
“It’s not personal,” Zack is saying, and for once, Brandon agrees with him. Which is all wrong. “It’s easily done. Sometimes, in a fucked-up situation, a person just needs comfort, and sex is just that. I’ve done it.”

Madison lifts her head and gives him a look which is both doubtful and ‘Yes, I’m sure you have’.

Brandon frowns, scrubs through wet hair and tries to remember where he’s heard those words before in a very similar context.

In a fucked-up situation...

‘I think sex is generally a good call in most fucked-up situations... wars. Deaths. Rehab. Sudden... acquisition of children.’

Cody... Cody had indirectly admitted to having sex whilst in rehab, hadn’t he? And Zack. What was it that Lupe had implied... that Zack was jealous of Brandon? Brandon’s head spins, and hurts, and his self-control is shot to hell.

“You and Cody had sex in rehab!” he blurts, glaring at Zack.