On Top of the World

I used to waste my time dreaming of being alive...

''You... You what?''

After the initial shock of what I think Martin just said, those were the only words I was able to spit out.

He giggled, and I swear I saw a blush of pink kiss both of his cheeks. He tucked a piece of hair behind my ear, and cleared his throat before he spoke again, his pretty blue eyes absolutely glittering as he traced the pattern of a heart on my hand.

''I said, I think I'm falling for you, Frank,'' he repeated, the grin never faltering from his gorgeous face.

''Wow,'' was all I could say. I was grinning like an idiot, and didn't quite know what to say to that. ''Martin, I-''

''It's okay Frankie,'' he cut me off, kissing my lips to do so. ''You don't have to say it back if you're not ready to. I know its sudden, I just really needed to let you know how I feel.''

I sighed with relief. He must have known I wasn't quite ready to tell him that I was falling for him, too. The truth is, I am falling for him... I'm just having a hard time finding the right words in order to tell him so.

I then looked down at my hand, and swore I could see that little heart that he had just traced. I grinned; admitting my feelings suddenly didn't seem like such a hard thing to do anymore.

''Well that's just it, Martin,'' I began, finally finding the courage to speak my true feelings. He looked at me with great interest, his eyes sparkling with curiosity.

''Yes, Frankie?''

I couldn't help myself. Martin melted me. He made me blush. He made me smile. I need to tell him everything.

''I've never felt this way before,'' I admitted shyly, my eyes darting away from him to my fingers that were twiddling aimlessly in my lap.

''I don't exactly know what this funny feeling that I've been feeling in the pit of my stomach is, but I do know that it began the second I laid eyes on you, and has only gotten stronger every time I see you, or every time I think of you... which is all the time...''

I mumbled that last part, my eyes refusing to leave my fingers, which were now covered by Martin's as he laced them with his.

''Aww Frankie,'' he whispered, his voice sounding as if it were a little choked up. He lifted my chin gently with his fingers, and that's when I finally saw the look on his face.

He was so happy, it almost looked like he was about to cry. I couldn't believe my words had that kind of effect on him!

Suddenly finding this courage I never knew I had, I placed my lips tenderly against his, threading my fingers in his hair as I did so. Martin moaned out in surprise, but quickly reacted by elaborately placing his hand on my neck, deepening the kiss.

''I'm definitely falling for you too, Martin,'' I told him once I pulled away, staring deep into his crystal blue eyes. He tightened his grip even tighter around me, which was pretty impressive since one of his arms was still in a sling.

As I caressed his cheek I added, ''In fact, I think I fell a long time ago.''

''Is that so?'' Martin asked, a shy grin on his face. I nodded, and giggled as I felt him kiss my cheek a bunch of times.

''Then... What would you say if I asked you to be my boyfriend?''

The second those words fell from his lips, I gasped. I was completely not expecting him to ask me to be his boyfriend, to be his.

''Really?'' I squeaked, my smile so wide it was making my cheeks hurt. He nodded, and I couldn't stop myself from shrieking with excitement as I pounced on top of him, kissing his entire face as I did so.

Giggling from below me, he asked, ''So I take that as a yes?''

I stopped kissing him, my lips just hovering over his as I shook my head. He gave me a confused look, but I simply smiled and pressed my lips to his once again.

''It's a hell yes,'' I whispered against his lips, and felt him smile.

''Really?'' he asked, his blue eyes sparkling like never before. I nodded, and watched as he sighed in what looked to be content, a happy grin still gracing his features.

''Come here,'' he instructed me, as I happily laid my head down on the pillow next to him. He threaded his fingers with mine, and stared at me with stars in his eyes. ''I've never had a boyfriend before...''

''Me either,'' I replied, grinning shyly. ''I've never even been kissed before you kissed me the other day...''

''No fucking way!''

I giggled, ''Yep, you were my first kiss.''

''That I don't believe,'' he said, staring at me in disbelief. ''Well, I hope you realize those lips of yours are mine now, and I get to kiss them as much as I want.''

''Oh yeah?'' I replied, raising an eyebrow as he hovered just above me.


With his declaration, he attacked my face and neck with as many kisses as he possibly could, which of course caused me to shriek and squirm and giggle in response.

He stopped suddenly, my giggles subsiding as well as he grinned down at me, stroking my cheek gently. As I captured his lips with mine, I realized this has been the best day of my life.


I squirmed around uncomfortably, and nearly jumped when I felt the arm that was wrapped around me tighten.


I was almost afraid that everything that had just happened between Martin and I was just a dream, until my eyes flew open and saw that he was still sleeping soundly. I heard a car door slam outside, and felt him stir just slightly underneath me.

''Frankie,'' he mumbled, blinking his eyes a few times. ''Come back to sleep, baby.''

He pulled me back down on top of him, my heart skipping a beat because he just called me 'baby'. He kissed my temple, and just as I felt my eyes flutter shut, I heard the front door slam, followed by a female voice.

''Martin, honey! I'm home!''

''Oh shit,'' I mumbled, trying desperately to figure out how I was supposed to escape.

''Martin,'' I shook him gently, but he didn't wake up. ''Fuck!''

I heard the sound of her voice and her foot steps get closer and closer, and knew that I needed to get out of here, and fast. I slipped on my messenger bag and only one of my shoes because I couldn't find the other one, just in time to hear the door handle begin to jiggle.

''What the fuck do I do...?''
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Happy birthday, Martin Johnson!

In celebration of Mr. Spiky Cutiepie's 23rd birthday, I decided to make them an official couple. yayyy... comments? :)