Status: Updated Whenever

Color Me Adventurously

School Yard Scuffles

BravePadfoot leaned back onto Olivia's lap, watching the comings and goings of his fellow Maplers. He'd been chatting with a couple friends of his before they went on hunting but he decided to stay on afk. Now he was kicking himself for that decision. Henesys was only entertaining for so long before it wasn't.

Maybe he should find a way to possess another character. Except that there was a limit on how many he could possess. Six, he thought. Six characters and he had...

Darn. He couldn't make anymore. Not without going to the Cash Shop and he had no intention of doing that. NX was expensive and he'd already run out of good scrolls to sell. He didn't have maple equips either...

Oh, that was an idea. BravePadfoot stood up and Olivia disappeared before he could even think about it. But he wouldn't have thought about it anyway. He'd been in the Maple World since his dear mad cousin shot an Avada Kedavra at him and he fallen through the Veil of Death. Imagine his surprised when he found himself not in a fluffy white heaven or a flaming red hell, but in an multi-colored dimension with really cute monsters!

He'd been delighted to see the differences between the Maple World and the Real World. This kind of diminished when he realized that there was a Black Mage trapped somewhere, but it didn't really effect anything so he was glad.

That was until the boss monsters got trapped into these Mystic Gates about a year ago. Bloody things wouldn't open until he'd done the Silent Crusade quests. Of course he had done them but now he could only enter about 20 times a day. He was at level 198 for crying out loud! What good was that limit going to do for him? None, that's the answer! Absolutely, none!

Then, a couple months ago he'd decided to travel from Orbis to El Nath (for no reason other than boredom) and discovered he couldn't go straight down the tower anymore because it was caved in. What was the point in doing that, oh Maple Administrator?

Now he had to pay that Magic Spot gem to get between the different levels layers. 5000 mesos; it was preposterous!

At any rate, he ended his rant, he had to get to school. There were some maple equips he could get from there and also quite a lot of experience. He made his way to the Homeroom Teacher whose name he didn't know, and spoke to her. Or rather he let her berate him for not being in school on what he knew to be a Saturday (he had asked a buddy earlier) and she sent him to Red Leaf High.

Once upon a time, being sent to school meant getting onto a scarlet steam engine labelled “Hogwarts Express” and sitting there for about six hours. Muggles, he knew, would have gotten onto these yellow buses and made faces out the windows as people passed in the streets. Now BravePadfoot, then known as Sirius Black, didn't know much about muggles but he remembered that part because he'd make faces back at them.

He grinned at the memory until he also recalled that it was usually followed by a sharp crack on the back of the head and the irate voice of his mother.

Meh, that was all over. He no longer had to deal with his beloved mother, or his mad cousin, or his other stuck-up cousin, or Snivellus, or Lord OldFart, or even Albus Dumbledore!

“BravePadfoot,” someone sneered before he could talk to Homeroom Teacher and get sent into class.

“Yep. That's me.”

“Sounds like that idiotic nickname my cousin used when he was in Hogwarts.” BravePadfoot turned and stared at the snarling, snapping character. AquilaStar.

“AquilaStar, sorta sounds like something my family would of used.”

“You're not him are you?”


AquilaStar slashed her staff through the air in fury which BravePadfoot found quite amusing. “What are you laughing at, blood-traitor?”

“Oh, just that you died and got sent here. It must be frustrating to know you can't kill anyone but cute, cuddly monsters.”

Of course, BravePadfoot wasn't lying about this fact. Any monster in his position would have been completely obliterated by AquilaStar's attacks. But BravePadfoot was an adventurer, or well in this case a member of the Resistance, a DemonSlayer. For the hell of it, BravePadfoot used his demon lash and the two sent useless attacks at each other.

“Noobs,” someone said as they passed by.

“WHAT?! I am no noob, you filth! Take it back!”

BravePadfoot face-palmed. How had he forgotten about that? But first there was a very important school lesson he must attend!

“Meet me back here in 10 min. We're taking this fight to the Battle Arena!”

“What's is that?”

“An arena, where we can fight. Winner leaves the Maple World in disgrace!” BravePadfoot moved back to the Homeroom Teacher and spoke to her. She gave him a key. “Or, well, you can't leave Maple World, but you'll be living in it disgraced. Until you challenge someone else. Merlin, you're such a noob, Trixie!”

He left an enraged AquilaStar behind who had now resumed sending magic attacks at him. Oh, he'd always loved making her mad. Such sweet revenge.