From the Darkness

Part 8

At a table in the corner of the inn, the two elves sat down. Samael fixed his eyes on the sentinel, saying nothing. After a moment, she smiled. "You remind me of a hawk, Samael. Never speaking, just watching."

Samael's gaze never wavered. "You wouldn't search for me at the inn unless you had something to tell me, Veretha."

Veretha Starshimmer's smiled faded. "A caravan was attacked close to the Darkshore-Ashenvale border two days ago. Four casualties. One survivor. He made it to Orendil's Retreat and informed the sentinels."

The sentinel fell silent, waiting for Samael's reaction. Seeing none, Veretha continued. "The casualties included two draenei." At this, Samael raised an eyebrow. It was unusual for draenei to travel the roads of Darkshore. If they came at all, they spent only the briefest time at Lor'danel, before moving on by sea or air.

Veretha's voice took on a hard edge. "My unit was dispatched to investigate. We found the caravan." Veretha wavered slightly, her forehead wrinkling in remembrance. "It was a bloodbath. The draenei...there was hardly anything left of them. If their blood wasn't blue, I doubt if we would have been able to identify them."

Samael leaned forward. "How does this pertain to me? Get to the point, Veretha."

She did not smile this time. She also leaned forward, and her voice dropped in volume. "Samael, another attack was recorded a week and a half ago. This one was near Orendil's Retreat itself. A mother and her son vanished from their hut. A similar scenario to the caravan. A lot of blood, but hardly any bodies."

This time, she did get a reaction. Samael's hand shot out and grabbed her wrist, hard enough to make her wince. His voice, low and husky, sounded close to her. His eyes were cold, but he seemed charged. Alive with energy and possibility.

"Veretha, do not lie to me. I am tired of chasing ghosts and spectres. It is him?"

Veretha hesitated for a few moments, but seeing Samael's eyes, she finally spoke. "It seems to be the same modus operandi as his previous killings. It's the strongest lead have since that business in Ashenvale."

Samael rose without saying a word. Pausing at the bar, he went behind it, coming out with a travel pack and his crossbows, all of which he slung over his wiry shoulders. His sheathed blade was returned to his hip, and with a slight nod at Veretha, Samael Moonskin walked out of the inn and into the night.

Veretha Starshimmer lowered her gaze to the table in front of her, and her thoughts returned to the scenes of carnage she had beheld over the past fortnight. She would never tell Samael, but she was nervous. Whatever had caused these deaths was extremely dangerous, and she had her doubts that Samael would be able to handle it, even with his skills and single-mindedness.

Be careful, my friend, she thought. If it is Morvai, he will not make it easy for you. You are gambling with your life, Samael. Do not lose...