We Fell Asleep


Bambi started jumping on our bed. I was still half asleep.
"Tommy! Tommy! Tommy!" She yelled and jumped on my back. "Wake up, wake up, wake up!" She climbed on top of me and opened my eyelids. "Wake up!"

She did this every morning. She laughed and continued to jump on me, and every morning I would roll over, turn on the light, and groan as it was 7:30 AM.

We were a bit north of Las Vegas in a light pink motel. We had boosted a dark blue coloured volvo, the perfect car for driving across the states. We went to a breakfast place, the Noon Mark Diner every day for a week. Every morning I got chocolate chip pancakes with bacon and a fried egg. Loads of syrup, but Bambi ate all of my whipped cream.

It was memories like this that I found myself coming back to.

"Jude says he'll be coming for breakfast." Bambi stated, nibbling on her home fry. I make a grunting noise, with bacon in my mouth. I grabbed the newspaper sitting beside me. May 21st 2045. Nothing had changed in this town in 50 years, I bet. Where were we anyways?

"Bambi, where are we?" She shrugged and scoured the rest of the customers, seeing if she could smoke. The newspaper didn't have anything to report.

She lit a cigarette and took a long drag. "Where should we go today?"

Jude slid into the booth beside me, "Hey." I said quietly. We hadn't spoken very much lately.

"How did you sleep, Jude?" Bambi asked, offering him some homefries.

"Alright," He replied. He never seemed to say much, but I was sure much more went on in his head. The waitress came back and he ordered eggs. I liked Jude and Raphael a lot, but they were like drug addicts; dependant, tired, and always the same blank look. The two of them were attached at the hip, and it was unusual that just Jude had come to breakfast. They were both obsessed with other people's memories and that's what they did, float between thoughts and experience other people's experiences. They would travel together and feel the same things as one other person.


Bambi decided to go get more smokes and she wanted to walk back anyways so we left her at the diner and Jude and I drove off back to the motel, both of us had found different memories. When we got there Raphael was on the front deck.

Memories don't last forever, Jude told me. But he was lying, you can live it every day, but it will change and evolve so it's nothing like it used to be. Bad memories turned good by reliving it every day. It just hurts, so much. Having different people saying it was the worst day of their life, and you can't stop reliving it the way you wanted it to be.

I woke up panting and in a cold sweat. He died, I didn't die. This had never happened before. But I felt being stabbed. It was so real, it was me. Wasn't it? I was shaking on my bed and heard one of the springs pop.

Jude and I went for a drive and I told him about it.

"Oh, I've died before too. " He said, turning into an empty lot of land. It had a nice view of a canyon. "I've been hit by a car many times. Never been shot, but I'm waiting for the right one. And drowned. That was scary."

I looked over to him, he seemed passive. I frowned, "Don't you think that's kinda fucked up?"

He shrugged, and pulled the keys out of the ignition. I grabbed the pack of cigarettes sitting inside the secret glasses compartment.
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haven't posted anything in a while but this is old