropped me off and I walked inside and went straight to my room, shutting the door and getting straight to my homework. As soon as I got this done, the sooner I get to watch my Criminal Minds.
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First chapter of a new story but this time I am not alone. I have a co writer. So please read this and if you like it then leave a comment.
Read&Comment are appreciated.... :D