The plane ride was exhausting, it wasn't any first class flight and the people around me were loud and obnoxious. The man next to me made conversation and apparently he is headed to Florida to visit his grandchildren because his cancer is really starting to hit him, sad. I had to wait a full hour before a taxi stopped for me, during that hour i smoked with a random guy named..Alex?
I don't care what his name was but screw it, he had cigarettes.
But now i sit in the taxi, the road seems endless and the driver has a awful smell to him that i can hardly bare any longer. The sun is bright through the clouds, i guess i'll have to buy new clothes.. my skinny jeans will kill me in this weather. Its hard to picture me living here, i hope my mom will get better soon. I could fit in here but it wouldn't make a difference, because i already hate it here.
The taxi driver turns on the radio and it feels like i've spent hours in this car, he must not have air conditioning because i'm sweating to death and I cant get comfortable. I just sit here worrying about what the next hour will bring. I worry about my dads reaction to me, what he will say, what he might do. God, its a fucking nightmare picturing him and now i'm about to live with him.
We finally pull up to the house, it's actually pretty nice which surprises me. Its small and way to close to the house next door but it sets itself on the beach which has always been a wanting of mine, i could picture myself living on the beach but i much prefer the city lights.
I hand the taxi driver the money I owe him and get my suitcases from the trunk..
"Well here goes nothing" I think to myself.
I was frightened at what might lye ahead. My heart beat sped up and I felt nauseous, damn i really don't want to go in. But I pull myself together and walk to the front door..ring or knock?, he should know i'm coming.. the courts should have told him. I hope.
I knock on the front door a few times before entering, my stomach began to whirl. I feel weird just walking in like this but whatever.
"Hello?...Dad?" I shouted but got no reply. The house was beautiful on the inside, it shocked me. Was this the right house? It was beautifully decorated, and had a nice cherry smell to it. I walked around the house a few times, but it seems like no one is home. I went into the kitchen and got a glass of water, the heat was terrible outside but i couldn't change into some shorts till i knew where my room was, i wonder if I could change in the bathroom...Probably not.
It wasn't till i put the glass cup away that i every picture there was dad with some lady, a teenager boy around my age and a little girl...Dad had remarried? That would make sense to the nice decorating, dad wasn't ever in to decoration. I looked close at the pictures, he looked different. Maybe it wasn't him, i hope not. Bastard doesn't deserve another family after what he did to mine.
I jumped to the noise of the front door opening..
"Baya?! Your home already? Hi babygirl!" He looked so different.
"...Dad?" Incredible.
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i dont like this chapter it isnt my best work . . .