On Top of the World

I'm learning to fall, I can hardly breathe..

[[Martin's POV]]

In the incredibly short time that I've been with Frank today, I have successfully succeeded in finding out absolutely nothing about him. He's been very fucking shy, his voice leaving him the second we crawled up into bed together. It wasn't like we were doing anything too particularly provocative, we were both still completely clothed, well, except for our shoes that we both removed the second we got inside. Even though he's laying down against my chest, there seemed to be this distance between us, like he was somehow so far away from me.

I couldn't figure out exactly what was making me feel so damn funny. I'd been so sure that he liked me before, but for some reason, it seemed like he was afraid of me. This frightened me to no end.

I shivered as I felt his fingers brush against my skin. My heart melted as he leaned his head up from its previous position on my chest, which is now where his chin was resting, my fingers playing mindlessly with his incredibly soft hair. He grinned up at me, and I couldn't help but smile back.

"What's up, buttercup?"

My words made him giggle this sweet little infectious tune as he buried his face in my favorite hoodie, his fingers once more sliding carelessly along the skin by the hem of my shirt. As he grinned up at me again, with this curious look of wonder in his eyes, I can't help but sigh.

I am no stranger to having company over when my mother isn't home, but... this is Frank. It has nothing to do with the fact that he isn't a girl, nor does it have anything to do with the fact that I just met him.

I have never felt this way about anyone before. I've never melted by just a simple touch, or a simple smile, or a simple giggle. Everything about Frank made me melt, every time he touched me it was so innocent, almost like he was afraid to. Every time he smiled at me it was so shy, so fucking cute. And don't even get me started on how those cute little giggles of his made me feel. Those touches, those smiles, and those giggles from Frank were far from simple; they do something to me that I have absolutely no words to describe. They make me feel free, feel happy, feel... invincible.

There is just this cuteness that radiates off of him, and I can't help but find myself questioning why Frank is even here with me in the first place. What could have possibly possessed an angel like him to want to be here with me? What in the world did I do to get this lucky, to have him lying here on my chest like this?

I haven't done anything to deserve having him cuddled up next to me. I am a loser with ridiculous hair, a busted lip, and my arm is in a sling. What the fuck makes me worthy of someone like him?

I know that I am no good for him, this innocent little angel, that is damn near perfect in every way. What the hell was I thinking when I invited him here to begin with? He seems so young, so pure; I will taint him for sure. I'm suddenly so afraid to touch him, for fear of ruining him.

I am smiling down at him, but inside my heart is breaking. Frank is too good for me, too good to be true.

The grin on his face is fading now, I can see there are questions swimming in those pretty green eyes of his. He's probably wondering what he's done wrong, and the answer to that, is that he is just too fucking perfect. But neither of us speak. Words are too fragile, too unnecessary, and will just fuck things up even worse than they already are.

I notice that Frank is now biting his lip, his eyes scanning mine for some sort of a response to the questions he's dying to ask, but still, neither of mutter one single word. The Brand New CD that we had previously been listening to has long since stopped, and the only sound that can be heard are the sounds of our heavy heartbeats and our unsteady breathing.

He places a hand on my cheek, his fingers caressing my skin so softly that my eyes flutter shut. Before I know it, I can feel his lips hovering just above mine, tickling my skin as I continue this inner battle in my head. I want so much to touch him, feel him, taste him - but for some ridiculously odd reason... this suddenly feels wrong.

With one very elegant movement, he brushes his lips against mine, therefore closing the gap between us. All of my previous thoughts quickly flew out the window, along with all inhibitions and my sudden self-hatred.

My right hand immediately attaches to his neck, bringing our lips even closer together. I can feel his heartbeat, I can hear him moaning quietly as our lips continue to dance together.

This is the best kiss I have ever had.

I leaned us up from our lying position on my bed, lips still attached, fingers still grazing, moans growing in volume as we are somehow brought closer together, closer than ever before. I break away just so I could look at him, my fingers still caressing his skin, now playing absent-mindedly with his hair.

"You are an amazing kisser, Frank," I admit without even realizing it. Before I have a chance to be embarrassed by my sudden outburst, I notice the blush of pink that has tinted his cheeks, and I realize that I have no reason to be embarrassed by anything, and that I wasn't wrong for kissing him, because the shy look on his face was quite simply the cutest thing I have ever seen in my life. I have made him speechless, and even though he can't bring himself to look at me, I can see that he is smiling.

I placed my fingers under his chin, gently pulling his face toward mine so I can look him in those sparkling green eyes of his once again. I can't stop myself from smiling, from beaming inside.

Those butterflies have come back, and I am no longer against the idea of him being here with me. I leaned back against the headboard, and pulled him into my lap, sighing happily as he rested his forehead against mine, his arms falling limply around my shoulders, my own arm draping lazily across his waist.

"You know, Frank..." I began, not being able to control the words that are just falling right off my tongue, so quickly that my brain isn't able to comprehend them in time for me to stop myself.

"What?" He whispered, his voice is so shy, so small. I place my lips to his once again, just to confirm the next few words that I am about to tell him.

I pulled away, grinning as I realize that his eyes are still closed. I wait for him to open them, my heart pounding faster than ever, the knowledge of how to breathe completely escaping me. He opens his eyes and smiles at me, and I just can't help myself.

"I think I'm falling for you, Frank..."