On Top of the World

It never felt so good to be so wrong

"Meet me under the bleachers. I need to talk to you. - Martin."

My fingers were shaking as I reread over and over the words that were scribbled oh-so-beautifully on that little piece of notebook paper. He had an adorable handwriting... it was scratchy and small, and very messy but... it suited him.

Bleachers... Martin... MIKEY!

I almost forgot that I needed to meet Mikey for lunch! But this is way too fucking important... why in the world did Martin Johnson want to see me under the bleachers? It must be something pretty important, considering he was waiting for me by my locker this morning, too...

I ran to the cafeteria to find my friend, my eyes searching every table until I finally spotted him. He was eating alone, and I hated to do this to him, but meeting Martin was something that had to be done.

"Mikey, I'm sorry but I have to go do something real quick, I'll see you in gym okay?" I said to him breathlessly, and rather quickly.

He nodded and gave me a funny look, and with that I was off. I practically sprinted outside to the football field, a million and one things running through my mind. I made my way over to the bleachers. Hopefully he was still there...

And sure enough, there he was. He was leaning up against a pole with one leg propped up, biting his nails as if he was nervous. I made him nervous. He made my heart swell.

"Hey," I said, making him look up at me.

He smiled, but just for a second. He was happy I came. He had no idea if I would, and because I did, I made him happy. He made my heart do back flips.

"Listen, Frank. I'm sorry. It's just that I'm on the football team, and they'll fucking cut me if I don't do as they say. If I pick on you, it's not personal, I promise," he admitted softly, his eyes fixated on the ground. He kicked a pebble that was lying there, and we both watched as it ricocheted off the metal of the bleachers.

"Are you fucking kidding me? Why would you do anything you don't want to do just because they said for you to do it? It makes no sense to me," I fought back, folding my arms in front of my chest. I was so upset to hear him say those words to me. In fact, I was furious. How dare those idiots try to change him into something he so clearly isn't?

"Because I love to play football. It makes me happy," he said, sighing in what seemed like defeat. "I'll do anything to play, and besides, I'm good at it. You saw for yourself yesterday."

He shot me a funny look, one that said he caught me spying on him. I couldn't help but laugh and ruffle my hair up a bit. I always did that when I was nervous.

All of a sudden, there was a lot of commotion and I was pushed forward, nearly falling flat on my face. I turned to see a big group of football players form a wall between the opening of the bleachers.

My heart sank and my stomach became uneasy, but not because of all of them. Because of Martin... had he lead me out here on purpose? I felt completely sick to my stomach as that realization hit me, that this was all about him wanting to trap me, to lure me out here just so he could get the better of me. Just like I did to him yesterday....

"Is that why you asked me to meet you here, you dick?" I spat at him, pointing to the cavalry that appeared behind me.

"No! I really I had no id-"

"We followed you out here, fagboy! We're going to have us a good little time, aren't we, Martin?"

That was said by the big goon from yesterday, as he continued to shove me around a little bit more. I kept my cool and stared at him with an annoyed expression on my face, as if what he was doing didn't phase me at all.

Martin's eyes were wide and apologetic, as he hung his head low. I hated this. I hated this so fucking much.

"Now Martin. Are you going to beat this kid or not?" One of the guys asked him.

His eyes scanned over me, concern and denial etched across his features. He gulped and clenched his fist, and I knew what was coming. But instead of trying to fight it, I let him hit me. Once in my ribs, exactly the same spot as yesterday, then again in my jaw.

However, this time it only looked like he hit me with a lot of force. Truth was, he barely hit me at all. Thank goodness I was a big wrestling fan, I knew how to fake those punches and made them look real.

They all congratulated him and walked off, leaving us alone again. I was on the ground, looking as if I was keeled over in pain. Thankfully that wasn't really the case.

I simply stayed right where I was, trying to make sense of what just happened. He went along and gave them what they wanted... yet didn't hurt me in the slightest, in turn giving me what I wanted.

But what did he want...?

He groaned loudly, finally releasing his head from his hands. When he looked up, he noticed me still lying on the ground and immediately rushed over to me.

"Frankie... are you okay? I didn't hurt you did I?" He asked, staring down at me, concern etched across that pretty face of his. He called me Frankie... I lovedit.

He leaned over to help me up, but I grabbed his arm and pulled him down on top of me, catching him in a deep, passionate kiss. My first kiss with Martin. Our first kiss.

My first kiss ever...

He tried to wriggle free for a total of two seconds, but then relaxed on top of me and tangled his hands in my hair and began kissing me back. He pulled away shortly after, leaving me breathless and starstruck by him. He was an amazing kisser!

"How did you know, Frank...?"

He asked, staring down at me in what seemed like awe, his beautiful blue eyes continuously searching mine for some sort of answer. It was adorable, as if he was trying to solve a puzzle and simply couldn't.

"One word. Guyliner," I replied, laughing.

He kept smiling down at me and connected his lips with mine again, this time running his tongue along my bottom lip which sent shivers down my spine. He then slid it oh so beautifully and skillfully inside my mouth, making me shudder beneath him.

I'd never kissed anyone before... let alone with my tongue. I was pretty nervous that I would be awful at it. He opened his mouth just slightly as if he was begging for it, and that was all the encouragement I needed to quit being a wuss and just go for it.

I slipped my tongue inside his mouth, tasting him for the very first time. He tasted as delicious as he looked! We continued our kiss for a minute or two longer, before I broke away and added, "Besides, you're way too pretty to be straight."

He burst out laughing and I couldn't help but notice how adorable his laugh was.

He reached his arm out for me again, helping me to my feet for real this time. I dusted myself off and realized he was staring at me. He came over to me and pushed me up against the wall of the bleachers and continued to stare at me. I was so in awe that he was letting me be this close to him, that I completely forgot to be insecure that he was eyeing me so intently. For the first time in my life, I felt truly beautiful.

"You are so gorgeous, Frank..." he whispered, caressing my cheek with his index finger. He brushed his lips lightly against mine, cupping my cheeks and making me completely melt under his touch. My arms quickly latched around his neck, deepening the kiss as much as I possibly could.

The bell began to ring, making us both moan out in protest as we were forced to break away from each other. I wasn't so mad anymore, that moan was fucking sexy. I'd do anything to be able to hear it again....

"You have gym last period, right?" He asked, staring shyly at the ground.

"Yeah, why?" I replied, beaming because I made him shy. He made my heart flutter.

"Well, I'll sneak in and come see you. I'm the QB, I get to pretty much make my own rules. I'll see you then, okay?"

He went to give me a kiss on the cheek, but I decided I'd do him one better. I turned my head and grabbed ahold of him, making his lips crash into mine one last time. He let them linger there for a good minute or two, smiling happily at me when he pulled away.

I adored him. I absolutely adored him...

"Thanks, Frank," he said softly, his sparkling blue eyes staring deep into mine. He began walking away then, his eyes never breaking contact with mine as he disappeared back into the main school building.

"Well, that's one way to fight off your enemies..." I mumbled, laughing to my audience of absolutely nobody.

As I walked back towards my next class, the realization about what just happened finally sunk in. I just spent the past half hour making out with the one boy that made me weak in the knees.

I was officially addicted to Martin, the way he kissed me, and the way he made me feel. What a day this was turning into... and the best part was, it wasn't over yet.

Gym class can't come quick enough...