On Top of the World

...Now I only waste it dreaming of you.

[[Martin’s POV]]

“Martin honey…”

I grinned, and turned over on my stomach so I could snuggle up even closer to Frankie. I frowned; feeling nothing but fumbled blankets when I reached over. I blinked sleepily and looked down at the obvious emptiness that surrounded me on the bed.



I yelped at the sound of my mother’s voice, and found myself scrambling to collect myself. I sat up on the bed and rubbed my eyes, wracking my brain so I could give her an explanation as to why I just mentioned Frank’s name out loud.

“Sorry mom, I must have been dreaming,” I said sleepily, giving her my best grin.

“Aww honey, those meds must have knocked you out,” she cooed, feeling my forehead. “How are you feeling?”

“Much better, actually,” I replied, glancing over my shoulder and all around my room for any sign of Frank. I know he had been here, everything that happened was way too real to be just a simple dream.

Question is, where had he disappeared off to?

“Well that’s good,” she replied, kissing my forehead. “I just came home to check on you, I’ll be home later this afternoon.”

I smiled at her as she got up from my bed, and headed towards the door. “Have you eaten anything yet?”

I shook my head, stretching a bit just to add for dramatic effect.

“Okay, well I’ll leave some cash on the table for you, you can order pizza or Chinese if you want,” she said, walking over to plant another kiss on my head. I hugged her, and muttered, “Thanks mama, I’ll see you tonight.”

“Bye honey.”

And with that, she departed from my room, and I immediately began my search for my missing boyfriend. Boyfriend. Just the thought of Frankie being my boyfriend made me smile, but there was other business at hand, I couldn’t think about that right now.

I immediately locked my bedroom door, to prevent any more interruptions from my mom.

“Frank!” I whispered, rather loudly. I jumped as I heard a giggle come the opposite side of the room, and headed straight for the closet. I opened the double doors and found exactly what I was looking for as my eyes fell upon Frank, who had a mischievous look on his face.

“Oh how cliché,” I smiled at him, taking him by the hand so I could help him out of his closet sanctuary. “I thought you came out of the closet a long time ago.”

He was already struggling to keep from laughing, and my little remark made him laugh even harder.

Dude, my mom’s still here!” I pleaded, but it did no good.

With a smirk on my face, I knew exactly what to do in order to shut him up. I pressed my lips gently to his, immediately placing my free hand in his hair. His laughter was quickly replaced by soft moans as he kissed me back, both of his arms fluttering tightly around my waist.

Needless to say, I think I took his breath away.

Once I heard the front door slam, I pulled away, grinning down at him.

“Well, that’s one way to shut me up,” Frankie said, giving me a wink.

“Oh, ha ha,” I fake laughed, kissing his cheek one more time before collapsing on my bed. “Fuck, that was a close one.”

“You’re telling me!” Frank exclaimed, collapsing next to me. “I was scared shitless, I heard her coming and I had no idea what to do so I just hopped in the closet.”

“Well played,” I grinned, as he laced his fingers with mine.

“You're telling me, I thought you were busted for sure when you mentioned my name!”

“It’s a good thing I’m charming,” I piped up, obviously joking.

“Yep. We are some clever little fuckers, aren’t we?”

I nodded, giggling to myself as I noticed that little slip of profanity came from my cute little Frankie. It sounded so foreign coming from him, but it was still adorable.

“What’s so funny?” he questioned, his eyes locking with mine as I pulled him closer to me.

“Nothing darling,” I replied, noticing how he blushed every time I called him by some sort of pet name. I made a mental note to do it as much as possible, then proceeded to press my lips to his once again.

“You are just too fucking adorable, that’s all…”

He bit his lip as he grinned up at me shyly, placing a quick kiss on my cheek as he snuggled peacefully in to my side.

''So... What do you suggest we do now?''

''Well, we can go get something to eat, if you want,'' I replied, stroking his hair.

''That sounds like a plan, I'm actually pretty starving,'' Frank responded, instantly sitting up.

''Hey hey,'' I piped up, smirking at him as I pulled him back down on top of me. ''Not so fast, cutie pie.''

I grinned as he kissed me gently, running his fingers through my hair, elaborately slipping his tongue in my mouth which left me absolutely breathless.

He stood up then and took my hand in his, helping me up from the bed as well. We slid our shoes on and grabbed whatever it was that we had discarded since we'd gotten here - wallet, keys, messenger bag, etc., and we set out on our next adventure for the day.

''So Frankie,'' I began, slipping my hand loosely in his. There were still tons of questions I was dying to ask him, and figured now would be the perfect opportunity to ask them.

He clutched my hand tighter and looked up at me, giving me his full attention. ''Yeah?''

''How old are you, exactly?''

That question made him stop in his tracks as he stared blankly at the sidewalk in front of him. ''I'll be sixteen on Halloween,'' he replied quietly, a light blush covering his cheeks.

''Aww, that's so cute,'' I gushed, pulling him closer to me by wrapping my arm around his waist. ''I like that you're younger than me.''

''You do?'' He asked, his voice still so quiet. I nodded in response to his question; No wonder he was so shy and afraid to touch me, he was only fifteen.

''I think its adorable Frank, I really do,'' I replied, kissing his forehead. ''I'm not much older than you, I'm only sixteen.''

Frank smiled. I did leave out the part that I turn seventeen in only two weeks, however. He was feeling young enough, I didn't want to make him feel any younger.

''Yeah, but I still feel so shy around you. I'm afraid I won't be able to keep you happy,'' Frank admitted, his voice still as quiet as before.

''Frankie, you don't have to worry about that-''

''No Martin, I do,'' Frank cut me off, his voice finally growing in volume as he stopped us again, weaving his fingers under my shirt, placing them on the small of my back. He looked me in the eyes, as he said, ''I want so much to touch you, and feel you, and I'm so afraid I won't be any good-''

I pressed my lips to his quickly, just so he didn't have to finish that sentence. There was no need for him to.

''All in time, Frankie,'' I grinned at him, kissing his temple.

We resumed our walk, and turned on to one of the busiest streets in the city, lined with various shops and restaurants. Frank seemed to be relieved by my response, but still looked a bit apprehensive. I needed to show him that I meant what I said about everything that's going to happen between us would happen when the moment is right...

Just as we stepped in front of one of my favorite restaurants, a diner that serves breakfast all day, I got my chance. I pulled Frank around to the side of the building, and pushed him gently against the wall, twirling a lock of his hair in my fingers as I pressed my lips gently to his, my heart skipping a beat as I heard him moan out in surprise.

He wrapped his arms tightly around my waist, securing me closer to him than before. I could feel his heart beating just as fast as mine is, and for the first time, I'm not afraid to be this close to him, to feel every part of his body as I'm pressed up against him.

''Just so you know, Frankie,'' I began, watching as he looked up at me curiously. ''I don't have much experience either. I've kissed quite a few girls, but it never felt right. Since I've met you, I know why. I've been waiting for the right person to come around before I decided to take it any further, and I know now that person is definitely you.''

Frank pressed his lips to mine again, kissing me just as gently as before. That kiss took my breath away again, and turned my knees to jelly as I leaned my forehead against his, trying my hardest to regain my composure.

''We don't have to rush at all, okay? I promise, I am so happy with simply being with you,'' I informed him, kissing his cheek.

''Whenever you're ready, whenever we're both ready, is when well take it any further, okay Frankie?''

He nodded. ''Okay,'' Frank grinned at me, curling himself into my chest. He fit so perfectly there, it felt so right holding him so close to me like this.

And it was in this moment, as I kiss the top of my boyfriend's temple which falls perfectly on my lips when I hold him this way, I feel like the missing puzzle piece from my life is finally now in place, and I am whole.
♠ ♠ ♠
Boy, do Court and I have a surprise for you.

My Submission, Your Addiction
